Fucked up

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"You cozy in there?" The voice asks "Hey you alive in they're" the voice asks once more Rick hurried and grabbed the Walkie talkie and said "Hello? Hello?" "Oh they're you are you had me worrying for a minute"
The man said "Wait you can see us? "I asked "Yeah I can see you your surrounded bye walkers that's the bad news " he said "Is they're good news?" Rick asked "No not really" the man says."listen whoever you are I don't mind telling I'm a little concerned in here" I say "Man you should see it from here you'd be having a major freak out" the mystery man said "Well do you have any advice for us?" "Yeah I say make a run for it" the man told us "Just make a run for it?" I muttered "Listen it isn't as crazy as it sounds just listen the street right of you is more clear then the one left of you they're is only a couple Geeks left ontop of the tank the rest joined the feeding frenzy where the horse went down! Are you with me so far?" He asks "so far" we said "Okay so you can make a break for the Ally way about 50 yards away that's where I'll be. "Do you have any ammo?" He asks "Yeah in that bag I dropped and guns can I get to it?" "forget the bag what do you have on you now?" Me and Rick counts our bullets and the dead walker that was already in the tanks gun too. "15 bullets" Rick told him "Make em count. I'll be covering you as much as I can from here" he said "Hey um what's your name?" Rick asks and I roll my eyes "Have you not been lisning you gotta go now" the man said "Okay right" Rick said.
"Alright you ready Caroline?" Rick asks me "As ready as I'll ever be" I told him "Okay so you go out first and make a break for the ally. I'll cover your back side" Alright sound good" "okay on the count of three one..Two...Three and with that I jumped up and opened the hatch at the top of the tank I took out a walker onto of the tank with a shovel like thing I found. Then we jumped off the tank and made our way to the ally where this man was. We were shooting our way down the street when my gun clicked. "Shit Rick I'm out" I yelled back to Rick he caught up to be and said "We just have a little more to go common we can make it. We came upon the ally. Rick was still taking out walker but pointed a gun at the man by mistake and he yells "NOT DEAD NOT DEAD COME ON" the man guidance us to a ladder leading up the building, with Walker's not far behind us. "Come on" the man yelled again. I was now behind the man and we were making our way up the latter.
We made it to a platform about half way up. "what are you the new sheriff and his deputy coming in to clean up the town?" Glenn asked his voice thick with sarcasm. "That wasn't our intentions" Rick told him "Yeah yeehaw your still dumbasses" he told us. "Rick, and this is Caroline, Thank you" he told the man "Glenn, Your welcome"
The walkers started trying to make they're way up there latter so needed to climb up the rest of the way it was steep. "oh the bright side it'll be the fall that kills us. I'm a glass half full kinda guy" Glenn says
"Why'd you stick your neck out for us back they're?" I asked "Maybe it's foolish naive hope that one day if I'm that far up shit creek someone might do the same for me, guess that makes me an even bigger dumbass then you" Glenn told us. Then he dropped his backpack to the ground and I gave him mine to drop down to. After we climbed down Glenn got on a walkie talkie and said "I'm back got two guest, they're 2 geeks in the ally"
We had to go down stairs and we were half way down when we saw the walkers. Just as we saw them two men came running out a door and took them out. Me Glenn and Rick ran into the building the men came out of.
We got into the building but as we reach Rick's group he got pushed up against some boxes and points a gun in his face the woman says "You son of a bitch we outta kill you" "Not the best idea" I say while pointing my Bow at her. "just chill out andrea" a Mexican man says "Why were dead because of this stupid asshole" "I said chill out, put the gun down, or pull the trigger and get an arrow to the head" the man says glancing over too me.
"I don't understand" Rick said
The Mexican man grabs Rick by the collar and pulls in into a hallway that leading into a convenience store as he said "we come to the the city to scavenge do you know what the key to Scavenging is surviving do you know what the key to surviving is sneaking in and not shooting up the streets like it's OK coral" "Every walker for miles hear you to popping off rounds" the colored man said just as we saw the convenient store doors being pounded on by walkers "you just rang the dinner bell" Andrea said
We all the sudden hear gunshots "oh no is that Dixon" Andrea mutters
Me and Rick follow the group up a big flight of stairs to the roof "HEY DIXON ARE YOU CRAZY" the Mexican yells Dixon just laughed at him and says "oughta be more polite to a man with a gun only common sense" then the black man says you're Wasting Bullets we ain't even got man just chill "oh man I'm taking orders from this taco bender on my ass all day and now I gotta take orders from you that'll be the day" "that'll be the day? you got something you want to tell me" yeah that'll be the day I take orders from a n***er then T-dog gets himself into a fight I know he'll lose
And I was right Dixon got T-Dog to the ground and was pounding his face in I tried to intervene but ended up getting hit in the face. Everyone was yelling stop. He finally stopped but said "I think it's time we have a little pow-wow talk about who's in charge I vote me anybody else democracy time yall come on show of hands" he scared everyone into raising they're hands. "Alright that means I'm the boss right, anybody else" he asks "yeah me" Rick says and hits him in the face with the butt of his gun then handcuffs him to a metal pipe "who the hell are you man" Dixon asks "officer friendly" Rick says. "Alright listen Merle things are different now there are no n***gers anymore there ain't no more dumb as shit inbred white trash fools either just white meat and dark meat there's just us and the dead" Rick added "Screw you man" Merl tells Rick "I see you have a habit of missing the point" Rick stated "yeah well screw you twice" "oughta be more polite to a man with a gun only common sense right" I say as Rick points the gun at Merle's​ head "You wouldn't your a cop" merls says. "All I am anymore is a man looking for his wife and son anybody who gets in the way of that's going to lose, I'll give you a moment to think about that" Rick says and walks off. I sit on the ground across from Merl and look at the ground god this has been a long day. Rick walks back over and Morales is talking to him about they're group outside of the city. Merl looks at me and says hey sugar tits why don't you get me out of these handcuffs and we'll go somewhere and bump some uglys were gonna die anyway" "I'd rather" I said then got up and walked over to Glenn.

The rest of the group went down into the convenience store to see if there were any pipelines leading out of the city. I stayed up on top of the store with T-Dog and Merle waiting it was about 30 minutes later when they all came running up without Rick and Glenn I shot up and said "where's Rick?" Andrea filled me in on their plan, it was crazy bit just might work.
They make it to the truck and get in and head out of the city "What no no no no they can't be leaving us!" I said "DAMNIT" I yell! It was 5 minutes later when we hear the walkie go off it was Rick informing us to be at the gates of the convenience store he'll be there in a minute and we have to hurry They all start running down the stairs and I yell "WHAT ABOUT MERL WE CANT LEAVE HIM ITS NOT HUMAN, WE CANT LEAVE HIM MAN" Merl was also hollering too. T-Dog comes over to unlock him but trips and drops the key down the drain. "No no no no you did that on purpose" Merl yelled "it was an accident" T-Dog yelled back. He starts to run off and grabbed my arm dragging me to the door "We can't leave him like this" i yell once more but T-Dog wasn't listening to me and dragged me right out the door he was running down the stairs but I stopped to chain the door closed and yelled once more to Merl that I would come back for him.

Man this is fucked up. Really fucked up!

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