On the road

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Daryl's POV

"So it was just you and Beth after?" "Yeah." "You save her?" Carol asked. "She's tough. She saved herself. We were out there for a while. We got cornered, she got out in front of me and I don't know, she was gone. I came out and a car's pulling out with a white cross on the window." I state. - "Just like that one?" "Yep." "Rick's gonna wonder where we went." Carol exclaimed. "I told Caroline that after we're gone to tell rick. So he wouldn't stop us but he also wouldn't worry." I explain "We can end this quick. Just run him off the road." Carol tires "Nah, we're good for a bit." "If they're holding her somewhere, we can get it out of the driver." Carol began. "Yeah, but if he don't talk, we're back to square one. Right now we got the advantage. We'll see who they are. If they're a group, see what they can do. And then we'll do what we gotta do to get her back." I say. "They're heading north, I-85." They stop the car and just sit there. "What the hell's he waiting for?" Then a man gets our if the passenger seat. "There's two of 'em." "Is that a cop? They might've seen us." Carol suggested. I shrug. They start back on the road and we go to follow them but the car sputters. "Aw, shit! Tank's tapped. They'd have taken the bypass and they didn't. They must be holed up in the city somewhere." I declared. Walkers start coming towards us. The noice from the car must of drew em over. "We gotta move, find someplace to hole up till sunlight." I say. "I know a place just a couple of blocks from here. We can make it." Carol declares. We get to this place carol new about and it kinda looks like an office. "You used to work here or something?" I ask. "Something." "What's this place?" "It's temporary housing." She says. "You came here?" I ask. "We didn't stay. Sophia and I always went back. Stupid. I'll take the top bunk. I think that one's more your style." She says pointing towards the pink bed trying to lighten the mood. "You should sleep. I'll take first watch." I tell her and go sit on the window seal. I wonder what Care and Addie are doing.
12 hours pass.
"They got people. Lots of them" This kid Noah states "So do we"

Caroline's POV
Everyone in the group has pretty much layed down or already went to sleep. I took first watch not being able to sleep much since Daryl left with Carol. I miss him and so does Addie. Everyday she asks "when dad's coming home" or something along this lines. I would actually like to know that myself. I know he feels like it's his responsibility to bring Beth back to the group and maybe it is. It's just hard being without him and not knowing for sure if he's okay.
As Im sitting on the steps outside I hear the door open behind me. I glance back and see Rick walk out of the church. "Hey" he says and sits down beside me. "What's up?" I ask. "Coming out here for some air......and advise." He admitted. "I want your advice on Abraham and his people. Should they stay or.. do you think they could be a threat?" Rick asked truly conflicted. I was quiet for a moment. "When you first met me, back in king count. You didn't know me and I didn't know you but i helped you. You were a man that Morgan, Dwayne and I saved. If we hadn't taken you in you'd probably be dead. Then we made our way to Atlanta looking for your wife and son and my sister just to come upon the most unspeakable sight ever. We were trapped and a stranger helped us. He didn't know us. Then we got to a group. We didn't know but now there family. I met a dirty hotheaded redneck and now I'm in love with him. I met a little girl and now she's my daughter.... What I'm trying to say Rick is, not everyone turns out like The Govoner and Gareth. Some people are worth taking a chance over. Maybe we can take a chance with them." I suggest. "This is why I come to you for advice. You always know the right thing to say." He says. I lay my head on his shoulder. "If you wanna get some sleep I can take watch." "I couldn't get sleep if I tried." "Why not?" He asks. "I'm worried.. about Daryl." I admit. "He's one of the toughest men in our group Im sure he's just fine. Plus, nothing living it dead is gonna stop him from getting back to you and Addison. You two are the most important thing in the world to him." Rick exclamied. "Thanks Rick" I say and sit up. "No problem." He says and kissed my fourhead. He then stands and walks back over to the door. "If you get tired and need sleep. Come wake me up and I'll finish your shift. Okay?" "Okay"
A couple minutes passed when I hear leaves rattling and being stepped on. It's coming from the lest side fo the church towards the woods. I get my bow and walk closer. I'm almost at the tree line when Daryl walks out. I run up and hug him. We pull away and I look behind him expecting to see Carol but there's nobody. "Where is she ?" I ask. Daryl doesn't answer me. He just looks looks behind him and simple states. "Come on out"

Hey asskickers! So I really hope you liked my chapter! I wanted to give Daryl a pov this chapter because in the beginning he was actually not with Caroline he was with Carol in the city so it was nice writing his pov. So i really hope you liked his pov. Anyway thanks so much for reading! I love you guys so so so much.


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