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The next morning I was the first one awake. It wasn't even daylight outside yet. I stand up and stretch and see Daryl sleeping soundly he looks almost.. Peaceful. " It's rude to stare" I hear Daryl Mumble as his eyes open. "Well then it's a good thing I wasn't staring isn't it?" I say as I crack a smile "yeah sure" he says as he sits up. I glanced over to the tipped over prison bus and I noticed Ricks on watch "he probably didn't sleep" I say as Daryl looks over to the bus "Probably not" he says as he stands. "Wanna hunt?" he asked me "yeah sure I'm going to talk to Rick first" I tell him "I'll meet you at the gate" he says as he grabs his crossbow. I walk over to Rick and climb up the makeshift ladder someone made "Hey.. " I say if he looks at me he looks exhausted. "Hey..." He says "it's okay to sleep now" I tell him "Not yet" he said quietly "Rick look at me we're safe now... Please get some sleep" I say to him "when we get inside I will" Rick says "we won't get inside if you're falling over in the process" I told him bluntly "yeah..." He says "Daryl and I are going hunting we will be back soon I tell him and kiss his forehead "stay safe" he tells me as I jump down. I walk over to Daryl after I grab my bow "Ready?" He asked me "ready" I reply. Were walking over towards the train tracks so have something to follow. I look back over to the prison and see T-dog on watch now I'm guessing Rick took my advice Into account after all.
Were walking in silence until Daryl breaks it "I don't think you should go" "what do you mean?" i ask confused. "When we clear the inside of prison I don't think you should go in" he says. "Why not I go into clear all the time" I say and come to a stop. "Houses, small houses we don't know what's in there or how many were going to come across, I don't want you in the crossfire" he says as he also stops "oh my Daryl Dixon are you worried about me?." I say with a grin. "Shut up" he says with a small smirk "Daryl I'll be fine, promise" I'll tell him he's quiet for a moment then speaks "Fine, but stay close when we go in" he says and starts walking once more.
We make our way back to the prison and see everyone has woken up. We come back through the gates and Rick walks up "how'd it go?" He asked "got a couple squirrels nothing major" I tell him "we're about to go in, you coming?" He asked me "yes I am"I say I'm glance back at Daryl and catch him rolling his eyes. I smile and think to myself "Does Daryl Dixon really care about me?". I was pulled out of my thoughts by Glenn "you okay?" He asks me has we walk up to fence "Yeah, just thinking". I tell him, we reached fence in a stand next to Daryl. Alright when we go in stay in formation, don't break rank Rick tells us i glance over to Daryl and he mouths to me "stay close" I nod and we head in Maggie takes out the first Walker, followed by Glenn a walker gets to close for my liking and I'm guessing for Daryl's too because he quickly takes it out before I had the chance to think.
"Thanks" I say. He just nodded. T, don't break rank" I hear Rick whisper yell "we need that" T-Dog says referring to the shield he picked up "Maggie" Rick yells as Maggie breaks rank to take out a walker "were almost there" Rick tells us all the sudden Rick puts his back, well more like slams his back up against a wall. Then a bunch of walkers in riot gear come around the corner. Daryl tries to shoot it with his bow but the arrow bounces off. Then Rick tried with the machete. Not a one of them went down. That is until Maggie grabs one and stabs it in the neck all the way to the brain "See that?" she asked in shock, then Daryl grabs one and pulls its head back and I take it out. "DARYL" Rick yells as he pushes a walker down. The walkers from the courtyard are spilling out Glen and I run over and shut the gate as Maggie latches it. Then we take out the remaining Walkers not in the courtyard after they're all gone Glenn went to let the rest of the group in. "Wait" Rick says. "It looks secure" Glenn says "Not from the look of that courtyard over there"Daryl says "And that's a civilian" I stated as a point towards a woman walker. "So the interior could be overrun from Walkers outside the prison" T-dog points out. "So if there's a wall down what do we do we rebuild this whole place" Glenn says "we can't risk a blind spot we're going in" Rick tells us
We pushed the creaky door open. As I walk through the door I was enclosed in cold air I pulled Daryls Pancho closer around me. So far it's clear. I watch Rick go up into the guard bubble and gets to set of keys. He came back down and gave Daryl a set. he unlocks Cell Block C. He walk in and me and Daryl take the top half. We take out two Walkers up top and Rick takes one out from the bottom. Glenn goes out and gets the group and T- dog and I move the bodies. "It's secure?" Lori asked as she walked in "This Cell Block is" Rick says "What about the rest of the prison?" Hershel asks. Tomorrow I'm taking Daryl and a couple other into the tombs to clear the rest out. "We sleep in the cells?" Beth asked. "I found two sets of keys on a guard I have a set and so does Daryl it's safe enough to sleep in the cells" Rick says answering Beth's question. I walk up the stairs and grab a cell "I ain't sleeping in no cage, I'll take the perch" I hear Daryl say. I put my stuff in my cell and lay down. After a few moments of silence I hear footsteps stop in front of my cell. "You okay?" Daryl asked me. "Yeah, just tired" I say. After another moment of silence he spoke again "so I'm guessing I can't talk you out of staying here tomorrow" he asked "Not in this lifetime Dixon" I tell him. "Figures" he says as he leans on my wall. "Just--" "stay by you" I say cutting him off. "I know" I say. He just nodded. "Get some sleep" Daryl tells me. "Yeah.... Goodnight Daryl" I say. "Night Care" he says and slowly walks out.

Hey asskickers!. So how did you like all those Daroline moments? If you notice his feelings for her are starting to show! So un-Dixon like. Anyways thanks so much for 280 reads! I love you guys


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