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I woke up the next morning confused on how I got to my tent last night. Last thing I remember is crying my eyes out. Then nothing. I lay in my sleeping bag for a couple more minutes then decided I should probably get up to help clear the bodies out. I was just about to walk out of my tent when I look down at my outfit. It's covered in blood and dirt so I decided to change into this

 It's covered in blood and dirt so I decided to change into this

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I walk out of my tent and walk up to Glenn. "Hey do you by any chance know how I got to my text last night?" I ask him. "Oh Daryl carried you after you cried yourself to sleep" he told me. "Oh". Then Rick called me over to him. "Hey Caroline how ya feeling" "I'm fine Rick" "are you sure" "I'm positive." I tell him. Which is the biggest lie of my life. I feel guilty, I feel like I could have done more to try and save the people of the group now I have to bury their Corpses. "So what are we doing" I ask Rick. "We are clearing out the boddies and making a plan on where we go after here. It isn't safe in the mountains anymore" "okay well I'm gonna go help clear out the boddies" I tell him then walk away. I say good morning to a few people as I pass them and make my way all the way over to Daryl and help him move the body he was currently dealing with. "Thanks" I tell him. "For what?" He asks. "Carrying me to my tent last night" I say "oh yeah um welcome" he says awkwardly. I grab an axe and start to put them threw skulls of walkers and people just to be sure they won't come back. I was so busy that I didn't even really notice Andrea on the ground.. with Amy.
Amy didn't deserve to die like this. Nobody does. We have most of the bodies cleared when we hear Jacqui yell "a walker got him, a walker bit Jim" then we all rush over to them both. "Let us see" i say. He didn't like that very much because he grabbed a shovel and started swinging at people Rick jumps in front of me and Daryl and Shane get the shovel from Jim and lift his shirt so the bite is visible to us all. It looks like a nasty bite. The group is deciding Jim's fate it's a bit of an argument. "We have to know the line between just right and too far" Rick argued to Daryl. "I think the lines pretty clear no tolerance for walkers" Daryl argued right back. "What do you expect us to do" I ask daryl. "Take a shot clean in the brain from here hell I can hit a turkey between the eyes from this distance" "No we're not doing that" Rick said. "It's not your decision" I told Rick. "Maybe Daryl and Caroline are right" Dale started but was quickly cut off by Rick. "No" and with that he walked off but was brought back quite quickly because Daryl went after Jim saying "ima do what needs to be done"
Rick hurried and got a gun pointed right to the back of Daryl's head and said "we do not kill the living" Daryl slowly turned around and chuckled "funny coming from a man who just put a gun to my head" then dropped the axe and walked away.
Rick and Shane were still arguing on whether we go to fort Benning or The CDC "the CDC is the best shot Jim has" Rick said "yeah but fort Benning is an army base they'll have guns food medical supplies" Shane said back "who gives a shit Shane we need to help Jim." I I butted in. He told me to but out so I went over to Carl and Sophia. They were doing they're school work and asked me if I would help them. "Yeah sure, I wasn't the best at math but I could try." I told them and they both giggled. We finished their work and they went off to play. "Can I have your attention please" Shane told everyone. "Ive known this man a long time, I trust his instinct, so tomorrow morning if you decide to come with us. We will be heading to the CDC" Shane added. "All of us who are going need to find a car to ride in. In my car they're is Lori Carol Sophia Carl and myself, in T-dogs van They're is just him. Daryl has his truck. And as of right now everyone else is in the RV. Oh god, that RV is gonna be packed. I may ride with T-Dog. "Hey um care" Daryl says and I turn around "yeah" "you can ride in the truck if you don't wanna be crammed in the RV" he told me. "Yeah okay that would be awesome, Thanks" I say. He just grunted and walked away.
The next morning were all slowly packing all our things. Me and Glenn took down mine and his tent and put them in the RV Daryl came over and put my stuff in the truck. All that I had was my Bow now.
We were all sad to leave the quarry but we needed to get safe and we needed to get help for Jim. "All right guys were on channel 40 for those. Of you who have a Cb if you don't and you need help just honk once and we will all stop. "Uh we're not going" Morales announced. "We have family in Birmingham we want to be with our people" his wife added. "Are you sure" I ask. "Yeah we talked it over last night, were sure" he told us. "You know out there you won't have any backup" Shane told them "we know. I have to do what's best for my family" he said.
Rick gave him a box of ammo and a rifle. "Stay safe" I told him and walked over to Daryl truck.
We all piled into our vehicles and then we were off.
I must have fell asleep during the ride because soon Daryl was tapping me awake "hmm are we here" I asked in a sleepy daze "No we're stopping because of Jim" he told me. "Oh" I said and got out of the truck.
Just as me and Daryl walk over I hear Dale say "when I said that maybe Caroline and Daryl were right I didn't mean going long with killing a man I meant maybe we need to let Jim decide and I think we have our answer".
Rick and Shane carry Jim up the hill and lay him under a tree "hey Jim you know it doesn't need to be this" Shane told him "No.... Breeze feels nice" he says. "Okay all right" Shane says and steps away. It was Jacqui's turn to say goodbye "just close your eyes sweetie it doesn't have to hurt" she kisses his forehead starts crying and gets up and walks away. "Jim do you want this" Rick asked while holding a gun out to Jim. "You'll need it. I'm okay" he says. Dale walks up this time "thanks uh for fighting for us" he says as his voice breaks. Glenn starts to tear up also and doesn't have the heart to say anything. He walks down the hill Carol and Sophia following. It was my turn. "Jim I want you to close your eyes. Be at peace. Be with your family" I tell him as my voice starts to break "it's not your time but it is your decision. Sleep well" I say and get up as a tear slips down my cheek. I walk back over to the truck and jump in. I rest my head against the window and look back up at Jim. Daryl gets into the truck and starts it. "You good" he asks. "Yeah" I say flatly. I slowly wave at Jim as we drive away and see a faint smile on his face. He's finally going to be at peace.
It took is two hours but we finally made it to the CDC but it was awfully quiet. We slowly make our way to the doors. Rick and Shane try and get the doors open but they won't budge "there's nobody here" T-Dog says to no one in particular "then why are these shutters down" Rick responds to him
"Walkers" Daryl hollers as he started to shoot them me following his lead.
"You lead us to a graveyard" Daryl yells in frustration "He made a call" Dale said "Well it was the wrong damn call" "Shut up you hear me shut up" Shane says to Daryl, then turns to Rick, "we gotta go Rick" "where are we gonna go" Carol asked in panic "she's right we can't be this close to the city after dark" I said. I look up and see the camera move. "It moved, the camera it moved" Rick said. "You imagined it" Dale said "I SAW IT" responded getting angry "I saw it to" I mutter. Then Rick started to bang on the doors "I know your here. We need help we have women children no food and barely any gas left" he says into the camera. "Come on Rick we gotta go" Shane says he's dragging Rick away. Daryl grabs hold my arm and pulls me into the other direction "YOUR KILLING US, YOUR KILLING US" Rick continuously yells we're almost all the way to the cars when a bright white light comes through the door as it opens so bright that are knocked me back into Daryl's chest.
"Come on let's go" Rick says and we all rush inside. We hear the cocking of a gun and a voice that says "anybody infected" we turn around to see a man "one of our group was he didn't make it" Rick says. "You'll submit a blood test that the price of admission" the man says. "We can do that" Rick tells him. "Go get your stuff because as soon as those doors closed they're not opening again" the man says I start to go out but Daryl tell me to stay inside that he would get my bag. I did as told and after a few minutes the men were back inside With all the necessary bags. After that the man closes the doors.
We all piled on to the elevator and there are so many people I get pushed up against Daryl's chest once again. "Thank you" Rick says. "Your welcome, you all seem nice enough, except you Im going to have to keep my eyes on you. He says as he glanced down at Carl.
We all exit the elevator and Dr. Jenner as he told us his name was starts explaining how the rooms work. He also mention that there was hot water actual hot water that we can take showers with. So I dart into a room and drop my things, grab an outfit and head straight for the shower. I stand under the water absolutely mesmerised I never thought I would feel hot water again. I heard someone Shuffle into my room but paid no attention. After about 15 minutes I was completely washed and decided I should probably get out and meet the rest of the group in the dining hall. So I put this outfit on

I brush my teeth and exit the bathroom and come face to face with a certain Dixon

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I brush my teeth and exit the bathroom and come face to face with a certain Dixon. "All the other rooms were taken" he says simply. "It's okay, I don't mind I say as I walk out with Daryl in toe, we head to the dining hall with the rest of the group and seen that Jenner has made us a fucking feast. We all sit down and dig In.
After about an hour of wine I'm drink off my ass, but sobering up. "Well I think im gonna call it a night guys. I say and stand up. "You sure" Lori asks me. Yeah I'm sure. I don't wanna embarrassed these boys on the amount of alcohol I can intake I say while laughing. "Yeah I think I'm gonna head In to" Shane says. "Goodnight guys" I say and walk out.
I stop for a moment and and someone runs into my back. "Watch the fuck out stupid bitch" Shane says. "Exuse me" I say "Why are you even here?" Shane asks." What do you mean I'm apart of the group" I tell him. "You shouldn't be. I mean you can't keep anyone safe. Hell you couldn't even keep your own damn sister safe" he says. Then out of anger I punch him I'm the face I grab his short and go fave to face with him and say "if you ever talk about Savannah that way again Ill knock your teeth out" I tell him. Then walk away. I see Daryl standing behind me and before he walks away he mutters "Dumbass" to Shane then follows me to our room. I lay in bed and pass out as soon as my head hits my pillow. I wake up a little when I feel myself being scooted over. I figured​ it's just Daryl getting into bed. So I just head back to sleep.
The next morning
I slept in and get woken up by distant screams. They're so far away I'm unable to understand​ them until I get up and walk closer to the voices. I hear a voice say "CAROLINE IS OUT THERE AND HAS NO IDEA WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON" then another Voice says "please my daughter doesn't deserve to die like this"
What be fuck is going on. "HELLO" I yell. "CARE! HEY CARE YOU HAVE TO HELP ASS OUT THIS NUT JOB IS TRYING TO FUCKING KILL US" Daryl yells threw no the door "WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT" I ask in panic then I hear a voice over the intercom "5 minutes until full decontamination"
"CARE YOU HAVE TO GET YOURSELF OUT!" "NO IM NOT GOING TO LEAVE YOU GUYS" then the door opens. Come on he says and grabbed my hand and we run. The group following. "We have to get out" shane says then starts to shoot the glass. "The glass won't break?" Sophia asks in panic. Carol then runs up to Rick with the Beretta that we found in the tank back in Atlanta. "Yeah yeah this will work!" He says
Then Shane yells for everyone to get down. Daryl pushes me to the ground and covers me with his body. *BOOM* the window breaks and we all rush out. We make it to our cars and get down again. Then the CDC blows up fire everywhere.
The CDC is gone.

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