She wasn't born this way

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It's been a couple of days since carol and Tyreese showed up. It's been peaceful. So peaceful that I haven't picked my bow up in 2 days. Now thats rare. I see Addison come out of one of the rooms with a doll "Look what I found Mom. I'm gonna name her Griselda Gunderson." She laughs. Then I turn my attention to Carol. "Well, we got plenty of water. Now all we got to do is bag one of them deer and we're all set." She states. "Then we'll get one" "Yeah." "What's wrong?" I ask Ty "I'm not used to this. We're in a living room in a house." He exclaimed "Yeah, so relax." Mika laughs. "We should live here." Lizzie suggest and I look away. I have to find Daryl before I settle anywhere. I know that's not fair to Addison, I know that but I can't do this without him. I need him more then I need myself. The girl go to play outside and Tyreese pushes on the whole staying put subject. "Maybe we don't need to go to Terminus. I've been thinking. Mica's right. We can stay here. We can live here. I know Lizzie and Mica. I know Judith. I know Addison. I k ow Carol. I know you. I trust you. And I don't know if I can get that anywhere else. We could stay. We can live here." I'm quite for a moment. "Ty... Carol, I get It you wanna keep the girls safe and you think by staying that'll happen and it might. But me and addie can't stay we need to find Daryl..Rick, Carl the group. They're still out there I can feel it." I say. They just look at me. "I get what your saying. You gotta do right by your family." "Thanks for understanding Ty" He nods. I glance out the window and see the girls running towards the house looking terrified. I jump up and run out the door when I see that there being chased by walkers.
"Lizzie!" "Carol!" "Help! Help, Carol!" "Mommy" "Caroline!" I hear yells coming from everyone "Get behind us!" I tell the girls. We start taking out the walkers. One by one they fall to the ground. Until there isn't any left. I turn to Addison. "It's okay. What happened. I was with Mika and she wanted to follow Lizzie so we did and we saw her feeding a walker. She said she wanted to be like them. Then they all came out of nowhere" she cries and I hug her.
A couple hours have passed since the walker ordeal and the girls are playing in the front yard. I walk over to the well with Tyreese and Carol. Ty was talking to Carol. "The girls like it here. We could build it up, plant more food. We could find a car for an escape route just in case. If you don't want to go to Terminus, we could stay. We could. It doesn't mean we can't go someday. It's just when we were getting closer and closer, I realized I'm just not ready to be around other people yet." He says. "You don't have to" carol tires but ty doesn't listen. "I dream about Karen. I see her every night. And every time I forget she's dead. Sometimes we just talk. And sometimes I see her in the crowd in a city I've never been to. And it's back before everything happened. And then some nights, the bad ones I see someone kill her. Some stranger. Then I lose her all over again. But that's the deal, right? The people who are living are haunted by the dead. We are who we are. And we do what we do 'cause they're still here. In our heads. In the forest. The whole world is haunted now. And there's no getting out of that. Not until we're dead." Ty exclaims "Ty Maybe they're not haunting us." I suggested.
"Maybe they're just teaching us. Helping remind us so-- so that we can live with what we have to do." Carol says. "Hey. Don't you ever be ashamed of who you are, Carol. You did right by those girls. You did right by everyone." Ty says. I glanced over towards a deer and it runs off. "We'll get one yet. Probably not even deer season." Ty says. "My husband used to hunt. He'd tell the same stupid joke every year" Carol laughs. "You gonna tell it?" I ask. "Well, I guess I have to now, right?" "You do." Ty says. "Okay. What's the difference between beer nuts and deer nuts? Beer nuts are around 1. 79, deer nuts are just under a buck." We all laugh "That's good stupid, but in no way is it stupid good." Ty chuckled. "There's more where that came from." Carol says. We start walking back and when we get close we can see Lizzie standing next do a dead.....Mika. We run over and I see Addie still alive holding Judith. "Don't worry. She'll come back. I didn't hurt her brain." Lizzie says with a smile. "Addie baby come here." I wisper and she jumps up. Carol goes to stab Mika so she doesn't come back but Lizzie puts her gun up. "No, no, no! We have to wait. I need to show you. You'll see. You'll finally get it. We have to wait." She cries. "Lizzie, put the gun down." I say. "I just want us to wait." "We can wait. We can wait. You just give me the gun. We can wait, I swear." Carol says. "You, Tyreese Addison and Caroline should take Judith back. It's not safe for her." Carol says. "But Judith and Addison can change, too. I was just about to--" Judith can't even walk yet." Carol says cutting her off. I pull Addie closer to me. "Yeah, you're right. So you guys take Judith back to the house and we'll have lunch. And I'll just tie Mica up. You know, just so she won't go anywhere." Carol says trying to hold herself together. "Promise that's what you'll do?" Lizzie asks. "Mm-hmm. I promise. I'll use her shoelaces." "Let's-- let's go, Lizzie." Ty says and we all start walking back. I can still feel Addison shaking. I feel sorry for Lizzie. I know that may sound fucked up but she wasn't like this before. She wasnt born this way This world made her this way.
"I brought her some food. Cleared out her room. Made sure she didn't have any knives, anything like that. She has a shoe box full of mice. I asked her if she was the one feeding the walkers at the prison. That was her. And at the tombs, we found this rabbit pulled apart and nailed to a board. That was her, too. Said she was just having fun. I was thinking, maybe she killed Karen and David. But I don't know how she could drag them away. She would have let them turn." Ty says thinking. "It wasn't her." Carol says. "So what do we do?" I ask. I could leave with her." Carol Suggested and we gave her a look. What? We can't sleep with her, Addison and Judith under the same roof." Carol exclaimed. "You wouldn't make it. Not on your own. She can't be around other people. Maybe we could try to help her. Talk her back somehow." Ty says "This is how she is. It was already there. I didn't see it." I say. How could you? How could any of us?" Ty ask. "I'm the doctor, I should have seen it." I say and out my head in my hands. "Either way she can't be around other people." Carol says.
Later on Ty and carol decided the best way to deal with her is.... To kill her.

Hey asskickers so... What did you think? I honestly loved writing this chapter. Anyway that's so much for reading and thank you so much FOR 782 READS!!!! That's crazy and absolutely mesmerizing. I love you guys so much!.


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