The Aftermath

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"Don't look, don't look" Daryl keeps telling carol. "Don't look" he says again. She finally stands up and pulls away from Daryl. She looks one last time at her daughter's body then runs away crying. After that Beth walks over to her mom. I feel awful because she just thought her mom was sick. She thought one day she would recover and come back. She gets close and Rick tries to stop her "Beth wait" he says but she wants nothing to do with him. "Mom" she says as she pulls a body off her. "Mom" Beth says again. Then the walkers eyes open and grabs Beth. We all run over and I pull her away by her waist and and T-Dog grabs the walker while Andrea puts it down. Hershel grabs his daughter and walks back towards his house "you mean to tell us she's been in there this entire time, you knew" Shane says angrily. "I didn't know, Otis put those​ people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed." Hershel says. "That's bullshit, I think you all knew" Shane says "WE DIDNT KNOW" Maggie yells. "Shane" I say as hes getting closer to Hershel and his family. "What do I look like, do I look like and idiot to you" he gets really close to Hershel and Maggie slaps him. "DONT TOUCH HIM, haven't you done enough" she says. "I want you and your people off my land." Hershel says and turns to walk back towards the house. He gets to the door and stops and looks at us. "I mean it, off my land" he says again and turns around and walks back into his house.
Everyone separated after that. I walker over toward the barn where the horses were. I just really need to be alone. To much has happened today and im afraid that If I talk to someone I'm gonna loose it and start crying. I don't wanna cry.
I had been sitting in the barn for about an hour when Savannah walks in. "Hey Carebear" Hey Savannah whats up" I say. "Oh nothing I just wanted to let you know when your group leaves Hershel said you can have the spare room upstairs of the house". I look at her like she's completely stupid. "What are you talking about, when my group leaves I'm going with them."But I'm family" she says in a duh tone. "So are they" I said kinda getting angry. "Yeah okay they may be family but I'm your blood!" She says with just as much anger. "Savannah. You may be blood but They've spilt blood for me. And that's as close to family as I've ever gotten. I'm not giving it up. Not now not ever" I tell her as I get up and walk out of the barn. I walk over​ to Dale's RV to check on carol. I walk in and sit next to Daryl on the counter. "Hey Carol" I say quietly. She doesn't answer me but I don't think I was really expecting her too. Then Lori came in. "They're ready" "I'm not going" carol tells us. "But that's your little girl." Daryl says. She finally turns and faces us "That's not my little girl, it's some other....thing. My Sophia was lost in the woods all this time I thought. She didn't go hungry, she didn't Cry herself to sleep, she didn't try and find her way back. Sophia died a long time ago" then she turns back to face the window. Lori walks out and Daryl jumps off the counter and follows. "She's still yours" I mutter "hmm" she asks as she turns to look at me. "She's still your little girl" I say and walk out.
The ceremony for Sophia and some others was short. I.guess nobody really knew what to say. I'm walking over to my tent when my name is yelled. "CAROLINE!" I think it was glenn who yelled. So I run over to the house when I see Glenn on the porch looking awfully worried. "What's wrong?" I ask in panic. "Something's wrong with Beth" he says as he leads me in the house. We make it to Beth's room and she's pale as a ghost. I take a look at her and know exactly what's wrong. "She's in shock." I tell them. "Shock?" Maggie asks. "It's when a person experiences something traumatic and they can't take it so their body pretty much shuts down" I say in the simplest way I know how to "is she gonna be okay?" Lori asked me. I didn't even notice she was there. "It may take a while but she should be okay as long she stays hydrated" I say "thank you Caroline" Maggie says to me. "No problem, I'll come back to check on her in a bit." "Okay" "hey mags, where's your dad?" I ask "we don't know. He isn't in the house"
After Maggie tells me that Herschel isn't in the house I go and find Rick I find him and he's with Shane "Hey Rick?" "Yeah" he says. "Have you seen Hershel?" "Not since he told us to leave, why?" "Beth's in shock and we can't find Hershel. Me Rick and Shane walk back up to the house to check out Hershel's room. Maggie takes us to Hershel's room and see a bunch of boxes. "Your step other things?" I ask. "Dad was so sure she'd recover, that they would just pick up where they left off" Maggie told us. "Looks like he found an old friend" shane says as he throws Rick a flask. "I didn't take hershel for a drinker." "He wasn't he gave it up the day I was born That was my Grandad's gave it to dad when he died. He didn't even allow liquor in the house" Maggie said. "What's the closest bar" I ask. "Hatlens" Maggie says. "Well that's where we'll find him." Rick says. "Ill go get him" Rick says again" "not alone, just let me get my bow from daryl" I tell him "Alright we leave in 30"
I walk over to Daryl's tent which he moved away from people. "Hey Daryl" "what care" he says. "I'm going with Rick into town" "why the hell should I care" Daryl says with Anger. "Well Mr.Angry I just came to get my bow." I say and grab it. "Thanks.." I say and start to walk off. "Care" Daryl says. I turn around and after a few seconds he says "stay safe" I smile a little and say "I will" then he starts cleaning his arrows again.

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