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Carol comes Into the house with tears running down her face. "It's done" she croaks. I had to tell Addison. She cried but she understood. She knew Lizzie was sick and she wouldn't get better. Now we have to leave. We're gonna burry Lizzie and Mika and go.

Daryl's POV
I'm with Joe and his crew. There looking for some guy who killed one of his there men. I might just slip out in the morning. Continue my serch for care and Addison. I don't know. "There he is" I hear one of the men wisper. "Let's go" Joe says. They inch closer to the two people but i can't see there faces yet.
"Oh, dearie me. You screwed up, asshole. You hear me? You screwed up. Today is a day of reckoning, sir. Restitution. A balancing of the whole damn universe. Shit, and I was thinking of turning in for the night on New Year's Eve. Now who's gonna count down the ball dropper with me, huh? Nine Mississippi. - Eight Mississippi." I glance around the car and see them. Rick and Michonne. "Joe! Hold up." I say and completely walk around the car. "You're stopping me on eight, Daryl." "Just hold up." I say. "This is the guy that killed Lou, so we got nothing to talk about." One of the men in Joe's group says. "The thing about nowadays is we got nothing but time. Say your piece, Daryl." Joe tells me. "These people, you're gonna let 'em go. These are good people." I try. "Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that. I'll, of course, have to speak for him and all 'cause your friend here strangled him in a bathroom." Joe says angrily "You want blood, I get it. Take it from me, man. Come on." I say and drop my bow "This man killed our friend. You say he's good people. See, now that right there is a lie. It's a lie!" Joe yelled. "Come on." One of the men say and punches me in the gut. "No!" I hear Rick yell. "Teach him, fellas. Teach him all the way." Joe says. That means kill me. I keep having flashbacks of me and Caroline or me Addie and Caroline while they beat me. I start to look back on my favorite memory with them.
"Daddy, look at this one" Addie says holding up a purple flower. "I like it." I say and grabbing the flower. "Wanna know where it will look the best at?" "Where?" She asks. "Right here" I say and stick it behind her ear. "Beautiful" i wisper and she runs off to pick more. "Hey babe" Caroline says as she walks up. "Hey" I say and we kiss. "Whats going on here?" Care asks. "We're picking flowers" Addie says "Can I help?" Care asks "Yeah come on" Addie exclaimed and pulled care with her. I look at the two girls and think. I finally have something to hold onto. Something I can look forward to every morning. My girls. The love of my life and my daughter. There my everything.

I come back to reality and I hear a gun shot. The men hitting me get distracted by the shot and then Michonne takes them both out. I come back to reality and I hear a gun shot. The men hitting me get distracted by the shot and Joe grabs ahold of Rick. "What are you gonna do now sport" Joe asks. Rick takes a huge chunk out of his neck and Joe falls. Then Michonne takes both the other men out. One man still has ahold of Carl "I'll kill him! I'll kill him" "He's mine" and Rick stabs him to death.
It's been a couple hours since it all went down. I look over at rick and his face is covered in blood. I take a rag out and put some water on it. "We should save it to drink." "You can't see yourself" I say and he takes the rag. After a few minutes of silence I spoke. "I didn't know what they were." "How'd you wind up with them?" Rick asks me. "I was with Beth. We got out together. I was with her for a while." "Is she dead?" He asks. "She's just gone. After that, that's when they found me. I mean, I knew they were bad, but they had a code. It was simple. Stupid, but it was something. It was enough." I say. "And you were alone." "They said they were looking for some guy. Last night they said they spotted him. I was hanging back.But I stayed. That's when I saw it was you three. Right when you saw me. I didn't know what they could do." I start "It's not on you, Daryl. Hey. It's not on you. You being back with us here, now, that's everything. You're my brother." Rick tells me. "Hey, what you did last night anybody would have done that." "No, not that." "Something happened. That ain't you." I exclaimed. "Daryl, you and Caroline saw what I did to Tyreese. It ain't all of it, but that's me.That's why I'm here now. That's why Carl is. I want to keep him safe. That's all that matters." My face falls when he mentioned Care and I guess Rick noticed. "She's alive. They both are. Caroline's tough. She wouldn't let anything happen to Addison either. There still out there I know it" he says. "I hope your right"

Caroline's POV
We're close. I'm gonna get you four there. Make sure you're safe. But I'm not gonna stay." Carol says. I hear a walker and Tyreese grabs the baby. "I can't. Not yet." He states. "You're going to have to be able to." I say and take out the walker. I glanced up and see at least 2 dozen more. I look up at carol and wisper. "More." I jump up and get Addison behind s rock out of sight from the walkers. They were still coming our way for a moment when there was gunfire heard and they followed the sound. "That gunfire, it could have been from Terminus." "Someone was attacking them." Addie points out. "Or they were attacking someone." I say. "Do we even want to find out?" Ty asks. "Yeah. There's another track due east. It'll get us there. We'll be real careful. We walk a bit longer when we hear people. We go closer to the voices and see a man with a walkie talkie and we listen. "Alex didn't get it. See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news. Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon." The man laughs. "He was always a sloppy-ass mother." The woman on the walkie says we creep up on the man "Yeah, I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out." "Keep your finger off the button and drop it." I say and stuck my gun to the back of his head. "They're only doing eight before public face." The walkie woman says. "Listen, y'all don't have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone's welcome." The man tries but Ty cuts him off. "Shut up, man" "Okay." "We're friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat." I tell him.
We take the man in the shed and tie him up.
"They attacked us. We're just holding them." The man tries. "I don't believe you." Carol tells him. "Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" Ty asks. "We just have the boy and the samurai, that's it. We were just protecting ourselves." The man exclamied. "I don't believe you." Carol says again. "There's a bunch of us out there in six different directions. There was a lot of gunfire back home. We need to set off our charges all at the same time to confuse the dead ones away. That's good for you, too." He pleads. "No, it isn't. There's a herd heading toward Terminus right now. We don't want to confuse them away. We're gonna need their help." I say. "It's a compound. They'll see you coming. If you even make it that far with all the cold bodies heading over." The man says getting annoyed. "Guys, How are you gonna do this? We're gonna kill people." Carol says
I say my byes to Addison. She's staying with ty for a bit. Until we get this sorted out. "I love you Mom. Be safe" she says and hugs me. "I will I promise" I say and kiss her forehead.
Carol and I run walker guts all over two ponchos and put dirt on our faces so we can blend in with the walkers. We get close to the fences of terminus and put our things down. "Look!" I say and point towards the train cars." There pulling people out. I look closer and I see them. It's Rick, Glenn, Bob and..... Daryl. "We have to help them" I exclaim. "And we will" carol says and finds something to trigger an explosion. It took a few minutes put she spotted an air tank. It won't make an explosion but it would be a good distraction. She takes the shot and walkers start towards it. I put one of that man's fire works in the fence and face it towards the building. Carol lights it and it exploded into the building. There's fire everywhere. We make our way towards the building and go inside.
We don't find Rick, Glenn Bob and Daryl but we do find where they kept the weapons they took for people. I see daryls bow and grab it. "They must have got out." I tell carol. "Now we need too."
We get out of the building and head straight for the woods. We start towards the place where we left Ty and the girls but we hear voices. We go closer and I see everyone. They got out. I step on a leaf and it grabs everyone's attention. Daryl sees me and he runs over. We ignite into a big hug. "Oh my God. I've missed you so much" I cry. "I've missed you too" he mumbles into my neck. I can feel tears hit my shirt. He's crying. Daryl pulls away for a moment and we kiss. He steps back and hugs Carol and Rick walks up. "Did you guys do that?" He asks and we nod. Rick then pulls me into a hug. "Thank you" he wispers. He hugs Carol and when they pull away carol speaks. "You have to come with us." I don't tell Daryl Addison's alive. I want it to be a surprise. The Shak get into eye distance and we see Tyreese Walking out with Judith. Rick drops the bag he's holding and runs over. With Carl in toe. Sasha runs to her brother. Daryl squeezes my hand I look at him but he isn't looking at me. He's looking at Addison. He let's my hand go and runs over to her. "DAD" she yells and jumps into his arms. I walk over and join them. "Never leave us again dad" Addie mutters. "Never" he says. I have Daryl back. I have the group back. Everything is..... Perfect.

Hello asskickers! I am so sorry this chapter is a little late. But it is a Brett big chapter it 1889 words so it's a big one for you guys. I love all of you so so so so much. Thanks so much for reading and I just wanted to let you know I have posting days now! So my chapters are gonna be up every Friday, Monday and Wednesday. So be looking out on those days! Once again I love love love you guys so much. And I would live to hear from you guys more often!. So if you want you can inbox me or comment whatever it is you wanna.


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