Let's Fight

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"it's gonna be one hell of a fight" I say as I pack me and Daryl's things together. "We got it" "I know, it's just I'm worried. About Addison and Savannah and everyone else." I tell daryl. "Hey, look at me." he says as he grabs my face. "Everyone who isn't fighting is gonna be away from the prison. There gonna be safe." I then kiss him. "I love you" I tell him. "I love you too" he says.
We pack our things Into the car and then I go find Savannah. "He Savannah" "Hey Carebear" she says. "Can I ask you a favor?" "Yeah sure" she stays. "Can you look out for Addison? And yourself. I can't loose you guys" I state. "I'll be extra careful. I promise" she says and hugs me.
"Caroline?" Addie says as she walks up. "Hey beautiful, you know the plan right?" I ask. "Yes, I stay with Mr.Hershel and aunt Savannah until you and daryl come get me" she says. "Right" I say as Daryl walks up. She hugs me and then hugs Daryl. "Hey munchkin" he says as he hugs her back. "Be safe okay?" She tells us. "Promise" I say and put my pinky up and she Raps hers around. "Now go get in the car, before they leave without you" i tell her and she runs off. "She's gonna be fine" I say aloud. "she is" Daryl says. "Let's go. Rick wants to go over the plan" He tells me. We go over to the group and Rick starts. "alright, Daryl, Michonne, Carol and i will go into the tombs. That's where they'll go first once they figure out were not in the cell block. Maggie, Glenn and Caroline will be on the cat walk behind the shields. When we draw them out they start shooting." He explained. "How do we draw em out" Daryl asks. "Smoke bombs." Rick says simply. "Let's get in position." I grab Daryl's hand squeeze it before we part ways. Maggie, Glenn and i get into position after we put some riot gear on. Soon we hear cars and lots of gunfire. Then a huge explosion, I think they took out a guard tower. The gun shots soon die down then the fence to the Cort yard is busted open. Then more gun fire. I quietly look over a shield and see them piling into the prison.
12 minutes later
The alarm goes off and gun fire is heard once again. The men and women start piling out of the prison. More running actually. "THIS IS OUR HOME" I yell. "GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE" Glenn yells after.
"We did it. They're running!" Maggie yells in excitement. The rest of the group comes out of the tombs.
"We should go after them." Michonne says. "We should finish this"
"Caroline, Daryl, go get the group from the woods. "On it" Daryl says and grabs my hand as we head for the truck.
We pull up to the group in the woods and I jump out of the truck. Savannah and Addison run over to me and hug me. "There was so much gun fire. I was so worried." Savannah cries. "Me too" Addison's small voice says. Addie then let's go if me and runs over to Daryl. He picks her up and hugs her back. "He munchkin. Let's get you back home" he says and takes her over to the truck. I look over and see a body of a boy on the ground. "Who's--" I start but Carl cuts me off. "I took care of a threat." Then heads for the car that the group brought here. Okay then. I walk over too the truck and see Daryl buckling Addison in.
Daryl, Savannah, Addison and I all piled into the truck and head for the prison. We get there and pull in and I go to open the door and see that Addison is asleep. I stand there and look at her for a moment. She's so small. Too good for this shit world. I feel a hand on my shoulder. "I'll get her" Daryl says "thanks" I say and walk off.
I go for a walk on and run into Savannah. "Sorry sis" I say and try to get around her. "Hey what's wrong?" "Nothing, just thinking about... stuff" I tell her. "What kind of stuff?" She asks. "Addison. I was just thinking about her life. What she's been threw, what she's gonna go threw. She's so small and fragile. This is the zombie fucking apocalypse for crying out loud. She's 12." I cry. "She's a strong girl" Savannah exclaimed. "I just... Wish I could give her something more. I want her to have a good life and wish Daryl and I could give that to her. But we can't. I want her to have something more then what we had. We had a rough upcoming Savannah and she's going threw the same damn thing. We had it rough after I adopted you and I'm sorry. I tried. I tried so hard." I cry once again. She hugs me "I know you tried. I know that and you made it the best life. The best life I could have ever had. We had our ups and downs but it was good" she explains. We then hugged and had a well needed cry. It was a good night. After that we all went to sleep.

Hey asskickers! What's up? What did you think? Alright so I'm meeting Norman Reedus on June 4th so I won't be updating until after that. I'll make it a bug chapter for you tho. So expect a cahpter on Tuesday or Wednesday! Thanks I love you guys!


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