Danger follows me!

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"That's not good" Hershel said. "We gotta get out of here, that gun fire is gonna draw more of them out" I tell Rick. "Yeah" he say. We go to walk out the door when we hear people yelling "Dean? Tony?" "Maybe they are in the bar" another man says. Rick, Hershel, Glenn, and I put our bodies in front of the door so the men couldn't open it. "Hey anyone in there? We're just looking for our friends, have you seen em?" A man yells. Rick hesitated but finally spoke. "They Drew on us" Rick yelled. It was quiet for a moment then the men started shooting threw the bar. "Shit" I yell because a bullet went right threw my leg. "Goddamn" I yell again. Hershel looks at my leg and tells me "it's just a flesh wound no major damage." "We gotta get her to the car" Glenn says. "Can you walk?" Rick asked me. "Yeah I think so" I say. We don't hear anymore gun fire so we make our way to the car. We open the bar door and me and Glenn go to walk out the doors when more gun fire is heard. We hurry and get behind the dumpster and hear Hershel Whisper our names "Glenn, Caroline" we don't reply and he says it again "Glenn Caroline" then I hear Rick and hershel talking but I can't make.our what they're saying. Rick comes over and asked if we're alright. "Yeah.." I say and Glenn just nodded. "Glenn I need you to get Caroline to the car, wrap her leg with something" Rick tells Glenn. "Alright" Glenn mutters. Me and Glenn run over to hershels car and jump inside. We hear more gun fire and then a blood curling scream. "Go see what's going on" I tell Glenn. "No, I need to help you" he says. "Glenn" I say and grab his trembling hand. "Go help Rick" I tell him. "Okay...okay" he says and jumped out of the car. "I finish patching myself up and everything after that is a daze. All I remember is Rick,
Hershel and Glenn coming back with some dude. Then I passed out.
I feel myself being picked up but have no idea by who. Then I hear his voice. "What the fuck happened?" Daryl asked. "She was shot. No major damage it was just a flesh wound take her up to the house and Patricia should Patch her up" hershel says. After that I pass out again.
36 Hours later
I wake up and see Savannah in the chair next to me. She's asleep but when I move around the squeaking of the bed wakes her up "Hey, how you feeling?" she asks. "I've felt better." I say with a small laugh. "Well good news is Hershel said when you wake you didn't have to stay in bed." "Thank God, let's get outta here." I say. We walk towards camp just as Daryl does. "What did you find out?" Rick asked him. "He's gotta group bout 30 men, and they ain't looking to make friends. If they roll threw here our men are dead and the women are gonna wish they were" he says and glanced at me towards the last part. After that everyone goes silent. "What happend" carol asked Daryl breaking the silence. I look toward his Knuckles and nervous they're covered in blood "We had a little chat" is all he says and walks away. After that fiasco Lori walked up to me. "How you feeling?" She asks me. "I'm alright. The wound is all stitched up and bandage" "It's good to have you back" she says and hugs me. "Hey im gonna go talk to daryl for a minute." I tell her. "Alright I'll see you around." She says and walks towards Rick. I grab some peroxide and wipes and make my way up to Daryl camp. "Hey" I say as I finally reach him. "Hershel let you outta bed?" He asks me. "Yep". I say and sit down next to him. "Can't stay out of trouble can you?" He asks me. "It follows me" I tell him with a smile. "Give me your hand." I say. He looks at me with a weird look. "Why?" He asks. "Because if I don't clean your Cuts they will get infected" I tell him. He put his hand out and I set it on my knee. "This may sting a bit" I tell him as I pour the peroxide on his hand. He winces slightly but that's all. I clean both of his hands and put the supplies away.
"Hey Daryl" I say "hmm" he says. "What did you mean? When you said and the women are going to wish they were" He was quiet for a moment then he spoke. "The dude, Randall, told me a story about how his group went on a run, and they came across this man and his two daughters, the men raped the girls while the dad had to watch. Randall said he didn't touch em" He says with his head down." Do you believe him?" I ask "Can't afford to." He says. I just nodded.
Daryl and I sit in a comfortable silence for a little while. I helped him clean his arrows and helped him make more also. "It's getting dark I should head back down to camp" I say as I stand up. Daryl just nodded. "Goodnight Daryl." I say as I walk away. "Night Care" I hear Daryl mutter. I walk back down to the camp and was about to get in my tent when Lori calls me over. "Hey Caroline can we talk for minute?" She asks. "Yeah of course" I say. "Let's take a walk" she says and I follow her. "What's up?" I ask because she seems off. "I needed to ask you a question" "okay shoot" I say. "I'm worried" she says. "About?" "The baby, I mean we're in the middle of the zombie apocalypse Caroline, how am I gonna get threw this" she asks me. "You have me Lori. I've delivered a baby before." "Are you sure" she asks "I'm 100% positive" I tell her. "Thank you so much" she says and hugs me. "No problem" I say and hug her back. After that we decided we should probably turn in. I walk back to my tent and change into something to sleep in. I go to my bag and see a couple arrows laying in front of it. They are hand made. I look at them and see my initials carved on the tip. These are beautiful I think to myself then I recall earlier tonight when Daryl was making his own arrows. These look just like them. I smile at the mere thought of Daryl carving my initials into each one of these arrows.
"Thanks Daryl" I say to myself. Then I crawl into my bed and let sleep take me over.

Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading my chapter It took me a little while.
We hade some Daroline in this chapter which I absolutely love to write! Anyway thank so much for keeping up with my story it means alot! I love you ass kickers!


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