2.4: shots, shots, shots

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Playlist: No Idea - All Time Low


"I can't I'm Captain of the swim team now." Half of my friends groaned. Ever since I was appointed captain at the end of spring semester, I hadn't stopped mentioning it. They were all a little sick of me bringing it up.

"Come on Lance! It's your off season." Matt complained. I rolled my eyes at him, continuing to scroll through my phone without looking up. After they had gotten me completely wasted last year, they had been itching to do it again.

"Lance is fun, drunk Lance is insane." Pidge said excitedly, clinging to my arm the morning after our first frat party. I had groaned and nearly puked onto the floor which made her wrinkle her nose and move away from me, brushing back her bangs.

"Okay but hungover Lance really hates all of your guts." I grumbled before stumbling to the bathroom and promptly throwing up in the toilet.

"Yeah well, remember what happened last time?" I asked him. I heard everyone laugh a little.

"Oh don't be a big baby!" Allura called out from the kitchen. "Come have a shot with us. Just one, please." She begged. I shook my head again. I was an athlete of the school and even though we were off campus, in Shiro, Allura and Matt's apartment, it could still get me in trouble, even kicked off the team if other people found out I was even here.

"Lance, it's your favorite." My hands stilled on my phone as Hunk said this.

"Are you fucking with me?" I asked him, slowly swiveling my head. But no, he wasn't. There was my favorite bottle of tequila in his hands and my jaw dropped, making him laugh. "Are you shitting me right now!" I exclaimed, jumping up and walking towards everyone. "Who bought this?" Seeing as Shiro, Matt and Allura were the only ones old enough to buy alcohol in this damn friend group, it had to be one of them but who had told them that this was my favorite.

"I did." Shiro said triumphantly.

"Shiro I could kiss you." I breathed out, taking the bottle from Hunk's hands. Shiro laughed nervously.  "One shot." I said, licking my lips. "And no more." I warned all of them.

"One shot." Allura repeated. "We promise."

Screw. All. Of. Them.

One shot my ass.

Matt passed around the shot glasses. Some of them were from Las Vegas gift shops, the others had national park landmarks stamped on them or some other vague monuments. Those were most likely Allura's. Shiro poured the tequila delicately and smirked as he got to mine and Keith's glass. "You've never had tequila before have you baby brother?" I looked over at him and Keith's cheeks burned red slightly.

"Uhh.. No." Keith smelled the alcohol and made a slight disgusted face. Shiro laughed.

"Get him a chaser from the fridge will ya Matt? I don't want him throwing it up because that's a damn waste of alcohol." Matt grinned, grabbing a bottle of red Gatorade for Keith but also grabbed a few extras for anyone else who disliked the taste. Hunk passed the red Gatorade over to the dark haired boy who stared at the shot glass with fear.

"Is it that bad?"

"Oh this?" I said, gesturing to the bottle. "It goes down easy-peasy." I winked at him and Keith rolled his eyes, not meeting my gaze.

"Okay enough talking let's get this party started!" Pidge exclaimed. It's funny, I never really pictured Pidge as much of a drinker, and she's not. Her and Matt are very calculated. They do drink alcohol but since they hate getting drunk and don't even like the little buzz that comes with it, they immediately eat food or drink water to flush it out of their system as fast as they put it in. The only time I have seen Matt slightly drunk, he kept talking in medical terms about his blood system and his brain cognition. It was kind of hilarious.

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