Saying Goodbye

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Broken. That's how I feel, Savannah's dead. My baby sister is......gone. I haven't been out of my cell in two days. Daryl takes care of Addison. I don't eat, I barley sleep. I cry mostly. The first night was the worst, after i... stabbed her. I came to my cell and cried. Daryl holds me when I cry mostly. I had to tell addie that aunt Savannah died. She cried, I cried Daryl cried. Everyone comes to my cell and says "sorry for your loss" or "Savannah was a good person. I'm sorry to see her gone". Everyone's tip toeing around me when I like go to use the bathroom. I get stared at alot. I'm sitting in the cell staring at the wall when carol walks in. "Hey Caroline?" I look up at her but don't say anything. "We're having a funeral for everyone who died from the sickness." She tells me. I nod and she walks out. I stand up and decided to go. I have to move in somehow right? I walk down the stairs and walk over to Daryl. "Hey.." I say. Speaking for the first time in days. "Hey" he says and grabs my hand. Addison walks up and hugs me "hey Mommy" "Hey baby" "ready?" Daryl asks me. "No" I say and walk ahead. We all gather around 9 graves. I walk closer to the cross that reads "Savannah Fitz". We go threw all the speaches and memorials until there's one left....Her's.
Rick starts, "Now we are here for Savannah Fitz. She was a bright light in a tunnel of dark. She always had something positive to say, even when it's the worst​ day she was always there bright smile and witty remarks. She leaves behind her sister Caroline, Caroline would you like to say anything?" Savannah was more than my sister; she was my closest friend. Even though she was younger than me, even from a young age she was wide beyond her years. We spent countless hours together as teenagers. We shared a bedroom for many years because it was all we could afford. and even though at times it caused disagreements, it was a wonderful memory of mine. My sister and I would play games, give each other makeovers and stay up late into the night chatting. My sister was a prankster and enjoyed laughing and making others laugh. She always had a smile on her face and could brighten the darkest days. Savannah would always have a joke or funny story to tell whenever I saw her and I loved her. I loved her positive fun-loving attitude. Savannah was also a very compassionate person. She cared a lot for her friends and family and would do anything to help them that means everyone here is someone Savannah considered family. Before she died she told me something, she told me that she loved all of you. And that even though she's gone we should hold onto hope. Even on the darkest days hope is what we hold onto." I then look at Savannah grave. "Savannah if your looking down on us from your cloud in the sky then I want you to know that I will hold onto hope. I promise. I love you baby sister" I then kiss my hand and lay it on her cross. Then step back next to Daryl.
Everyone starts back to the prison because it's getting late. Addison is staying with Beth tonight. Daryl and I get back to the cell and lay down. "That was beautiful. Your speech" Daryl says sleepy. "It just came to mind." He kisses my fourhead and I soon hear his light snores. I lay awake for a few minutes then let sleep take me over.

I look out toward the old lake it's the same one I took Savannah too when I officially adopted her. I glance over to a small bench and see a girl in a white dress sitting on it. I walk over and sit next to her. She looks at me and I see those beautiful bright blue eyes. It's Savannah. She smiles, "Hey Carebear" she says smoothly. I hug her tight. "Savannah, I missed you so much" I cry. "I miss you too" she says softly. "You look so beautiful" I smile "Thank you" she says. "How have you been?" She asks. "Complete hell without you" I state "You can do it, I believe in you". She tells me. We then sit and talk for what feels like hours. We laugh, we cry.... One last time. "Caroline, I have to go now" "What why? I don't want you too" I cry. "It's my time. I love you" she tells me then stands. She walks into the sunlight I watch her until her small figure fades away.
I wake up with a small smile on my face and think to myself "I love you too Savannah" i feel better today. Relieved really. For some reason I feel like Savannah found peace and that's all I ever really wanted.

Hey asskickers! So this was the final chapter with Savannah in it. I just really wanted to give her a peaceful ending. It's what she deserved. Again I would like to thank savannahsander for being a huge part of this character she would have never turned out so good it it wasn't for you!

I love you guys!


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