30 days without an accident

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"Morning, Daryl." "What's up, Dr. S?" Daryl says. "Morning, Daryl." "Morning, Daryl." "Hey, Daryl!" I hear as I'm standing with Carol cooking. I turn to see Daryl walking out of the Prison with an uncomfortable look on his face. "Smells good." He says as he walks up to me. "Just so you know, I liked you first." I laugh "Stop. You know, Rick brought in a lot of them, too." He mutters "Not recently. Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn to live with the love." Carol cuts in. "Right." He snorts and stuffs some food in his mouth. "Where's Addie?" He asks me. "She's running around with Lizzie and Mika" I tell him. He just nods. "I need you both too see something." Carol states. "Patrick, you want to take over?" Carol asks the kid. "Yes, ma'am. Mr.Dixon, I just wanted to thank you for bringing that deer back yesterday. It was a real treat, sir. And I'd be honored to shake your hand." Patrick says. Daryl licks his fingers and shakes the kids hand and he looks like he's in shock. I laugh and follow carol. "About today, I don't know if we're gonna be able to spare a lot of people for the run." She tells us "That place is good to go. We're gonna move on it." Daryl's tells her. "Yeah. The thing is, we had a pretty big buildup overnight. Dozens more towards tower three." She shows us "It's getting as bad as last month. They don't spread out anymore." I observe "With more of us sitting here, we're drawing more of them out."You get enough of those damn fence-clingers, they start to herd up. Pushing against the fences again." Daryl says. "It's manageable, but unless we get ahead of it, not for long." I state.
Carol goes back too cooking and me and Daryl walk towards the car so we can pack up for our run. "MOMMY, DADDY" I hear Addison yell. We turn around to see her running towards us. Daryl bends down and picks her up. "Hey munchkin, what's up?" He asks. "Me and Lizzie are playing this new game" she laughs. "Oh yeah? What kind?" I ask "Something called, run it or loose it" she explains "Cool" "Yeah, except she got mad at me" she says sadly. "For what?" Daryl asks. "She was naming the walkers and I told her they are mean and they will kill us. She said no.they wont. People just don't understand them" she tells us. "Well you were right. They are very bad." I say. "I know you and Daddy told me. I'm gonna go okay now" She says and jumps from Daryl's arms. "Someone needs to teach Lizzie" I say more to myself then daryl. "She wont survive if she don't know" Daryl mumbles. Zack Beth's boyfriend then starts talking to Beth "I was just gonna come find you." He says. "What's up?" She asks. "Well, the council pulled back everyone on the coal crew from going on the run. They're shorthanded right now. I figured I'd step up to help, go with 'em. Just, you know, wanted to make sure that I saw you before." He states. "Okay." She says. "I just-- 'cause, you know, it's dangerous going out there." He bags on. "I know." She laughs and kisses him. "Okay, are you gonna say good-bye?" He asks. "Nope." She says and walks off. "It's like a damn romance novel." Daryl snorts. I go tell addie I'm leaving and then jump on the bike. We start to pull off but see Michonne and Daryl stops. "Well, look who's back." I say. "Didn't find him." She says. See Michonne has been looking for the govener. We haven't seen him since the attack on the prison a couple months ago. They went to finish it but found all his men shot up. They went to Woodberry and he wasn't there either so they brought all the inocent back to the prison. "It's good to see you in one piece." Daryl tells her. "I'm thinking of looking over near Macon. It's worth a shot." She desperately says. "You might run into a few unneighborly types. Is it? I'm gonna go check out the Big Spot. The one I was talking about, just seeing." Daryl tells Rick. "Yeah, I got to go out and check the snares. I don't want to lose whatever we catch to the walkers." "I'll go" Michonne says. "You just got here" Carl says. "And I'll be back"
We finally pull up to the big spot and it seems oddly empty. "Army came in and put these fences up. Made it a place for the people to go. Last week when we spotted this place, there was a bunch of walkers behind this chain-link keeping people out like a bunch of guard dogs." Daryl explained. "So they all just left?" I ask "Give a listen." Sasha says. We soon hear music "You drew 'em out." Daryl states. "Put a boom box out there three days ago. Hooked it up to two car batteries. All right, let's make a sweep. Make sure it's safe. Grab what you can. We'll come back tomorrow with more people. Come on." Sasha tells us. We walk over to the windows and I Daryl bangs on it. "Just give it a second." He says. "Okay, I think I got it." Zack says. "Got what?" Michonne asks. "I've been trying to guess what Daryl did before the turn." Zacks answers. "He's been trying to guess for, like, six weeks." I laugh. "Yeah, I'm pacing myself. One shot a day." "All right, shoot." Daryl Says. "Well, the way you are at the prison, you being on the council, The way you are with Addison, you're able to track, you're helping people, but you're still being kind of surly. Big swing here. Homicide cop." He guesses. Michonne and u I start cracking up. "What's so funny?" Daryl smirks. "Nothing. It makes perfect sense." Michonne laughs. "Actually, the man's right. Undercover." Daryl jokes. "Come on, really?" Zack asks amazed. "Yep. I don't like to talk about it 'cause it was a lot of heavy shit, you know?" Daryl tells him. "Dude, come on, really?" Zack asks again. Daryl then gives him a "what the fuck" look. "Okay then I'll just keep guessing, I guess." Zack says. "Yeah, you keep doing that" Daryl Chuckles. Walkers start to beat on the windows."We're gonna do this, Detective?" I ask "Let's do it." He says. "All right, we go in, stay in formation for the sweep. After that, you all know what you're supposed to look for. Any questions?" Sasha asks. "Was there ever a time that you weren't the boss of me?" Tyreese her brother asks. "You had a few years before I was born." She laughs.
We go in and look around. After I grab some medicine that's left I go to the girls clothes hoping to find something for Addison. I was looking and I hear a crash and lots of glass breaking. I run over and get there as Zack is.
"You all right? You cut or something?" I ask "No, man, but my foot is caught." Bob says. "All right. He's just caught." Zack says. "What happened?" Glenn yells across the store. "Everyone's all right. We're over in wine and beer." I yell back. "I was moving fast, man. I drove right into the drinks." Bob explained. "Man, you lucked out. If this thing had come down on you the wrong way--" Daryl starts but walkers start falling threw the celling. "Yeah, uh, we should probably go now." Glenn says. "Bob's still stuck." I yell. "Get him out of there. We'll get the others." Daryl's says. Tyreese, Glenn, Zack and I get the shelf lifted off of Bob and he climbs out. We start to run towards the exit but Zack's leg got caught. "ZACK" I yell and see him get bit. "AHHHH" He yells. "Come on, we can't save him now" Glenn says and pulls me out of the store.
We all pile into our cars and rush off.
When we get to the prison Daryl decided he would tell Beth and I would go to Addie. I walk in the cell and see her asleep non her top bunk. I sit on me and Daryl's bed and stick my head in my hands. "Mommy?" I hear Addison's small voice say. I wipe my face and look at her. "Yeah baby?" I ask. "What's wrong?" I couldn't lie to her she'd figure out eventually. "Umm. Zack my friend didn't make it back from the run." I say and a tear slips down my face. "Did he go to heaven?" She asks. "Yeah baby he went to heaven." I say. "I'll pray for him" she says and falls back asleep as Daryl walks in. "How'd it go?" I ask. He just shrugs. "I'm ready for bed." He says and rubs his hands down his face. He lays down and I soon follow. "Goodnight" Daryl's mutters "Night" I say knowing I won't be getting any sleep that night.

OMG HEY ASSKICKERS!!!! GUESS WHAT! I MET NORMAN REEDUS!!! AND IRONY SINGLETON (AKA T-DOG) they were the sweetest men I've ever met. Irony was asking how I was doing in school like he was really wanted to know and Norman was just sweet all the way.


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The while cast was awesome but these are the ones I got photos with

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The while cast was awesome but these are the ones I got photos with.
Anyway I really hope you liked my chapter it may be a little short and have a few spelling mistakes in in cause I'm in the car in my way back home at the moment. And I'm really tired. So sorry about that.

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