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I walk out of the prison and start towards the court yard but Addison comes running around the corner. "Mommy mommy, help" she cries. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask in panic "Aunt Savannah fell on the ground and she isn't waking up!" She cries once more. "Oh my God" I say and run past her over to where she said Savannah was I run over and fall to my knees next to her and yell "HELP, SOMEBODY HELP ME" Daryl, Rick and Maggie run over. "What happened?" Daryl asks in panic " she won't wake up. Get Hershel, doctor S SOMEBODY" I yell. "Maggie, take Addison into the prison. She doesn't need to see this" Rick says. Daryl picks her up and Rick leads up to Cellblock A. "Hershel!" I holler as we enter the block. He comes around the corner and when he sees Savannah he rushes over. "Put her in here" he says. "What happened?" He asks "I don't know. I was walking out of the prison and Addison ran up and was crying saying she passed out and won't wake up." I cry. Daryl puts his arm around me trying to comfort me. "I'll see what I can do. You guys need to go. Before you get sick too" Hershel tells us. We walk outside and Rick stops us. "Something's going down. Tyreese is pissed and he's asking for me. I want you two to.come with me" he tells us and we follow. " You found them like this?" Rick asks. We just found out someone burned Karen and David Alive. "I came to see Karen and I saw the blood on the floor. Then I smelled them. Somebody dragged them out here and set them on fire. They killed them and set them on fire! You're a cop. You find out who did this and you bring 'em to me. You understand? You bring 'em to me!" Tyreese yells. "We'll find out who--" I start but get cut off by Tyreese. "I need to say it again?" He asks and gets in my face. "No. No. I know what you're feeling. I've been there. You saw me there. It's dangerous." Rick tries to explain. "Karen didn't deserve this." Tyresse yells. "No." "David didn't deserve it. Nobody does." Tyreese yells once more inching closer to.ricks face "Allght, man, let's-- " daryl starts but Tyreese pushes him I against the wall. Rick and I start to go towards them but Daryl puts his hand up to stop us. "I ain't going nowhere till I find out who did this!" Ty yells "We're on the same side, man." Daryl tries. "Hey, look, I know what you're going through. We've all lost someone. We know what you're going through right now, but you've got to calm down." Rick says and puts a hand on Ty's shoulder. "You need to step the hell back!" Ty says and punches Rick in the face. Rick stays down for a moment. "She wouldn't want you being like this." I say. Rick jumps up and starts beating the hell out of Tyreese "Stop! Stop! That's enough." I yell "That's enough. Rick. Stop." Daryl exclaims and grabs Rick off of Ty "Let go of me!" Rick yells "No." "LET GO OF ME" He yells again. "No." Daryl guide's Rick Into the prison and I help Ty.
After that Daryl and I go to the Council room. We get there a few minutes before everyone else. "I'm scared" I blurt. "I wish I could tell you it'll be okay. But I don't know" Daryl says. "What if Addison gets it. She's just a little girl. She won't survive" I mutter" "Addison's fine, worry about Savannah for now". About 2 minutes later everyone starts piling in and we start. "We have to tell them. It's starting. It's spread. Everyone who survived the attack in cell block D. Sasha, Caleb, and now others like Savannah." Hershel says. "Oh, Jesus. So what do we do?" Carol asks. First things first. Cell block A is isolation. We keep the sick people there like we tried with Karen and David." Hershel tell us. "What the hell we gonna do about that?" Daryl asks. "Ask Rick to look into it. Try to make a timeline-- who's where when." Michonne suggest. "But what are we gonna do to stop this?" Glenn asks. "There is no stopping it. You get it, you have to go through it." I speak. "But it just kills you?" Glenn asked "The illness doesn't. The symptoms do. We need antibiotics. We've been through every pharmacy nearby. And then some." I say. "That veterinary college at West Peachtree Tech, that's one place people may not have thought to raid for medication. The drugs for animals there are the same we need." Herhsel tells me "50 miles. Too big a risk before. Ain't now. I'm gonna take a group out. Best not waste any more time." Daryl says and stands. "I'm in." I say but Hershel quickly cuts in. "Caroline, your the only other doctor we have. I'm gonna need you here" Hershel says. "I'll go then" Michonne states "you haven't been exposed Daryl has. You get in a car with him--" Hershel starts but Michonne cuts him off. "He's already given me fleas." She smirks. "I can lead the way. I know where everything's kept." Herhsel tries but Daryl stops him "When we're out there, it's always the same. Sooner or later we run." He explained. "I can draw you a map." Hershel suggested​ and Daryl nodds.
Addison and I go over to say bye to Daryl. He's on one knee talking to Addie. "Your gonna be back right dad?" She asks. "In a couple hours." He says. She then raps her arms around him. "Stay safe" he mumbles Into his neck. "I will" he says as he pulls away. He stands up and kisses me "I love you" he says. "I love you too" I tell him and he walks over to the van they're taking.
Herhsel told me he'd rather me be away from all the sick people then dead smack in the middle of it. So I'm making sure nobody else gets sick. It's been a while the group should be back by now. I'm currently putting Addison to bed. She first gets on her knees to pray. "Dear God. Please have daddy come back safe and aunt Savannah and everyone else who's sick be okay too. Amen" "Amen" I say. She climbs up to her bunk and lays down. "Goodnight baby" I say and kiss her forehead. "Night mom" she says and faces the wall. I walk down the stairs and our the prison. The group is pulling up. I run over. I start to grab some bags but Daryl stops me. "Care, go" I nod and run into cell block A. Hershel stops me at the door. "Caroline before you go in there you need to know, it's bad. I don't know how much she can take." "We have the meds she's gonna be fine. Right?" I ask. "Caroline, your a doctor you know how these things work. Some people are just to far off. I'm afraid that this is one of those situations" "No! She's gonna be fine" I say and go in. I make my way towards the cell she's in. "Savannah?" I say as I walk in. She slowly turns her head towards me. "Hey Carebear" she says weakly. "How you felling?" I ask lowly. "I've been better" she weakly answers. "We got the meds, they're carrying them in now" "Carebear. Let's live in reality for a minute" she says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Care.... I'm not gonna make it" "Stop!" I say sternly. "I'm to tired to argue with you Carebear" she cries. Tears start to pour down my face. I sit next to her on the bed and grab her hand. "I can't loose you" I cry. "Your gonna be fine. You have daryl and Addison. The group." "Which means alot less without you" I cry. "Care, you can do it. I need you too." Daryl then walks in. "Hey Savannah" he says quietly. "Carebear. Can I talk to Daryl alone?" She weakly asks. I nodded and kiss her hand. "I'll be right outside.
«Savannahs POV»
Caroline leaves and Daryl sits in her place. "Daryl. I need to ask you a favor" "anything" he mutters. "I need you to look out for Caroline, and Addison." "Always" he says. After a moment I speak again. "She loves you. You make her happy. I haven't seen her happy in a long time. We had it rough growing up. More her then me. You help her forget." I exclaim. "She helps​ me forget too" he says. I grab ahold of his hand and he looks at me. "Thank you." I say and tears start to fall again. He nods and I see tears start to form in his eyes but he quickly blinks them away. "Can you get care?" I ask he nodds and stands.
Care walks in and I can feel myself fading away.
«Caroline's POV»
I walk in and sit.
"I have something to say" Savannah mumbles. "Caroline we were just reunited and I'm sorry we haven't been together for long. But I would rather have the memories of our short time together. Happy memories then not have you here at all you are all I had for a long time and that taught me that family is everywhere even if it's not blood. So I want you to remember that you are my family and everyone in the group is too. And I will always love you and all of them too. I want you to promise me something. Promise me that no matter what you'll never give up hope not even if you think it's all over hope is what you hold on to.... Always" she cries. "I love you too.... forever." I cry just as hard. She grips my hand tight. I fell her slowly letting go until i don't feel her grip at all. I look up at her and see her eyes closed and her chest not moving. I start bawling. Daryl walks in. "She's gone" I cry. "She's gone" I say again. "Come on" he try's. "No, she's gonna turn." "Let someone else do it" Daryl says. "No, it has to be me. I have to do it" I cry. "Okay....." I turn around and look at my dead sister. I walk closer and take my knife out of its holder. I run my hand down her cheek. Then position my knife. "I'm sorry..." I say and push my knife into her skull. I stumble backwards and Daryl catches me and guids me away.

OMG. I'm crying. Savannah's dead. Ahhhhh.
I wanna thank savannahsander for playing the role of Savannah Fitz. You've helped me develop this character and I think she turned out pretty damn good.

Thanks so much for reading asskickers!

I love you guys!


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