An ending to start a new beginning.

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"I'm gonna fucking kill him" Daryl grunted. "No babe we need him to get Beth and Carol back. Ricks gone after him. I'm fine." I state. "How's your head" he asks as he turns to face me. "Its fine. I'm fine" I try and reassure. Daryl nodds and kisses my forehead.
Addison and Noah walk over. "Hey Mom" "Hey sweetheart what's up?" I ask. "Sasha found this Tylenol in one of the police officers pockets." She says and hands me them. "Thanks" "I'll go get you some water" Noah says and walks off. Addie smiles at him. "What's going on with you and Noah?" I ask with a smile. "Nothing." She says innocently. "Really" "He's nice to me. Sweet. We Like some of the same stuff. He's around my age. It's good to have someone who isn't a billion years older then me." She says lowly. "A billion years older then you?" "You know what I mean." She laughs. Noah then walks back over and hands me a bottle of water. "Thanks Noah" "mhmm"
15 minutes later.
Rick walks back in.... without Lamson. "Did he get away?" I ask. "He's dead." Let's get on with the plan. Everyone pack your shit." He says with no remorse. He wouldn't make eye contact with me. He walks to the far side of the building floor we were on so I walked over Daryl in toe. "What happened?" I ask.
"He wouldn't stop." "This change things?" Daryl asks. "It has to." Rick states. "Maybe not." I suggested. "She said the plan won't work. The guy who did is dead. Maybe we gotta rethink this." Rick says. "They also said the cop in charge didn't have any love for him. Maybe you did her a favor." Daryl adds "I don't know if they'll play ball." Rick says. "Let's find out." I state and walk towards the cops. We didn't even get a word in when Sheppard starts talking. "He was a good man. He was attacked by rotters. Saw it go down." "Huh. You're a damn good liar." Rick smirks. "We're hanging by a thread here. He was attacked by rotters. That's the story." "You said the trade was a bad idea. What changed?" Sahsa asks. "Lamson was our shot. So it's this or you go in guns blazing, right? You don't want that." "If this is some bullshit you're spinning and things go south" Rick tries but Sheppard cuts him off. "I know. I know the good ones from the bad. Let us help you." She pleads. "What about you? You wanna live? How much?" Rick asks the other male cop. "Dawns afraid she'll look weak in front of us. Thinks it'll tip things against her. Hell, it will. She'll see this trade as a rip-off if she thinks you took out one of our guys. So it's a good thing Lamson got attacked by rotters."
Daryl, Addison, Noah and I are top one building while Sasha and Tyrese are on top another Rick is in the parking lot and we have our Scopes set on the police officers that just showed up just in case they try to take Rick out or anything. We see Walker approaching and Daryl snaps his finger and with that addie takes the Walker out. She's actually become quite that shot with everything Daryl and I have taught her. I'm really proud.
So Rick makes the deal the cops call in and ask Don what she thinks and she agreed so now We're at the doors of the hospital floor beth and carol's on. I'm looking threw the window and I see a slew of cops and doctors. Right in the middle of the crowd is Beth and Carol.
"Holster your weapons. They haven't been harmed." The officer I'm guessing is Dawn says she looks around confused. "Where's Lamson?" She asks. "Rotters got him. We saw it go down." Sheppard says sadly. "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. He was one of the good guys." Dawn exclamied. After a few moments of silence dawn spoke again. "One yours for one of mine." "All right." Rick take the man cop and pushed him forward. "Move."
We get Carol then Rick takes Sheppard and meets dawn in the middle. After we have beth Addison runs over and hugs her. "Glad we could work things out." "Yeah." We were about to walk out when dawn spoke again. "Now I just need Noah. And then you can leave." "That wasn't part of the deal." Rick states. Noah was my ward. Beth took his place and I'm losing her, so I need him back." "Ma'am, please, it's not" a officer tries but dawn cuts her off. "Shut up! My officers put their lives on the line to find him. One of them died." "No, he ain't staying." Daryl says and puts a hand on Noah's chest to push him back a bit. "He's one of mine. You have no claim on him." "The boy wants to go home, so you have no claim on him." I say. "Well, then we don't have a deal." "The deal is done." Rick shouts. "It's okay." Noah tries. "No. No." Rick says. "I got to do it." He says and glance back to Addison. "It's not okay." Beth mutters. Noah starts Walking towards dawn but Beth stops him "Wait!" She cries and runs to hug him. "It's okay." Naoh mutters. "I knew you'd be back." Dawn smirked. Beth then gave her a stare that the devil would squirm under. She walks over to Dawn and stops right in front of her and says "I get it now." Then stabs dawn in the shoulder. Then everything seemed to move in slow motion at some point Dawn must have unholster her weapon because she shot Beth right in the head. Then Daryl shot her. Then everyone raised there weapons. "No! Hold your fire! It's over. It was just about her. Stand down." Sheppard yells.
I look down at Beth's body. There's blood everywhere. Everyone's crying. Especially Daryl and Addison. "You can stay." "We're surviving here. It's better than out there." Voices from dawn group sound. "No. And I'm taking anyone back there who wants to leave. If you want to come with us just step forward now." Rick says with tears. Nobody stepped forward... So Daryl picked Beth up and we walked out of the hospital. A little more broken. I'm holding Addison's crying form. Trying to hold her up. Trying to hold myself up. We walk outside and all I can hear are Maggie's screams and cries over her dead sister. Beth didnt deserve this. No one does.
We burry beth and all climb into the fire truck I don't know if we're gonna recover from this. Hell I don't even know where we're going next but it doesn't matter because we have eachother and that's all that really matter right?

"Daryl, the baby's kicking" I mutter. He rolls over in bed and puts his hand on my stomach. "That's awesome" he mutters. "It sure is"
It's been Five years since we found this place. Alexandria. We're still in the Apocalypse but we can have a life here. We have a life here. Daryl and i are married and expecting a baby boy.
Daryl asked me to marry him 4 years ago.
"Care!" Daryl yells up the stairs of the house they've been placed in. "Yeah?" She yells back. "Walk down here for a minute"
"Give me a minute." She yells back down at him. Daryl and Addison have been planning out how Daryl asks Caroline to marry him. They finally decided to keep it simple. Caroline likes simple.
Care come down the stairs and is confused at first cause she can't find Daryl. She walks into the backyard and sees Daryl sitting on the swing. "Hey babe. What did you need?" She asks as she sits next to him. "Just wanted to talk to you" he says slowly. Daryl seemed off to Caroline. "You okay?" She asks slowly. "yeah sorry I'm not good at this um.... Listen care I love you...alot and I haven't felt this way about anyone ever... And in this world I don't know when I'll die I don't know when you or our daughter or anyone is gonna go...and I hate that. Anyways. I realized a long time ago that I don't want to live the rest of my life... however long that may be without you. So I wanna make it official." He then got on one knee and took out the most beautiful ring Caroline has ever seen. "Caroline Fitz.....Will you marry me?" She doesn't say anything at first. "if you say no I'm gonna feel real stupid" Daryl says and laughs awkwardly. Caroline falls to her knees in front of daryl. "You have no idea how long I've waited for you to ask that question....Of course I'll marry you" she says happily and kisses him. He slips the ring on her finger. It's a perfect fit. Addison comes running threw the back door. "It's about freaking time" she laughs and hugs her mom and dad.
Flashback over
Addison and Noah are married. Along with Rick and Michonne. We've built a life for ourselves but I can't take all the credit. Savannah my sister taught me that family doesn't end in blood. Because of that I have a family now. A husband, A daughter and a son. Plus the group. There my family now and I owe it all to Savannah.
We are on our way to a dinner that we have every Sunday as a family. We all pile in and say our Hello's and give hugs and I realized something today. This day here, and now. Everyone who has lost there life along the way. Amy, Jim, Jacqui, Sophia, Otis, Dale, Shane, Patrisha, Jimmy, Toby, Lori, T-dog, Savannah, Hershel, Andrea, Merl, Beth. All of them there deaths have got us here. We can have a life here we don't have to run and hide Everytime someone says walker. We can make it together. But we can only make it together. We can do this, We have to do this. I Never Knew how much this group would effect my life. I've been threw Falling in love and Falling apart. Finding my sister then losing her all over again Death and life. I've found a life. I've found my purpose. It's all because if the group. My family. I don't know what big bad thing we're gonna deal with next is but I can tell you that we can handle it. I know we can because we aren't like any other group we fight for each other we fight for a future and we will get our future. However long that may take.

Unfortunately ass kickers this will be my last author's note for Never Knew this is the end of my story. The end of Caroline's story I should say it's been a great ride and I could not have done it without you guys you all mean the absolute world to me and I could never express that into words so thank you so much for reading my story and sticking around till the end it was a bumpy ride but in the end it's all good. I love you guys so so so so so much. Until next time....


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