Four Walls And A Roof

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Daryl just walked out to go with Carol to find beth. "Has anyone seen Bob?" Sasha asks us. "Not since Abraham's toast" I speak. "I can't find him anywhere. Bob's out there scared, alone" Sasha starts. "maybe not, Daryl and Carol are missing too." Glenn says. I start to say something but Sasha runs up to Gabriel and points a gun in his face. "Stop. What are you doing?" Gabriel asks. "This is all connected. You show up, we're being watched, and now three of us are gone" Sasha yells angrily. "Who's out there?" Rick asks calmer then Sasha. "I-- I don't have anything - to do with this." Gabriel tries. "Where are our people?" Rick asks again getting angry. "I don't have anything to--" he tries again but sasha screams. "Where are our people?!" "Please, I don't have anything to do with this" "Why'd you bring us here?" I ask "You working with someone?" Glenn asks. "I'm alone. I'm alone. I was always alone." Gabriel states. "What about the woman in the food bank, Gabriel? What did you do to her? "You'll burn for this. " That was for you. Why? What are you gonna burn for, Gabriel? What? What did you do? What did you do?!" Rick asked finally reaching his limit. "I lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night. I always lock the doors at night. I always-- They started coming, my congregation. Atlanta was bombed the night before and they were scared. They were-- they were looking for a safe place, a place where they felt safe. And it was so early. It was so early. And the doors were still locked. You see it was my choice. There were so many of them and they were trying to pry the shutters and banging on the sidings, screaming at me. And so the dead came for them. Women children. Entire families calling my name as they were torn apart, begging me for mercy. Begging me for mercy. Damning me to hell. I buried their bones. I buried it all. The Lord sent you here to finally punish me. I'm damned. I was damned before. I always lock the doors. I always lock the doors." Gabriel says lowering himself to the floor sobbing.
"Mom, there's someone laying in the grass." Addie says in panic and I run over. "Guys i think it's Bob" I say and Sasha runs over to the door and rushes out. "Oh! Bob! Bob." Sasha panics. "His leg." Walkers start coming towards us with all the commotion Sasha starts to shoot but I turn to her. "Get bob inside. We'll take care of them." I say calmly "Can you help me, please? Help me. Help me." She cries to the group. "Get inside! Go!" We get everyone inside and I go straight towards the first aid kit. "I was in the graveyard. Somebody knocked me out. I woke up outside this place. It looked like a school. It was that guy, Gareth. And five other ones. They were eating my leg right in front of me. Like it was nothing. All proud like they had it all figured out." Bob exclamied. "Did they have Daryl and Carol?" Rick asks. "Gareth said they drove off." "That's what I was trying to say early. They went to Atlanta. Trying to find beth" I explain while wrapping up Bob's leg. "He's in pain. Do we have anything?" Sahsa asks me. "I think there are pill packets in the first aid kit." "Save 'em." "No." Sahsa exclaimed. Bob then pulls his shirt aside to reveal a walker bite on his left shoulder. "It happened at the food bank. It's okay." Bob tries then passes out. "Bob?" "There's a sofa in my office. I know it's not much, but" "Thank you."
"Do you know the place Bob was talking about?" I ask Gabriel. "It's an elementary school. It's close." "How close? How close, Gabriel?" Rick pushes. "It's just a 10-minute walk through the woods from here, due south of the graveyard."
I join Glenn and Maggie conversation. "Does he have a fever?" Maggie asks me. "He's just warm." "Jim lasted almost two days before we left him." Glenn explained. I was about to respond when Abraham spoke loudly. "Time for a reality check. We all need to leave for DC right now." "Daryl and Carol are gonna be back. We're not going anywhere without them." I exclamied. "I respect that, but there's a clear threat here to Eugene. I need to extract his ass before things get any uglier. So if y'all won't come, good luck to you. We'll go our separate ways." Abraham says and heads towards the door. "You leaving on foot?" Rick asks. "We fixed that damn bus ourselves." "There are a lot more of us.You want to keep it that way? You should come." Caroline saved your life. We saved your life." Rick yells "Well, I am trying to save yours. Save everyone's." "We're not going anywhere without our people." I but in. "Your people took off "They're coming back." I yell. "To what, picked-over bones?!" "Hey, hey, stop! Now! Do you really think that you're gonna be any safer leaving right now in the middle of the night?" Glenn asked angrily. "What about tomorrow? We need each other for this. We need each other to get to DC. We can get through all of it together." Glenn tries. "I have an idea. If you stay just one more day and help, I'll go with you to DC no matter what. Okay?" Tara asks. "Glenn and Maggie, too." Abraham tries. "No." "Good luck, then. I'm not interested in breaking up what you have here. Rosita, grab your gear. Eugene, let's go. Eugene. Move it." Abraham orders. "I don't want to." Eugene trimble's "Now!" "Okay."
"You're not taking the bus." I say. "Try to stop me." Abraham chuckled and walked back towards the door. Rick starts towards Abraham but Glenn jumps in the middle. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Hey, hey, hey! You stay-- you stay and help us, and we will go with you." Glenn offers "No." Rick says. "It's not your call. You stay, help us." Maggie starts. "Half a day. Come high noon, we're taillights. I'm not waiting for the other damn shoe to drop." "And we will leave with you." Maggie states.
After that we start fourming our plan to take out these son of a bitches. "They think they're in control. We're in here and they could be anywhere. But we know exactly where they are." "Plan's got stones, I'll give you that. Make our move before they do." Abraham trailed. "That's right. They're not counting on us thinking straight." "Are we? I'm just making sure. It's a big play. Remember what these people are capable of." I point out.
After we all get packed up Me Rick and the some of the group head towards the woods. We're counting on them watching our every move. They ain't gonna see this coming.


Mom left and I'm scared. I haven't been away from her in a while. She told me before she left that she was going to take care of some very bad people. And that I needed to be brave. We hear the church door busy open and I shoot closer to Tyreese. "Well, I guess you know we're here. And we know you're here. And we're armed. So there's really no point in hiding anymore. We've been watching you. We know who's here. There's Bob, unless you've put him out of his misery already. And Eugene. Rosita. Martin's good friend Tyreese. Carl. Judith. Addison. Rick and the rest walked out with a lot of your guns. Listen, we don't know where you all are, but this isn't a big place. So let's just stop this now before things get more painful than they need to be." They start to rattle the door handle. Look your behind one of these two doors and we have more than enough firepower to take down both. Can't imagine that's what you all want.How about the priest? Father, you help us wrap this up, we'll let you walk away from this. Just open the door and you can go. You can take the baby with you. What do you say?" The bad man asks. Judi starts crying. "I don't know. Maybe we'll keep the kid. I'm starting to like this girl. It's your last chance right now to tell us you're coming out. Are we done? We'll hit the hinges." He yells. I want my mom and dad.

Caroline's POV
We sneak back into the broken church door and hid in the shadows. "We'll hit the hinges" Garrett yells. That's when we make our move. I take our one of the men standing next to the door and Rick takes the other. "Put your guns on the floor." "Rick, we'll fire right into that office. So you lower your gun--" Gareth tries to threaten but Rick shoots his two fingers off. "Ah!" "Put your guns on the floor and kneel." Rick says again. "Do what he says. Martin, there's no choice here." Gareth cries. "Yeah, there is." Martin smirks. "Want to bet?" I say and walk out of the darkness with my gun pointed. "No point in begging, right?" Gareth asks. "No." "Still, you could have killed us when you came in. There had to be a reason for that." Gareth pressed. "We didn't want to waste the bullets." I state. "We used to help people. We saved people. Things changed. They came in and--After that I know that you've been out there, but I can see it. You don't know what it is to be hungry. You don't have to do this. We can walk away. And we will never cross paths again. I promise you." He pleads. "But you'll cross someone's path. You'd do this to anyone, right? Besides, I already made you a promise." Rick says and takes his machete and starts stabbing Gareth with it "No!" Sasha takes Martin out and I run into the room Addie is in. When I open the door she runs over. "Mom I was so worried" "I'm fine baby, I'm fine." I walk back out and hear Rick say. "It could have been us." "Yeah." "But....This is the Lord's house." Gabriel cries. "No. It's just four walls and a roof."

Hey guys! So I put Addison's POV in here. Im pretty sure that's the first time I've done that. So if you likes it I would really like to know and if you do I'll try and do more of it. Anyway thanks so much for reading!
I love you guys so much!


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