0.1: roommates

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Playlist: Let Her Go - Jasmine Thompson


I was fine with my parents dropping me off at college, they are my parents after all, but what I wasn't okay with was my four brothers, three sisters, three pairs of aunts and uncles and my three cousins and four nieces/nephews all tagging along for the journey. Having an entourage like that was a little embarrassing. My roommate was going to think that my family was crazy all showing up like that. I had tried to talk my mom out of letting everyone go but she wouldn't have it.

"This is an important day for you my son." She began firmly. "And family is important so why shouldn't they come." I knew it was useless to continue talking about it. So in the end, I had about two dozen people crammed into my new dorm. The ruckus my family was making could probably be heard from two floors down and five doors over. The younger kids were running around, touching everything and shouting at the top of their lungs. The adults were milling around conversing, some in Spanish and others in English and I sighed quietly as I tried to get everything unpacked. Mara was making it difficult though. She's my youngest niece at five and really does not want me to leave.

"Mara, please put that down." I begged as she grabbed a small stack of my shirts again and plopped it back down into my open suitcase. She determinedly sat down on my clothes though, crossing her arms and pouting.

"Why do you have to leave?" She demanded.

"I'm not going to be that far away." I explained to her again, picking her up and placing her against my hip. "I'll visit so often you'll be sick of me." Her bottom lip jutted out and her eyes were watery like she was about to cry. I smiled weakly at her. She'd been crying a lot lately about me leaving.

"But I don't want you to go anywhere Lance!" She cried, the waterworks starting. As soon as everyone heard her cry, all eyes were on us and my sister, Juliana, had to weave through several people to get to us so she could calm Mara down. She wouldn't let go of me though. I held her close instead, patting her back as she locked her arms around my neck and bawled her eyes out.

"Mara I'll promise you'll still see me." But my soft words didn't soothe her. My sister began caressing her hair and speaking softly to her in Spanish. She was telling her basically the same thing I've been saying for weeks. Lance isn't going anywhere honey. You're still going to see him. Mara's replies are muffled by my shirt and I sighed as I rubbed her back. There was no consoling her once she got started. All you could really do is wait for her to stop.

Mara eventually let go of me and I managed to pass her off to her mom so I could continue unpacking. While I had been distracted though, my second oldest sister had mostly finished it for me. "You're useless." She teased, ruffling my hair. "I have to do everything for you." I snorted.

"Well, uh in case you didn't notice, Mara was crying her eyes out over me." Jocelyne grinned.

"Well, don't get used to it. I'm not turning on the water works for my snot-nose little brother."

"We're not that far apart in age!" I complained.

"You're still younger than me little bro. Finish unpacking." She hit my arm, handing me the rest of the hangers for the closet. I sighed and rolled my eyes at her but did as she said. The faster I unpacked, the faster my family could get out of here and the less embarrassed I could be about them filling my entire living space.

"Hey bro!" My brother called out as he laid himself out on my once neatly made bed. I half glared at him for messing up my sheets as I shook out a shirt and put the hanger through it. "Where's your roommate? Scare him off already did you?"

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