Epilogue: first date

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Playlist: Loved You First - One Direction


"Well Hunk, how do I look?" I asked, throwing my arms out so he could look at my whole outfit. He turned around in his seat to look at me.

"Like a douche." I glared at him and Hunk started to laugh. "I'm kidding dude, you look good. I know Keith will like it." He teased. I immediately began to blush as I tried to straighten out my tie a little. I can't believe I was going all out looking like this like a frickin nerd.

"Thanks man." I said with a slight smile, grabbing my jacket off my desk chair.

"Where are you two going again?" Hunk asked.

"The restaurant where we first met him." I replied sheepishly. "I liked it there and the food was really good and.."

"And you're going back to the scene of the crime!" Hunk hollered. "Are you gonna be a complete dork? Are you gonna pull out his chair and tell him he looks cute? Are you gonna feed him some of your food? Kiss him across the table?" He asked, clasping his hands together and making kissing noises at me. My face was bright red at this point as Hunk laughed at my expression.

"Sh-shut up Hunk!" I whined. "I'm nervous enough as it is."

"I don't see why." A voice said, barging into our room. "Keith's not that cute." Pidge said with a smirk. I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed, moving to sit on my bed.

"Keith is very cute Pidge but I will excuse your ignorance because you're not into him like I am." She smiled.

"You look really fancy Lance. Are you sure Keith isn't gonna show up here in jeans and his leather jacket?" I frowned as Pidge said this, straightening out my collar as I did.

"He better not. I told him what to wear last week when I was in the hospital."

"I can't believe it took you two this long to go out." Pidge said, shaking her head at me. Her brown hair was longer now and curled less at the edges but it looked really cute falling down around her shoulders. "He's apparently been lusting after your dumb ass for like three months now and then once you both confess your love, you make him wait another week to go on a date? Harsh dude."

"What? I had to get my life back together. Do you realize how much homework I had? How many tests I had to make up? Jesus, I had to write a seven page paper in like two days. I was dying."

"As opposed to when you were actually dying from a fictional disease?" Hunk asked with a grin.

"Is this going to be a thing now? Is everyone going to make fun of us for causing a fictional disease to come to life?" I demanded. All week now I've had to endure jokes about flowers and little jabs from my friends about being sick and dying. It's all in good fun and I love it honestly but damn... How much longer could they do this? There weren't that many jokes or puns about flowers were there?

"Yup it's definitely a thing." Pidge said. I groaned, running one hand through my hair as my friends laughed at me. "Where's Aurora by the way? I thought she'd want to be here to send you off." I rolled my eyes.

"She's with Keith. She rode with Keith on his motorcycle over to Shiro, Allura, and Matt's apartment so they could help him get ready. Though I don't think your brother is there." Pidge shrugged. "Anyways, I'll see her when they come back. Keith's driving us in Shiro's car to the restaurant and dropping Aurora off back here in the process." Hunk snorted.

"Is she going to take pictures of you guys like you're going to prom or something?" He asked.

"Hunk, you know damn well she's already doing that, look." I opened my phone where some of her unread messages were still sitting and immediately, three new photos of Keith popped up. One was of Keith's back. It looked like they were in Shiro and Allura's room and Keith was changing into that red button up I told him to wear. The second picture was of Keith halfway turned around, glaring at Aurora, still with half of his shirt off. The third one I expected to be of Keith lunging at her but instead it was off the two of them. Aurora had Keith's face pressed up against hers and while Aurora was smiling wider than hell, Keith's grin looked more nervous.

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