bonus: a crack in the foundation

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Playlist: Spaces - One Direction


The phantom pains in my arm make me want to stretch out my fingers over and over, bend my arm at the elbow and clench my fists but since I can't actually do that, I'm left with massaging what's left of my right bicep and cringing at the slight tension in my muscles. "Shiro." Allura says softly. "Are you okay?" I glance over at her. She always worries about me when she sees me touching my arm. I don't know how many times I've cried over the fact that it's gone. How many times I've clung to her shirt because I can still feel it, even though it's not there.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I'm really only tense because of Lance. He's so... different. Somethings clearly wrong. He would never snap at Allura like that. He sees her as an older sister and I know you argue with your siblings but Lance just isn't the type of person to yell and get frustrated. It's completely unlike him. "I'm just thinking about Lance." She sighs and comes to sit next to me.

"I'm really worried about him Shiro and I know those three are hiding something from us. Don't they know we just want to help?" We've known for a while now that Hunk, Pidge and Matt seem to all know something about Lance that we don't. What we can't figure out though is what's wrong. What changed? What happened? Why won't they tell us anything? Keith is just as clueless as us but, maybe even more so because he doesn't really think that anything is wrong with Lance. He also doesn't really think that the four of them keeping a secret from us isn't that bad of a thing.

"We have a secret too." Keith had argued a week back.

"Okay but your secret is different." Allura said. "You liking Lance isn't a bad thing." Keith blushed red.

"I don't like him. I just think he's cute." Keith grumbled, making Allura laugh.

"Oh please. You've had a crush on him for forever now. Why don't you just tell him?" Allura had asked.

"I don't know. It's weird. I used to think he was super annoying."

"Allura thought I was annoying too." I said taking her hand. Keith rolled his eyes.

"Because you are annoying Shiro and anyways, this is different. I don't think he sees me like that. It'd be awkward to tell him I like him."

"Oh come on!" Allura exclaimed. "Lance thinks your dumb brother is hot, he's bound to think the same of you." She said, leaving both Keith and I blushing messes as she laughed.

"Maybe they think we wouldn't understand." I tell Allura, coming back to her question. "We must be getting old." Allura laughs and bumps shoulders with me affectionately as she takes my prosthetic off the bed and moves to put it on the nightstand.

"I'm sure that's not it. It has to be something else. I just can't figure out what." She said, her forehead wrinkling as she began to think on the situation.

"Have you talked to Aurora? Jeremy? Maybe they know something."

"I have." Allura said lightly. "They know about as much as we do, which is nothing. It looks like it's just between the four of them. Hunk, Pidge, Matt and Lance." She touches her head lightly before beginning to undo the long braid she had made with her hair. I'm always amazed at how beautiful she is. Allura and I first met in an English class and I swore to god when I saw her for the first time my heart dropped. I've never really been nervous to talk to girls before, not because I'm super confident or anything but nobody has really got my heart racing like Allura has. "What?" She asked, finally noticing that I was staring at her.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how beautiful you are." She smiled, walking back towards me and cupping my face in her hands.

"You're pretty cute too you know?" She kisses me lightly before pressing a kiss to the bridge of my nose. Allura is one of the few people in the world I've told about what happened to me in Afghanistan. There are only two other women in the world who know all about my scars and the trauma I suffered. One of them is my mom, the other my therapist. I've told Keith a couple of things but I ultimately didn't want to scare him, especially since he wanted to join the air force. I'm glad he got kicked out of the Garrison though. I don't want him to have t go through some of the same shit I did.

"We have to do something about that brother of yours by the way." She said, beginning to get ready to go to bed.

"What do you mean?" I questioned, as she went into the bathroom to brush her teeth.

"Did you not notice the completely infatuated look he kept giving Lance? He let Lance sleep on him. He was touching his  hair forlornly. I've never seen Keith look so open and happy before." I had noticed that but I didn't exactly know how to help Keith. He had made Allura and I swear not to say anything to Lance, Pidge, Matt or anyone else that Lance was friends with about Keith's crush on him. I think Aurora and Tristen know that Keith likes Lance. Hell, maybe even Jeremy knows, but Keith refuses to tell Pidge or Hunk or Matt because they're "closer to Lance" which Allura got pretty offended by.

"We're close to him! He said he sees me like an older sister."

"But you're not actually his sister." Allura huffed as Keith said this.

"Yeah, Keith's got it pretty bad." I admitted with a chuckle.

"I should try to figure out if Lance feels the same way. He hasn't really flirted or talked about anyone in a while has he?" Alllura asked. I shrugged, lying down on our bed and putting my arm behind my head.

"I don't think so but he could be keeping quiet about it."

"Well I'm going to find out." She says, coming out of the bathroom and turning off the light before jumping onto the bed next to me and making me laugh. "I think Keith and Lance would look so cute together." Allura admits, wrapping one arm around me and curling into my side. I put my arm down around her, rubbing her back lightly.

"Yeah, I think so too.

I felt weird writing in Shiro's voice!!! Idk why.... but I hope y'all enjoyed this bonus part!

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