The Hanahaki Disease

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I couldn't wait to start college. I was going to be independent, working towards the degree I wanted and, of course, there would be so many hot college kids to ogle.

Of course, if I had know what awaited me at Acadia University, maybe I would have chosen a different school. Or, maybe not. The whole dying experience wasn't that pleasant but.. Everything before and after that was pretty damn sweet.

And anyways, if Keith heard me say 'I wish I never came to Acadia' he might just break my damn nose and I like the way it looks so I'm just going to say this,

Going to Acadia was one of the best and worst experiences of my entire life and I wouldn't change it for anything.

This story will be broken up into two parts, Before and After. Before basically means, before Keith and After is (you guessed it) after Keith. I did this to explain Lance's relationships with their other friends and because, in this college AU, Keith doesn't appear until their sophomore year. So don't be alarmed that Keith isn't in the Before part. He's coming, I swear. And Before won't be that long hopefully.

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