4.4: fever dream

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Playlist: Skinny Love - Birdy


A melodic laugh drifted towards me. "Keith?" I called out, recognizing his voice. "Where are we buddy?" Everything was dark. I could barely see my hand in front of my face. I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. I covered my face with my hands trying to will myself to wake up but to no avail.

"What are you doing weirdo." I opened my eyes to find Keith and I standing outside in the quad, by the water fountain. He looked over at me expectantly. "What are you covering your face for?"

"Uhh... I don't know." I said, lowering my arms. Keith smirks, shaking his head.

"You're so weird, come on." He grabs my hand and I'm so surprised all I can do is follow him as I blush hard.

"Keith what are you.." His motorcycle comes into view.

"We're gonna be late Lance. Stop dawdling." He picks up the helmet hanging from the handle bars and tosses it to me, pulling out another helmet from somewhere else. I just stare at the helmet in my hands.

"Uh what are we.."

"Will you get on already." Keith says, sounding impatient but looking pretty amused as he glances at me over his shoulder. The only thing showing through his helmet is his violet eyes. Deciding not to argue against him for once, I put the helmet on and get on the back of his motorcycle as he flips the visor down on his helmet. "Are you gonna hang on or what?" Keith asks, his voice muffled a little.

"To what?"

"You've ridden on my motorcycle before Lance. Want do you mean to what? Me of course, stop joking around. We have to go." I'm glad he can't see me blushing through the helmet and despite not knowing what the hell he's talking about, I put my hands on his waist lightly. "Heh, you're gonna want to hold tighter babe."

"Babe.." but before I can question what he just said, Keith takes off and admittedly, I make an undignified scream as I wrap my arms tightly around Keith's middle. I hear him laugh as we ride out of the school parking lot. I'm not able to talk to him again until we hit a red light. Keith is reckless, which I knew but he zips through cars and across lines and speeds through yellow lights instead of breaking and it's kind of intense. "Where are we going exactly?" I ask him, flipping up his visor before pushing up my own.

"Your favorite place of course." He says like it's obvious and while he does seem to be taking us down the right roads towards the beach.. Why are we going there? "Don't let go okay."

"I won't." I say, slightly stunned by the evident concern in his eyes. He pushes my visor down and then his own as the light turns green and I hold on tightly to him, admittedly getting a little flustered when I feel his muscles through his shirt.

Keith parks by the stairs that go out to the beach and while I struggle to remove the helmet, Keith removes his own with ease, shaking out his hair before coming over and helping me with a laugh. "You're hopeless Lance." He says, pulling my head free. "You're such an airhead."

"I'm not an airhead!" I complain. "I actually have things in here."

"Oh yeah? Like what?" He asks with a smirk, setting the helmets down on the motorcycle's handles.

"Like a brain, filled with information."

"Sure, you keep telling yourself that." He takes my hand again as we walk down the stairs together. I don't question it, even though I want to.

"Why did we come here?" I ask him as we walk out on the sand.

"You love the sunset, you love the ocean so here they both are." Keith gestures out and the beautiful sight before me takes my breath away.

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