bonus: the idiot

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Playlist: Little Do You Know - Alex & Sierra


If Pidge thought I would know something more about Lance's disease, she thought wrong. Lance really only agreed to let me in on his secret because he saw how worried Hunk, and Pidge, and everyone were. Honestly, our group dynamic hasn't been the same since Lance contracted this fictionalized Hanahaki Disease. Sure, he still jokes around and acts like a complete dork but you can tell he's holding back. You can tell that the Golden Trio knows something that the rest of us doesn't and now I'm in on the secret too. Lance is dying and unless we figure out who he fell in love with, we're going to loose him forever.

"You know something." Allura accused me as soon as I stepped back into the apartment. Damnit. I was trying to look inconspicuous. "What's wrong with Lance?"

"Allura, it's just a cold. No big deal." I said, trying to sound nonchalant as I shrugged my shoulders. Allura frowned.

"You're a bad liar." She accused. I laughed, hoping I didn't sound too nervous.

"No, she's right Matt. You're a bad fuckin liar." Shiro says with a slight frown.

"You said he passed out while you were on the phone with Pidge. Did he really pass out? Or were the kids being dramatic?" Allura pushed. She often calls Lance, Pidge, Hunk, Keith, etc. kids because... That's kind of what they are since we're older than them but we're not that old.

"You two need to stop listening in on my phone conversations. What happened to privacy?" I joked, avoiding her question.

"Matt." Allura groaned.

"Alright, Alright. We think he did pass out but he was fine when I got there, coherent and everything. We gave him some water, an Advil, I checked out his throat and he's fine. Nothing out of the ordinary." Was the lie that slipped out of my mouth, how could I do this so easily? It was unreal. "I told him he needs to see a better doctor, or the school nurses." Another lie. I hadn't said that but I should have. Maybe there are flowers in his lungs that I can't see. He's going to need to get x-rays or something.

"It's just a cold." Allura asked again, eyeing me suspiciously.

"If it was anything else, I would tell you guys. Okay?" I said, being sincere. I would tell them, that wasn't a lie, but it wasn't my secret to tell, it was Lance's and if he wanted me to keep my mouth shut, that's what I was going to do.

"Okay." Allura said, finally giving in and moving back to the sofa so she could sit next to Shiro again. He put his arm back around her but continued to eye me incredulously. Shiro hadn't believed my lie so easily. I smiled weakly at him anyways and decided to take a shower to clear my head and think about everything I had just been told.

All the symptoms that Lance had told me about were the same symptoms for a cold. The muscle pain, fever, fatigue, a cough. The flowers and cold sweats were the unusual bits. Cold sweats aren't common with the cold or the flu and of course, nobody is supposed to be able to cough up flower petals.

I hadn't been able to get the whole story from Pidge about what had happened but she was no doubt trying to call me right now as I stood under the shower head, letting the water rush over me. It's a fictional disease. A fictional disease. But the pain he's in and the distress he's causing himself and our friends is real. And apparently so is his love for this other person. That's the part I can't wrap my mind around. Lance keeps saying he's not in love with anyone and... I believe him. Ever since his failed date with Jason, Lance hasn't really put himself back out there. (I don't think flirting really counts since he never follows through with anyone). He just really hasn't been the same since then.

I get out of the shower and dry myself quickly, running my hands through my hair. It's getting pretty long again. I can almost tie it back if I want. Instead, I shake out my hair and head back to my room. I grab up my phone, blowing up with messages and immediately call my sister, who has already tried calling five times. "Jesus, there you are." She says instead of an actual greeting.

"Hello to you too little sis. I was taking a shower. I had to process everything."

"That's right, I forget you're weird like that." I roll my eyes a little and flop down onto my back on my bed.

"Alright, So spill. When did you find out? What's your take on all of this?"

"Hunks known for almost three weeks now I think. I've known for about two. So far, we've tried coming up with a list of people that Lance could potentially be in love with. Most of these people are just random people he's flirted with maybe once but Hunk and I kind of have another idea."

"You think he likes one of us." I say, knowing what she means immediately.

"Exactly but we know if we bring it up, Lance will deny it immediately. Maybe he's in denial about all of this though. Maybe he doesn't want to love this person." I snort.

"That's dumb."

"He's dumb." Pidge says with a sigh.

"So, who do you want to put on the list that's not on there. Who's your number one pick that Lance has fallen in love with?" Pidge is quiet on the other end.  "My bet is Aurora." She laughs.

"I was actually going to say Jeremy but both of our reasons are probably the same. They're unattainable, really hot, and both really great friends with Lance. He could be in love with one of them and not know that it's more than a platonic love." I nod my head.

"Sounds reasonable."

"Yeah, Hunk actually thinks it's Shiro which is also a pretty good guess." I snicker.

"I see his point." The two of us are quiet.

"I can't believe this is happening Matt. When you said college would be interesting, I didn't think it would be this interesting." I laughed a little.

"It's a weird situation Pidge but... We'll figure this out. We're not going to let that idiot die." I hear her sniffle. Was she crying? Pidge wasn't much of a crier.

"You're right. Thanks Matt. I feel a little better."

"I'm glad." I say, glancing at the time on my phone. "I'll call to you tomorrow Alright? Love you lil sis."

"I'll send you the website links for everything we know about the disease." She says. "Love you too Matt." She finishes before we hung up. I sigh, dropping my phone onto my stomach. What the hell are we going to do?

Matt is honestly one of the hottest animated characters I've seen??? Like how dare voltron make me lust after drawing lines and colors???

And, I'm not sure if I've alluded to the other characters knowing that Keith likes Lance, I think I have for Aurora, Shiro and Allura but I don't think I have for anyone else. That's why Pidge, Hunk and Matt are looking at the wrong people. Please correct me if I'm wrong! I'll go back and fix it lol

Also, sorry for not posting yesterday fam! I've kind of had a terrible week so I haven't updated anything until today. Hope y'all weren't stressing about this late update! I love y'all 💙❤️

P.S. I haven't edited these two parts I've just published lol

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