It's You

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"Nobody's gonna be upset he didn't come back, except maybe Daryl" Morales said 
"Daryl?" I asked "His brother" Morales told me. Of course he has family I thought to myself..
It took about an hour to get to where these peoples camp was but we got they're. "Come meet everybody" Morales says then he gets out of the van "you okay Rick?" I ask "Yeah Caroline yeah I'm okay" he replies to me "let's go meet everybody" he says to me. Me and Rick get out of the van and hear Morales say "She's a doctor and he was a cop like you"
We walk forward and Rick looses his breath for a moment I look at him then look forward just to see a little boy and his mom. Rick starts to fastly approach them when the boy yelled "DAD" and started running at Rick with the woman not far behind. The boy jumped up into Rick's arms and  fell to the ground hugging him it was quite a sight, Rick got up and went over to the very shocked woman and they hugged triumphantly that's when I hrealized that this was Rick's wife and son Lori and Carl. I start to tear up at the sight I'm happy for Rick at least he found his family.
"Disoriented, I guess that comes closest, fear, confusion all those things but disoriented that's comes closest" Rick said. "Words can be meager things, sometimes they fall short" the old man known as Dale said "I felt like I had been ripped out of my life and put somewhere else, for a while I felt like I was trapped in some coma dream. Until Caroline snapped me out of it" he said. Lori looked up at me and just smiled."Mom said you died" Carl mutterd up to Rick. Lori looked regretful when Rick said "She had every reason to believe that. Don't you ever Doubt that" Rick told him.
After that Lori started talking about what the hospital said about Rick and the other patients in the hospital. I must have went off to my own world because I felt a hand on my shoulder and snapped out of it. "Caroline, are you okay," Dale asked "yeah I'm okay I was just thinking." I said "can I ask you a question Caroline?" Amy asked me "Yeah sure" I said. "What happened to your family. Mother father siblings?" "Amy you can't ask those kind of questions" her sister Andrea told her "No it's okay, um I never knew who my parents were it was just me and my sister in and out of foster homes all our life. So I don't know about my parents but I have a sister named Savannah and she and her best friend were off at college when this shit happened. She called be before everything shut down and I told her to meet me at our house. She never showed up... I waited for 2 weeks before I ever left the house. So I don't really know what happed to her and I guess I never will" I told everyone. "She could still be alive care" T-Dog told me "I hope so" I replied.
I think we should call it a night Dale said. "Hey Caroline they're an extra tent in the RV if you want it." Yeah sure thanks" I told him
It was early the next morning so I thought I would go wash off in the quarry down the hill. It was so peaceful here, not like the rest of the world. The rest of the world is filled with things we can't explain, things we don't want to explain.
I washed off in the quarry and put on this outfit

It was around 7:30 am before anyone rolled out of bed

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It was around 7:30 am before anyone rolled out of bed. It was The older woman Carol and her daughter Sophia who were the first ones up then Dale followed. Rick was the last one to get out of bed. Everything seemed normal I guess. That is until we all heard Sophia and Carl screaming. We all run towards the scream and see a walker. Jacqui got to the kids first and pulled them away. Me Rick and some others went over to a walker eating a deer. The deer had yellow and red tipped arrows sticking out of it so it was somebody's game. Shane was the first one to make a move he knocks the walker down with the butt of his gun and starts beating the shit out of it. The other men joined in soon and I figured they had that taken care of so I walked back up to camp. I was sitting in a log cleaning my arrows for for a few minutes when i hear his name "Merl" the voice yells again shit that must be merls brother Daryl. Goddamn he's gonna be pissed that we left his brother. I stood up when he walked up to camp "merl get your ugly ass out here got us some squirrel let's stew em up" Daryl yelled
"Hey Daryl how bout you slow up a bit we need to talk" Shane said. "Bout what" he asked "bout Merl, they're was uh problem in Atlanta" Shane told him. "He dead?" Daryl asked. And that broke my heart that that's the first thing people thing these days. "We're not sure" Shane said then Daryl got angry "ITS EITHER HE IS OR HE AINT" Daryl hollered. "Listen there's no easy way to say this so I'll just say it" Rick started and Daryl interrupts "Who are you" "Rick Grimes" well Rick Grimes they're something you wanna tell me" Daryl asked "your brother was a dangerous to us all so I handcuff him to a roof hooked into a piece of metal, He's still they're" Rick said. "Hold on let me process this you say you handcuffed my brother to a roof AND YOU LEFT HIM THERE" Daryl said angrily "yeah" Rick says simply.
Daryl then starts breathing awfully heavy then throws his squirrels at Rick and then charges at him for he gets any farther Shane tackles him to the ground a d Daryl pulls out a knife and charges at Rick again. Rick and Shane got it from him then put him in a headlock. "Choke holds illegal" Daryl says. "Let him go your hurting him" I say but got ignored "I want to have a calm discussion over this topic, think we can manage that" Rick asked "think we can manage that" Rick asked again then Daryl nodded. "What I did was not on a whim your brother does not work or play well with others" Rick said. "It's not Rick's fault I dropped the key" T-Dog adds in. "You couldn't pick it up" Daryl says like it's the most obvious thing in the world "I dropped it in the drain then I dragged Caroline away before she could help him." T-Dog replied. "If that's supposed to make me feel better it don't" Daryl says. "Maybe this will after T-Dog dragged me off the roof I stopped long enough to chain door closed so the Geeks couldn't get at him, with a padlock" I told Daryl. "It's gotta count for something" Rick said. Then it looked like Daryl was tearing up then he hollered "TO HELL WITH ALL Y'ALL just tell me where he is so I can go get em" "He'll show you isnt that right" Lori asked more than stated. Rick hesitated for a moment then said "I'm going back".
After that whole Fiasco I went back to cleaning my arrows and Daryl walked up and sat down to clean his arrows to. "Damn want happed to your face" Daryl asked me. "Wow what a great way to start a conversation with a girl, I bet you were a lady's man in highschool" I said with my voice thick with sarcasm. Daryl scoffed and said "I meant the black eye dumbass" "oh you can think your brother for that one" I said quite annoyed "He hit you" Daryl asked with his head down. "Yeah he did" I said. After that it was quite. "By going you're putting every single one of us at risk, just know that Rick." Shane said as him and him and Rick walked up. "What I don't get is why you would risk your life for a douchebag like Merle Dixon" Shane asked Rick. "hey choose your words more carefully next time" Daryl told Shane. "oh I did douchebags what I meant, I mean really Rick the man wouldn't give you glass of water if you were dying of thirst" "me I couldn't let a man die of thirst, thirst and exposure nothing deserves to die like that especially not a human being" Rick says. "Caroline you in?" Rick asks me "yeah I'm with you Rick" I tell him and stand up and grab my arrows. "Now you gonna risk a girl too" Shane said angrily "I can take care of myself" I say and walk over to the van and jump in, Daryl not to far behind me. After a few minutes Daryl became​ impatient and honked the horn and yelled "come on let's go"
Then everyone started piling into the van. Daryl looks at T-Dog and says "he better be okay, that's all I gotta say on the matter" then everyone was quiet.
This is gonna be a long ride.

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