Too Far Gone

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"Man, you couldn't have waited till we got back?" Daryl asked angrily. We just found out that Rick sent Carol on her way. She killed Karen and David. Carol's Daryl's best friend practically. He's not taking it so well. "Until Tyreese got back?" Rick asked. "We could've handled that." I state. "Hey. Hey. She killed two of our own. She couldn't be here. She's gonna be all right. She has a car, supplies, weapons. She's a survivor." Rick tires to reason. "Man, Stop saying that like you don't believe it." "She did it. She said it was for us. That's how it was in her head. She wasn't sorry." Rick says. "Man, that's her, but that ain't her." "What are we supposed to do about Lizzie and mika?" I ask. "I told her we'd look after them. I haven't told Tyreese yet. I don't know how he's gonna take it." Rick says. "Let's go find out." Daryl says and walks down the stairs. We walk into the tombs and yell for Tyreese. "Tyreese. You down here?" Rick asks. "Rick, that you? You guys got to see this." Tyreese yells "Can we take a beat? There's something we need to talk about." I ask. "It can wait. Come on. Look." He says and points towards the ground. There's dead rats there. "The hell?" Daryl asks. "I was just looking for answers and I found this. Same person that killed Karen and David did this. Remember the rats at the fence? They showed up the same day she was killed. We got a psychopath living with us." Ty says. "Tyreese." Rick tries "We got to find him, Rick.And I'm not gonna sleep until we do." Ty pushes. "Tyreese whoever did this, I don't think that's who killed Karen." I say "Why?" He asks. Rick was about to respond but we hear a huge boom. It sounds like something blew up. "Come on" Rick says and rushes out of the tombs and into the court yard. We all go towards the fence and see him. The Governor
"Rick! Come down here. We need to talk." The governor yells up "It's not up to me. There's a council now. They run this place." Rick yells back. "Is Hershel on the council? What about Michonne? She on the council, too?" The governor Asks as he pulls Michonne and Hershel out of a car. Maggie and Beth get closer to the fence. "I don't make decisions anymore." Rick yells. "You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's Let's have that talk." He yells back. Rick opens the fence and slowly makes his way down the path "We can do this." Sasha says. "We can't take 'em all on." Daryl says. "We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned." I say. "We ain't got the numbers no more. When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" Daryl asks. "Day before we hit the Big Spot. We were running low on rations then. We're lower now." Sasha says. "Yeah, we'll manage. Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know." Daryl tells us. "What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait?" Bob asks. "As long as we can" I state. Daryl then pulls me to the side. "Care. I need you to get Addison and yourself to the bus. If I'm not there you still go. I can't loose you guys. Not today, not ever" he says. "I'll get Addie to the bus. She'll be safe. I'm not leaving you. You can't ask me to." I say and look towards Rick just as he's arriving at the bottom of the path. He's to far down for us to hear. I then feel someone tap me on the lower part if my back. I turn around and see Daryl there holding a gun. He motioned for me to take it. I grabbed ahold of it and walked backwards. I need to find Addison. Daryl nods at me knowing what I was gonna do. As soon as I get far enough back to where I can't see Rick anymore I turn around and run towards the prison. When I get in I run up to my cell and grab some of our clothes and my bow. I then go towards Addison's favorite place, the library. I run in and there she is huddled up into a corner crying. "Addison?" I say and walk up. She looks up slowly and sees me. "Mommy" she screams and runs over to me and hugs me. "I didn't know what was happening. I was reading and then I heard a huge boom. It scared me. "I know baby, it scared me too. But we need to be brave now okay" "Okay..Where's daddy?" She asks. "Hes outside" she nodds and grabs my hand. We make our way threw the prison. "Mommy, it's dark" Addie wispers. "I know baby, just a little bit more" I say. We walk out the prison doors and there's complete chaos. We can hear gunfire from every direction. I turn around and face Addison. I pull out a small hand gun that I had stuffed into my bag and handed it to Addison. "Remember what me and daddy taught you?" I ask her. "Yeah" "good I need you to take this, okay, it's dangerous out here right now" "okay mommy" she says. I grab her hand. I make my way towards the bus when I see Daryl, he's getting shot at. I take out one of the men and Daryl takes out the other. Me and Addie run over. "Caroline you need to be in the bus" he says while taking out walkers. "I told you I'm not gonna leave you" I yell. He grabs my hand and looks at me. "ill find you, I promise, okay? But right now you need to get yourself out!" He says. I look at him for a moment and he kisses me. "I love you guys" "We love you too" I cry. He then pushed me towards the bus. "Now go, I'll find you. I'll find both of you he says looking at me and Addison. "Please go" I kiss him one last time and run towards the bus. We get close but see it pulling off. "NO" I yell. "SHIT" I yell "What are we gonna do now?" Addie asks. "I don't know baby" I turn around and look for Daryl but he's no where in sight. We have to get out of here there's walkers everywhere. "Addison, we have to go." I tell her and she nodds.
We run away from the prison...Alone.
I really hope everyone's okay.

Hey asskickers!!!! So here my chapter. What did you think? The prison is gone😖😨. BUT THIS STARTS A WHOLE NEW CHAPTER IN THERE LIVES! so I hope you liked it.

I love you guys!


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