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It's been 2 days since the prison fell. It's just been me and addie. It's been complete hell without the group, Without Daryl. We're currently in the process of moving to the next place to hide out. "Mom, I miss dad" Addie says. "Yeah baby, I miss him too" "When will we see him again?" She asks. "I don't know honey"
We walk for another 45 minutes and come up on a house it has a small fence around it and I see a water pump. We can stay here for a couple days until we head to the next place. I was thinking of heading back towards the Farm maybe it's not as bad now. that's over 100 miles in the other direction thought. I need to find the group at least someone from the group. "Hey Addie we're gonna stay in that house over there" I say pointing towards the house. "Good, I'm sleepy" she mutters. We get threw the fence and onto the porch. "Addie I need you to stay out here so I can clear the house, if you see anything or anyone just yell, okay?" "I'll be fine mom" I smile and go inside. I only take out two walkers in the house. "Addie you can come in" I holler and she walks threw the front door. "Clear?" She asks. "Yep" we throw our stuff. Close to the door and pull out the couch bed. "This is way more comfortable then the storage units" Addie mumbles "You can say that again." "Hey mom, do you think maybe we'll see dad again?" She asks. I was quiet for a moment but finally spoke. "I'm not gonna tell you yeah... Because I don't know for sure, but I'm gonna try my best in finding him" I tell her. "He'll find us, he promised" She says sleeply. "Yeah..." "Goodnight mom" "Goodnight baby"
Im laying here half asleep when I hear the front door open. I jump and and grab the closet thing which turned out to be my bow. I pull the string back and point it towards the sound. The person comes around the corner and I come face to face with...."Carol?" I ask she puts her gun down and I lower my bow. "Oh my God" she says and pulls me into a hug. Tyreese comes around the corner next. "Ty" I say and run over. "Hey there" he says as we pull apart. "How long have you been here?" Carol asks me. "Just since last night" I say and Addie starts to wake up "Mommy?" She asks and rubs her eyes "Addie look who's here" I smile. "Carol, Tyreese" she asks and gets up to hug them. "Is it just you too?" I ask. "No, we have Lizzie, Mika and Judith" she says and Addison runs outside. I walk after her and see her hugging Mika. "I'm so happy to see you" I hear Addie say "We've missed you" Lizzie says. I walk off the porch and grab Judith. "Your daddy's probably worried sick about you" she just looks at me. She's only about 9 months old. Maybe less. We all walk inside. "Tyreese.... Did you happen to see.. Daryl before you got out?" I ask. "I saw him. He was fighting hard, taking out walkers.... people he didn't leave the prison till all the governor's men were gone. Then he ran into the woods. I don't know if he was with anyone but I know he got out. I tired to run after him. I really did but with the girls I just couldn't catch up." He tells me. I smile a bit, "I'm just glad he got out" I say. "I'm pretty sure everyone got out. Exept..... Hershel" Tyreese states. "Wait, what happened to Hershel?" I panic. "You didn't see?" He asks and I shake my head no. "Your lucky then.... Rick was trying to work something out with the governor, I don't know I guess the govener just snapped and he uh...cut Hershels head off" Tyreese tells me and starts tearing up. I start crying also "He's dead?" I ask and Ty nods. "Hershels dead?" I hear Addie ask from behind me. I turn to face her. "Yeah baby he is" I say and she starts crying. I pull her into me and we hug.
15 minutes later
I put Judith down for a nap and start helping carol break pecans. "So you just break them and stick them in the oven?" I ask "Yeah." She answers simply. "That's pretty cool" I say and look out the window. I see Addison standing next to a tree looking terrified and see Lizzie playing with a walker. "Oh my God" I panic and run outside. "Get away from that thing" I yell to the girls. Addison runs up to the porch but Lizzie stays out next to the walker. "No ,no ,no don't" Lizzie tries but I run around her and take the walker out. "NO YOU KILLED HER" She screams "YOU GUY'S COULD'VE DIED" I Yell back. "SHE WAS MY FRIEND, SHE JUST WANTED SOMEONE TO PLAY WITH HER" She hollers once more. "You put yourself and my daughter in danger Lizzie. They are not friends with you. To them you are there food." I try to explain but she just runs into the house. I walk over to Addison. "Are you okay, it didn't scratch you or anything did it?" "No Mom I'm fine, I tried to tell her I really did. She just kept playing with it. It scared me." Addison exclaimed. "I know baby, your okay now. Your okay"

Hey asskickers! So this is honestly just a filler chapter something big is gonna next chapter. I really hope you like it and I wanted to thank all of you who read. I love you guys so much I really do. You guys still suprise me at how many reads I got. Thank you guys so so so so so so much.


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