New Beginning

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8 months after the fall of the farm.
We're again moving to a different house. This would be the 13th one this week. We can never settle down anywhere anymore. That's the bad news. The good news is that me and Daryl have grown super close. We hunt together we sleep next to each other we go on runs together Ect..
A couple of the guys, Maggie and I are currently clearing out the house we will be occupying. "Pts" I hear daryl mutter. I look over and he points towards the stair case. I nodded and follow him up. We hear a creeking noice coming from one of the bedrooms and go towards it. We open the door and see an owl rested on the back of a rocking chair. Daryl takes the shot. "Nice shooting", I say. He just smirks and picks the bird up. We make our way back down stairs and see T-Dog and Glenn moving the boddies to the corner. I head out of the house to help Lori bring her things in. Lori's about 8 and a half months pregnant. Her stomach's huge. I'm getting really worried about her giving birth. There is still a huge possiblity that she won't make it. Even with mine and Hershel's experience. "It's clear" I say as I reach the remaining group members. I go to grab Lori's bag but she stops me"I'm pregnant, not helpless Caroline" "I know you're​ not helpless. But you shouldn't be pushing yourself when your this far along" I say. She wasn't happy but she lets me grab the bags.
I then walk into the house and sit down next to Daryl. Who is currently trowing feathers all over the place. I sit down and a feather goes in my hair "Watch it" I say. He doesn't say anything just simply pulls the feather out. It was silent after that. The group doesn't really talk anymore. Only when we are trying to decide where to go next. Daryl and I talk on hunts but not around the group. Carl then comes in with two cans....of dog food.
He grabs the can opener from Beth's bag and begins to open in. Before he can take a bite Rick grabs the can looks at the label and throws it in the fire place. Then everything is silent once more. After a few minutes we hear T-Dog wistle and look over and see walkers outside threw the window. So we pack up and head for the cars. Daryl and I on his bike and the rest spread out threw the cars. Another place gone.
We've had been driving for a while when we hear a horn. That's the signle to stop. Daryl pulled off to the side of the road and the ground pilled around T-dogs truck. "We've got no place left to go." T-dog says. "When this hurd meets up with us we'll be cut off. We'll never make it south." Maggie points out. "We could rest up here for a couple hours." Glenn suggested. "But if the two groups pull together they could spill out this way. Even with the river delaying them." I say. They all just nodded and Maggie spoke again "so were trapped" "the only thing left to do is swing up towards greenville" Rick spoke up for the first time since we stopped. "Yeah but we picked threw that already, it's like we spent the winter going in circles" T-dog points out. "I know, I know, When we hit Newnan we'll head west. We haven't been through there yet. We cant keep going house to house. We need to find a place to hold it for a couple of weeks" Rick says. "Alright is it cool if we had to tell creek? We need to fill up on water it won't take long we can boil it later" T-dog asked Rick. "Knock yourselves out." Rick says. Hershel then pulls me and Rick to the side "She can't take much more of this moving about" Hershel says. "What else can we do? Let her give birth on the run" Rick asked. "Do you see a way around that?" I ask. Hershel then walks over to check on Lori. "Hey, while the others wash their panties let's go Hunt." Daryl says to me and Rick. As were walking towards the woods I hear Daryl mumble. "That owl didn't exactly hit the spot".
We were walking through the woods on train tracks when we here Walker's Mountain returner heads and see this huge prison with walls guard towers, fences, everything you need to survive the problem is there are Walkers inside the fences. "That's a shame." Daryl says as we stop and look. I glance over at rick and see this look in his eye, he has an idea.
15 minutes later
Well I was right. Rick wants to take the prison. We're currently waiting for Rick to finish cutting threw the fence so we can all enter. Glenn and Maggie take out a walker and T-dogs on gaurd. "Watch the back side" I say. "Got it" someone response we all finally start going threw the fence and after we're all in Daryl and Glenn use some kind of wiring to hold the hole together so no walkers can get in. After that we all start running to the main gate. We reach the gate and Rick speaks "it's perfect, if we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can take out these walkers. We'll take the field by tonight." "So how do we shit the gate?" Hershel asks. "I'll do it, you guys cover me" I say. "Hell no, that's a suiside run" Daryl stated. I turn to look at him "I'm the fastest" I say and he shakes his head no once more. "No, Glenn Maggie and Beth draw as many as you can over there, pop em threw the fence, Daryl you and Caroline go back to the other tower. Hershel you, carl, and carol take this tower. I'll run for the gate." Rick tells us all. Daryl and I run for our tower and finally reach the top. "Start with your bow" Daryl tells me. I do as told but quickly run out of arrows so I switch to my gun. Rick is making his way threw the field killing walkers left and right with his silenced weapon. He reaches the gate and uses a chain glenn gave him to shut it. He then goes into the tower closet to him. "He did it" I say and Daryl yells "LIGHT IT UP" and we take out the remaining walker. "We did it" I say exited as I jump up and hug Daryl. "Yeah we did" he says "we should probably head down" he added as I let go.
We walk over to the rest of the group. "You okay?" I ask Lori as I pass her. "Havent felt this good in weeks" she says with a tired Smile. Savannah then runs threw the field. "We haven't had this much space since we left the farm" she hollered exited. "Wooooo" T-dog yells.
Later that night Daryl and I were on watch. "Watcha thinking about?" Daryl asked me as I was starting off into space. "This place" I say. "What about it?" He asked as he sat down next to me. "If it lasts, cause what if it turns out just like all the rest." I say. "Well if does it does. We still got each other. And the group, we'll be fine" Daryl tells me. "Yeah I guess" I say. Maggie and Glenn then walk up. "Hey we're relieving you guys" Maggie tells us. "Thank God." I say as I jump off the tipped over bus we were currently sitting on. Daryl and I walk over to the fire just as Beth and Savannah finish up the song they were singing. I wish I would have came sonner. Savannah has a great voice. I would have loved to hear it. "Beautiful" Hershel says. "Better all turn in, we got a big day tomorrow" Rick says. "What do you mean" Hershel asked him. "Look I know we're all exausted,This was a great win. But we gotta push just a little bit more... Most of the walkers are dressed as gaurds and prisoners, Looks like this place fell pretty early which means the supplies could still be intact. An informory, a commissary" "an Armory?" Daryl asked cutting Rick off. "That'd be outside the prison itself but not too far away warden's office would have info on the location. Weapons, Food, Medicine this place could be a gold mine." Rick tells everyone. "Were Dangerously low on ammo we'll run out before we make a dent" Hershel points out. "That's why we're going to go in there, hand to hand. After all we've been through we can handle it I know it" he then looks at Carl "These assholes don't stand a chance" He says. Then he gets up and walks over to where Maggie and glenn were.
I lay mine and Daryl's blanket out and we lay down. "Maybe this place will work after all" I say to Daryl.

Hey there asskickers! What did you think? Comment and tell me, I would love to hear more from you guys! This would be the first chapter of season 3. Anyways. I love you guys!


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