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I wake up the next morning and for a second I forgot last night's events. That only lasted a moment until it all came flooding back. Dale's dead, I got him killed. After laying there for a few minutes I decided I should get up. I had to start the day weather I wanted to or not. I sat up and just realized that I'm not in my own tent, I'm in Daryl's. But where's he? I stand up and walk out. Daryl's sitting in the same place he was last night. "Did you sleep?" I ask. "Mhmm" he mumbled. "Liar" I say. He just looked at me. "Get some sleep Daryl" I say and grab my bow. As I'm walking away Daryl spoke. "Hey um care... They're having Dale's funeral in a few minutes. Rick told me to tell ya when you woke up" he tells me. I stopped in my tracks. "Okay..." I say and walk away. I went to my tent because I needed to change. I still had Dale's blood on me. I'm walking towards my tent when Glenn stopped me. "Hey.." he says. "Hey" "you okay." He asks. I look up at him trying to hold back my tears. "No" is all I say and turn around.
I get to my tent and finally let the tears go. I can do this, I have to do this, for Dale. I think to myself. I grab an outfit and change.

I pull myself together and walk over to where the graves are

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I pull myself together and walk over to where the graves are. Everyone looks at me as I walk up but I don't look at them. After everyone shows Rick starts. "Dale could... could get under your skin. He sure got under mine, because he wasn't afraid to say exactly what he thought, how he felt. That kind of honesty is rare and brave. Whenever I'd make a decision, I'd look at Dale. He'd be looking back at me with that look he had. We've all seen it one time or another. I couldn't always read him, but he could read us. He saw people for who they were. He knew things about us... the truth... Who we really are. In the end, he was talking about losing our humanity. He said this group was broken. The best way to honor him is to unbreak it. Set aside our differences and pull together, stop feeling sorry for ourselves and take control of our lives... our safety... our future. We're not broken. We're gonna prove him wrong. From now on... we're gonna do it his way. That is how we honor Dale." Rick finished off.
*2 hours later*
"It'll be tight, 14 people in one house." Rick stated "Don't worry about that. With the swamp hardening, the creek drying up..." Hershel says "With 50 head of cattle on the property, we might as well be ringing a damn dinner bell." Maggie tells us.
"We should have moved you in sooner." Hershel says. "Alright Caroline, go inform everybody that we need to pack up. We're moving into the house" Rick tells me. I just nodded. After I inform everyone on the plan I walk over to pack my stuff up. "Need help"? Daryl asked as he walked over. "I'll manage" I say. He rolls his eyes and grabs 2 of my bags. "Daryl, I said I had it" I tell him. He ignores me and walks towards the house.
"Here let me help" I say to Lori as shes trying to get a crate out of the truck. "Thanks Caroline, Rick, Carl and i are taking the right corner of the living room" she tells me. As I'm walking in Hershel stops me. "You can put that in my room." He tells me "We can't do that." Lori says. "A pregnant woman and child sleeping on the floor while I've got a bed to myself?" Hershel tells her "This is still your house." Lori says. "It's our home. I'll take the couch downstairs. On nights when I came home reeking of bourbon, my wife would lock the bedroom door. I'm sad to say that couch and I became old friends." Hershel stated
T-Dog walks up between them and says "Look, if you two can't decide, I'll take it." "Thank you." Lori says to Hershel. He just nodded and I walked up to the house. "Hey mags, your dad told me to take this to his room... Where is that" I ask. "I'll take her" Savannah says before Maggie replies. I follow Savannah up the stairs to hershels room. "Here we are" she says as she opens the door. "Thanks.." I mumble. "Hey Carebear, if you wanna talk, about Dale, I'm here" she tells me. "I can't... Cause if I do I'll start crying and I'm afraid that I might not ever be able to stop" I tell her. "I'm here anyway." She replied.
I walk out of the house so I can help move the cars. I hear Dale's RV trying to start up and walk over. As I'm approaching I see Glenn walk out of the RV "I don't know what's wrong with it" he tells me. "Did you try to wiggle it like Dale did" "yeah and turn three times. Nothing" he says. "Hey can you hand me the screw driver" he asked. "Which one, the flat head, radiator hose is always a flat hear" Glenn says quoting what Dale had told him. Glenn was working on the RV when suddenly he stops. "I let him down." It took me a moment to relize he was talking about Dale. "He was proud of you. Maybe not in that moment, but overall." I tell him "Oh, that's easy for you to say. You had his back." He says. "I have my share of regrets, but I think that he knew how much we cared for him." I say.
Glenn wipes his tears and shuts the hood. "I think it will start" I say with a small smile. He just nodded and walked into the RV. He turned the key and the it roard to life. Glenn has a big smile on his face happy that he fixed it as he pulls towards the house. I walk slowly behind not really wanting to be around people. "Hey you okay" Lori asked as I pass her. I stop and look at her. "As okay as I can be" I say. "Things will look up" she tells me.
"I really hope so" I say.

Hey guys! So this is kinda like the aftermath of Dale's death. This shows how Caroline is dealing with it which is obviously not very good. Anyway I really hope you enjoyed it. I love you ass kickers


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