4.1: breathing in

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Playlist: Call Out My Name - The Weekend


"Okay, breathe in for me." I took a long ragged breath, the air tickling my throat as it did, making me want to cough. "And breath out." Exhaling was even worse, it was easier for the flowers to come out that way. I coughed again as soon as she moved her stethoscope away from my back.

"Well?" I asked through a cough. "What's making me cough?" She sighed, seemingly perplexed.

"It sounds like you have fluid in your lungs Lance. It's not that bad right now but it could get worse."

"You sound unsure, like there isn't actually fluid in my lungs." She clucks her tongue.

"That's the thing... I can't really tell. This is a different sort of sound Lance. It's just... I don't know what else it could be. You should go see a doctor. They'll be able to run more tests than I can."

"What if I don't have a good insurance plan that will cover it?" I asked. "My parents live out of state and I was hoping this wasn't anything major that might make them worry."

"They're your parents, they're going to worry regardless and hopefully I'm wrong altogether and you don't have fluid in your lungs. Like I said, it sounded different. So I strongly suggest you go see a doctor or a local clinic okay Lance?" I nod slowly, grabbing my jacket off the chair and my backpack off the floor. "Is there anything else you need help with?l she asks, moving to open the door.

"Nope, that's it. Thank you though."

"Alright Lance, you take care then." She says with a cheerful misleading before heading down a different hallway from the one I need to take to get out of here. I sigh heavily, wondering what the hell I should do. If I went to a doctor and they also couldn't conclude if it was fluid or not, would thy want to scan my chest? Would they be able to see that flowers were snaking their way up my lungs? Coughing into my arm, I slowly made my way out of the building.


"Lance!" I hear someone call out to me as I'm making my way back towards the dorms. Across the quad I can see Keith, waving and I smile, waving back as he jogs over, pulling his headphones down around his neck. "Hey, what's up?" He asks, still grinning. We fist bump and I shove my hands into my pockets afterwards, trying to clear my throat. It feels really dry right now.

"Nothing much?" I said with a shrug. "You heading to class right now?"

"Yeah I have about, thirty minutes to get there." He says, checking the watch on his wrist. The lion head necklace is gleaming in the sun and I smile as I pick up the pendant.

"You must really like this dumb thing."

"It's not dumb. It's cool and I like wearing it." I smirk.

"So I've noticed." Keith looks away and runs one hand through his hair. "Where'd you just come from? Class or something?" I shake my head.

"I jut got back from Health services. I had a nurse look at my throat and lungs."

"And?" He asks, looking a little nervous.

"She said there's fluid in my lungs or something." I admitted with a little laugh. Keith frowned. "What?" I asked with a small smile.

"There's fluid in your lungs and you're laughing about it?" I shrugged. Why was he getting into one of his moods? It's not like it was his lungs that weren't functioning properly and growing flowers and shit like that.

"It's not that bad. I'm still alive. I can still breathe."

"Well you can't just let it sit in there Lance, seriously. Go to the doctors. I'll drive you right now." He sad, grabbing my hand and beginning to pull me towards the G parking lot.

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