Your gonna be okay: Part 2

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Nobody's POV
"AHHH" Caroline screamed "it hurts" she yells again.
"She was just in a deep sleep. She just woke up crying" daryl told Hershel "one of the fragments must've gone deeper and nicked one of her internal arteries" Hershel told Daryl. "Well fix it" Daryl said, starting to get annoyed "I can't. Not yet, not until Shane and Otis get back with them medical supplies. Cause when I go in they're she can't move and I mean at all. If she does I could hit would of her blood vessels and she would be dead in minutes" Hershel explained."
So they're is a possibility that's she's gonna die" Daryl said. "I'm just telling you every possibility" Hershel told him
Daryl Dixon's POV

After Hershel told me everything I walk out the door "you alright?" Glenn asked. I just grunted. "Look, Caroline, she's a fighter you know that just as much as I do." "Man, you don't know shit" I mumble. "what do you think, I want her to die. She's my Best Friend." Glenn said. "She's family" T-Dog added as he walked outside. "And she's gonna be just fine" Rick said as him and Shane walked up. "Bout fucking time!" I say.

As Rick was about to talk the old man comes out the door and says to hurry up. Then looks around and noticed the man that shot Caroline wasn't there "Otis?" They both just shook they're head no. "We don't say anything to Patricia not yet I need her" Hershel said then he runs into the house. We all walk in and see Caroline's sister Walking out of the room. "He kicked me out." Then she walked off. "Who was that?" Shane asked. "Caroline's sister." I tell em. "That's Savannah?" "Yup."
It's been and hour and a half and they still haven't came out. They haven't told us anything. Hershel finally came out and told us she's gonna be okay.
Ricks POV
After we found out that Caroline is gonna be okay we hear cars pull up. The rest of the group must be here. We walk out onto the porch as the group gets up to the porch. "Is she okay?" Dale asked. "Yeah she'll pull threw. Thanks to Hershel and his people. And Shane. Caroline would have died if it wasnt for him" I tell them. Lori comes up and hugs me, along with Carl and Dale. "When will she be back I'm camp?" Carl asked me. "I'm not sure. It all depends on Caroline now" I tell him. "Oh then it shouldn't be long. Caroline is strong" "yeah she is."
3 Days later.
Caroline's POV
"Daryl please get me out of this damn bed" "No care, your still healing. You might rip your stitches." He says. "Well I'm a doctor, I can patch myself back up" "no to risky" ugh. I hate being in this damn room feeling helpless as fuck. "Please" I beg him. See Daryl has been sitting in here with me for a while. He's become like one of my best friends. "Fine, but no running. Walking fast or yelling. Not anything that may rip your stitches." "Deal" "alright come on" he tells me. He helps me down the stairs and Hershel stops us at the bottom. "What's going on" "I have to hey out of this house for a few" I tell him "your still healing Caroline" "I'll be careful" Hershel was think for a moment then finally decided it was okay. "Just please be careful" "will do, thanks Hershel." I grab Daryl arm and pulls him out the door. I let go as I walk off the porch. "IM BACK BITCHES" I Yell. And grab everyone's attention. "Care" Daryl says. Then I remember that I wasn't​ supposed to yell. "Sorry" I tell him as he catches up.
"Hey Caroline, shouldn't you be resting" rick asked me. "Hershel let me off house arrest" I say with a laugh. "Good, it's good to have you back in camp" he tells me. "It's good to be back" I say while smiling. "I'm gonna take a walk around the farm. So I can stretch​ my legs" I tell Rick. "Okay be safe" "promise" I tell him and walk away. "Wanna go?" I ask Daryl as I pass him. He didn't respond but I hear his footsteps behind me. "This place is beautiful" I say "mhmm" he mumbles. We're walking really close to the fence that goes completely around the farm.
The sun is setting so I sit on the fence and watch. Daryl puts his bow on the ground and climbs up too. We quietly sit and watch the Sun go down. I lay my head on Daryl shoulder and he sticks his hand around my waist. Not in a romantic way, just as a friendly way.
The sun goes down and we jump off the fence, Me being careful not to rip my stitches. We slowly walk back to the farm. Today way a good day.

Hey guys!! This was honestly just a filler chapter because chapter 9 is gonna be big. So it may take me a little while longer to write and get out to you. So it should be posted late Tuesday or middle day Wendsday. Anyway on another note I wanted to thank everyone who reads my story it honestly means the world to me. I've tried to write other stories in the past but none of them really worked out. So I'm so glad people actually enjoy reading.
Btw if you want go check @Savannasander on here she's who the character "Savannah" is based off of. She's writing a really good story about the vampire diaries. So if your into that you could go check her out.
Thanks again!!

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