This isnt a democracy anymore

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Me and Daryl make our way down the highway and finally reach the group. I look around and don't see Savannah. It's just Rick, Carl, and Hershel. "Savannah?" I ask "We haven't seen anyone yet, your the first ones" Hershel told me. "Oh God" I cry. "I'm sure they're fine" Hershel says while hugging me. After we release from the hug 3 cars pull up. Out one Car comes T-dog, Beth, and Lori. Out the other car comes Carol, Glenn, and Maggie. The last car parks and out comes Savannah. "Oh my god" I say as I run up to hug her. We were both sobbing. "You scared the shit outta me" she tells me. "It's okay, it's okay now" I cry Into her. "Where's everyone else?" Maggie asked. "This is all that's showed up so far" "Andrea?" Lori asked "She helped me. I didn't see her after that" carol spoke up. "Patricia?" Hershel asked next. "I tried to hold on to her daddy, I tried, they ripped her right from me" Beth cried into hershels​ chest. "What about Jimmy? Did you see Jimmy?" Beth asked. "What about Toby?" Savannah added. "They um.. drove up in the RV and walkers got in. I couldn't help them" Rick spoke up. "Oh no, oh my God" Savannah cried into my chest. Me and Daryl made eye contact and he mouthed "you good" I just nodded.  Later that night we found somewhere to hold up for the night. Daryl and I were currently on watch. "I'm tired of loosing people" I say aloud after a long period of silence. "Just the way shit is these days" Daryl says. "It sucks" I say. "Mhmm". "I'm gonna go get my jacket" I tell Daryl. "Here just take this one" Daryl says as he's pulling his off. "You sure?" I ask. "Yeah take it" he says. "Thanks." I say as I put the jacket on. This jacket swallows me whole. "After I have the jacket on Daryl looks at me and laughs. "What" I say with a smile. "Nothin" he says. "Mhmm I bet" I say.
"Then T-Dog walks over. "Hey guys I'm here to relieve you" "bout time" Daryl says as we Jump off the brick wall we were sitting on. We walk over to where the rest of the group was and sat next to Carol. As we sit done she speaks. "We're not safe with him. Keeping something like that from us" She says refuring to a few hours ago when Rick informed us that were all infected. "Why do you need him he's just gonna pull you down" she says again speaking directly to Daryl. "Nah Rick's done right by me" Daryl says. "Your his hinchmen, and I'm a burden and Caroline's just another face in the crowd, we deserve better" she says.
"What do you want" I ask. "A man with honor." Carol says. "Rick has honer" I say defending Rick. Then another conversation starts up. "I think we should take our chances" Maggie says speaking to Glenn. "Don't be fools, there's no food, no fuel, no ammo" Hershel says. "What was that" Beth asked hearing something from the distance. "Could be anything" I say as I stand along with Daryl. "Could be a racoon a possom" "a walker" Glenn says cutting Daryl off. "We need to leave. I mean what are we waiting for?" Carol asks. "Which way" Glenn asks next. "The last thing we need is for everyone running off Into the dark. We don't have the vehicles no one's going off on foot" Rick spoke up. "Don't panic" Hershel says. "I'm not sitting here waiting for another heard to blow threw" carol says. "No one's going anywhere" Rick says. "do something" car argued. "I am doing so thing, I'm keeping this group safe, alive, I have been all along. I didnt ask for this, I killed my best friend for you people for Christ sake!" Rick says. After that statement everyone was quiet. I backed up and hit someone's chest. That person grabbed my hand and moved me next to them. Daryl. Then Rick spoke again "You saw how he was, how he pushed me, how we compromised us, how he threatened us. The whole Randall thing was a set up. He led me out there to put a bullet in my back. He gave me no choice, he was my friend but he came after me. My hands are clean." Everyone was still silent. "Maybe you people are better off without me. Go ahead, I think there's a place out there for us but maybe that's just another pipe dream. Maybe I'm fooling myself again, why don't you go and find out yourself. Send me a post card, go on there's the door, let's see how far you get." Daryl tightened his grip on my hand and nobody moves and Rick speaks once more. "No takers fine, but let's get one thing straight.
This isn't a democracy anymore" then he walks off leaving everyone with a terrified expression on their faces
Ricks words keep replaying in my head. "This isn't a democracy anymore."

Hey asskickers! So this was officially the last chapter of season 2 of Amc's the walking dead. I really hoped you likes reading as much as I did writing! This was the filler chapter I was talking about. Now you know who died who didn't.  Anyways thanks for reading!
I love you asskickers!


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