He didnt even say goodbye.

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We were all sitting around the cell block when we hear a door creek open. We look over and see Rick. "Everybody okay?" He asked. "Yeah, we are. What about you?" I ask in return. "I cleared out the boiler block." He says. I look down because I know that's where Lori's body was. "How many were there?" Glenn asked him. "I don't know. A dozen, two dozen. I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl and Caroline." He says. "Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies. You don't have to." I tell him. "No, I do. Everyone have a gun and a knife?" He asks Daryl. "Yeah." Daryl tell him. "We're running low on ammo, though. Maggie and me were planning on making a run this afternoon. Found a phone book with some places we can hit, look for bullets and formula." Glenn says. "We cleared out the generator room. Axel's there trying to fix it in case of emergency. We're gonna sweep the lower levels as well." I tell him. "Good, good." He says and walks back into the tombs.
"Hey Carebear" Savannah says as she walks up. "Hey Savannah, what's up?" I ask. "I was thinking of going on a run too. Wanna go?" She asks me. "Yeah sure, let me get my gear" I tell her and walk up the stairs to my cell. I start to gather my stuff when I hear someone walk in. "Where you going?" I hear daryl ask. "On a run with Savannah." I say. "How long?" He asks "well arnt you full of questions." "Just wondering" he says. "Just a couple hours." "Want me to come?" He asks. "We're big girls." I say and go to walk past him but stop and turn around to face him. "I'll be safe. I promise." I say then kiss him. He kisses back we hug. "See you in a bit, okay?" "Alright."
"Caroline you ready?" Savannah yells up the stairs. "Coming". I yell back.
"You sure your up for this?" Daryl asked as he shut the truck door for me. "Positive." I say and pull off.

15 minutes later
"What's going on with you and daryl?" Savannah asks me. "What do you mean?" "I mean I've never seen him so caring like he is for you. What's that about?" She asks. "I don't know what your talking about" "it's not nice to lie" she says. "I'm not" "you are" "am not" I say."whatever Carebear, I know you have feeling for him. I haven't seen you look at someone like that since Sam" she says bringing up my first love, Sam Winchester. Sam died in a car crash about a year before the shit hit the fan. Some drunk driver hit him right in the side. He was on his way home from work. They brought him in the hospital and I was about to clock out. When I saw them roll him in and his brother Dean following with tears in his eyes. "Carebear.. I didn't mean to bring him up I know it's a sore subject." Savannah says. "No..it's okay, he died a long time ago" "you don't just forget something like that, and I felt bad because I wasn't there for you, I was off partying" Savannah says sadly. "It was your first year of college. You didn't have time to worry about my problems." I say as we pull into a small gas station. "I should have made time. You were greaving, you needed me." She stated. "Nothing we can do about it now anyway, like I said it was a long time ago" I say and jump out. It was quiet for a few after that.
"Cool" I hear Savannah say and I look over. She's holding a broken Gameboy. "Remember when you bought me one of these Carebear?" "Yeah I remember you didn't want the doll house you wanted that. So that's what I got you. You cried for days because they sold out but you didn't know you had one wrapped up under the Christmas tree." I laugh. "That was our first Christmas together after you adopted me." "Yeah, best Christmas ever" I mutter. "It was"
"Me and Toby had some awesome Christmas parties​ tho, I remember this one year we threw this huge dorm party, there was tons of people there. We were only best friends at the time and he bought me a pizza necklace that had "Toby" engraved on the back of it. He had a key chain that had "Savannah" engraved on it. That was a good year" she says thinking back. "That's the only year you didn't come home for Christmas. That's the year I spent Christmas with Sam, Dean and, Dean's boyfriend Cas." I exclaimed.
We laughed as we looked back on some old memories. I took out a few walkers and Savannah grabbed the last few can of food on the shelves.

Don't you think we should head back?" Savannah asked me as we jump in ten truck. "No it's getting to dark. We need to find somewhere to hold until for the night." I say and pull off.
"How about there?" Savannah points at a small house just off the side of the road. "Yeah that should work" I say and pull Into the driveway. "Let's hope clear it." We walk in and only see 2 walkers, one was a man that had a name tag that read "Tiberius" I take that one out. Savannah took out the other which looked like an older women "Alright I'm gonna go hide the truck." I tell Savannah. "Alright I'll put covers over the windows." She says.
I pull the truck a little Into the woods behind the house and cover it with large branches.
I walk back in and Savannah is laying on the pulled out couch bed. "It's actually comfortable" she laughs as she sees me walk in. "I'd say" I say and lay down next to her. After a moment of silence she spoke again. "Seriously tho, what is going on between you and Daryl?". "I don't know... We care about each other. I care about him. Like alot, but I don't know what you would call us" I speak. "Together. Let's say your together" Savannah says. "If you want to" I yawn. "Let's get some sleep" I say and turn to face Savannah to see shes already dozed off. "Goodnight Savannah" I mutter as I fall asleep myself.
The Next Morning
"Come one we need to get back to the prison" I say as we pack up our stuff and some stuff we found in the house. We get in the truck and head off.
We pull Into the prison after a long drive and arrive the same time another car does. We get up to the Court yard and see Rick and a couple others climb out of the car. I walk over. "Hey Rick," i say. "Hey Caroline" he says slowly as we hug. "I'm gonna go find Daryl" I say as I start to walk off. "Caroline wait" I hear Rick says. "Why, what's up?" I ask. "Daryl.." he starts. The worst thought comes to my head. "H-- He's not-- He's not dead is he?" I ask as tears form in my eyes. "No, no he's fine, but um. He found Merl, and he went with him." Rick says. "What do you mean? He just left?" I ask. Rick just nodded. I walk off after that and head for my cell. I sit on my bed and lay down and face the wall. I start crying. I thought we had something. I thought we were gonna be something. "Carebear?" Savannah says as she walks in. I turn over and see a saddened look on her face "you know how I told you we cared about each other?" I ask her with tears streaming down my face. She nodded. "I guess it was only one sided.
He didn't even say goodbye"

Hey asskickers! So what did you think? We got some background on Caroline and Savannah in this chapter. Then I probably made you mad in the end. But don't worry things will look up.... Eventually.

I love you guys!


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