Little Asskicker

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"Rick, you with me? Rick?" Daryl asked Rick. "Let me see the baby." Hershel told me and I walked over and Daryl quickly followed. "What are we gonna feed it. We got anything a baby can eat? Daryl asks. "The good news is she looks healthy. But she needs formula. And soon, or she won't survive." Hershel said. I haven't said anything I cant. I killed this babys mother. "No way. Not her. We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run." Daryl says quickly and heads for his bike. "I'll back you up." I speak. "I'll go too" Glenn says. "Okay, think where we're going." He tells us. "Beth." Daryl says pulling her to the side. Savannah then walks up to me. "Here let me take her" she says and grabs the baby. "You okay Carebear?" She asks me. Tears come to my eyes again and I shake my head no and walk over to Daryl's bike.
"You two get the fence. Too many pile up, we got ourselves a problem. Glenn, Caroline vamonos." Daryl says giving orders. "Rick!" I yell as he grabs his axe and goes inside the door me Carl and the baby had previously come out of. "Get the gate. Come on, we're gonna lose the light." Daryl yells. "There's a Piggly Wiggly on 85." Glenn says. "No, the baby section's been cleared. Lori asked me to keep an eye out. I haven't had much luck." I state "is there any place that hasn't been completely looted?" Daryl asks. "We saw signs for a shopping center just north of here." Glenn says. "Yeah, but there's too much debris on the road. The car will never get through there." I tell them. "I can take one of you." Daryl says and goes to his bike. "I'll go." I say. "No, Caroline, after everything that you've been through, okay, I'll go." Glenn explained. "I want to go. For Lori, I have to." I say. "Okay." He says and hugs me. "Be safe." He's says. "I will." We then jump on the bike and take off.
We pull up to this daycare. We walk up to the door and its locked, so I walk over to the window and use the butt of my gun to knock the glass out, then climb on threw.
We're quietly walk threw the daycare and make sure it's clear. We all the sudden hear a rustling in the kitchen. We walk over and Daryl quickly pulls the door open and I shoot the racoon. He picks it up. "I'm not putting that in my bag" I tell him and grab the remaining formula from the cabinet followed by some bottle's and a couple blankets. After we clear it we quietly make our way to the prison. We haven't really said a word to each other.
Glenn's POV
"How's the perimeter look?" I ask as Oscar walks up. "We got the walkers spread out.... Your friends, they-- they were good folks." Oscar says "They were family." I state. "I think I had one friend like that my whole life. You got a whole group. Sorry you lost 'em." He says. "I need two more." I say and give him the shovel. I walk up to the fence where Hershel is standing "Rick?" I ask. "Still inside." He says. I was quiet for a moment then spoke. "A third of our group in one day. 'Cause of one asshole. Part of me wishes that we killed all the prisoners on sight." I exclaimed. "Axel and Oscar seem like good guys." Hershel tells me. "When the evacuations started, T-Dog drove his church van to the home of every senior he knew just in case they needed a ride. He saved my ass a thousand times. He wasn't just a good guy. He was the best. Got bit closing the gate. If he hadn't done that It could have been Maggie. It's wrong, but I'd trade any number of people for one of ours any day." I state sadly.

Caroline's POV
" How's she doing?" Daryl asked as we walk in. She's crying so Daryl picks her up.
"She got a name yet?" I ask. "Not yet. But I was thinking maybe Sofia. Then there's Carol, too. And Andrea. Amy. Jacqui. Patricia. Or Lori. I don't know." Carl says sadly. I feel awful, I killed his mom. Yeah she wanted me too but. It doesn't change the fact that I did it. "You like that? Huh? Little ass-kicker. Right? That's a good name, right? Little ass-kicker." Daryl says as he feeds the baby.
I slip out the door and go sit on the cat walk. I turn my head and see Daryl walk out. "Ya alright?" He asks. "Do you want the Truth?" I ask. "Yeah" "then no. I'm not okay. I killed Lori. She told me to but I still did it. Carl or the baby doesn't have a mom because of me." I say as I start crying again. "Caroline, hey care, nobody blames you" "I blame myself" I say. He grabs my chin and lifts my head. "We don't" he says. I look him In the eyes. He slowly comes closer to my face and says "Care, no one's blaming you" I keep looking from his eyes to his lips. He gets closer and I close my eyes. Our lips connect. I know this probably sounds corny but I felt Sparks. We continue to kiss then he pulls away and puts his forehead on mine.
"It's about time" I says and we both smile.

Hey asskickers!! OMG they kissed. My ship is finally together. Daroline has sailed. Anyway, sorry for the late update but since it's summer I've been super busy so updates will come slower then usual. But they will come.

I love you guys!!!


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