bonus: captain of the swim team

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Playlist: The Last Time - Taylor Swift


"He shouldn't be allowed to be Captain, Coach." Tony argued. "He's missed so many practices because he's been sick." He said sick like he didn't believe I had almost died. "He's a stupid sophomore and there are other more experienced guys on this team that could easily replace him." Coach just stared at Tony, arms crossed as I stood there nervously, stretching out my limbs. Was he actually listening to Tony? He was kind of right. I hadn't been here but.. I really was sick.

"Alright, if you beat Lance in a race I'll consider making someone else Captain." A grin slowly formed on my face. Tony has never been able to beat me and the others knew it.

"Oooo." They all crowed. I tried not to snicker.

"That's... That's not fair!" Tony began to argue.

"Oh it isn't? You think he's out of practice? Lost his touch? Isn't fit to be Captain? Well what makes you so special Gutierrez?" Coach Kenneth demanded. Tony was at a loss for words. "What's your fastest 100 meter Lance?" He asked, turning towards me.

"About 50 seconds." I said with a shrug.

"And what is the fastest anyone has ever swam that in?" Coach asked the team.

"46 seconds and 91 milliseconds. Swam by César Cielo." Someone answers. I'm surprised someone knew the answer.

"And what, pray tell, Tony is your fastest 100 meter dash?" His face was beet red. He didn't want to answer but I knew what it was. His fastest 100 meter was a minute and ten seconds. That was super fucking slow. "Not gonna tell anyone?" Coach Kenneth demanded. "Then I suggest you shut your trap, get in the water and remind me again why you're on this team." Nearly the whole team was snickering under their breath as Coach turned to me. "Want to remind everyone of how good you are Lance?"

"Coach, I was born ready."


Practice had started maybe twenty minutes ago when I noticed that someone was sitting in the stands. I recognized the jacket they were wearing immediately. It was Keith. I smiled over at him broadly and waved. Keith waved back, a cute smile on his lips. I got out of the water and headed toward coach who was lightly chewing out a new recruit. "Hey coach can I go talk to my boyfriend for like five minutes." Coach Robby looked up at me and then over at Keith in the stands.

"Yeah, Yeah whatever. Five minutes. I asked him if he was lost but he said he was here to see you." I grinned. I would've thought he was lost too. He doesn't look like an athlete at all. I quickly walked towards the stands and Keith stood up and climbed down to meet me.

"Hey Lance." He called out lightly.

"Hey babe. Came to watch me practice?" I ask, running my hands through my hair, dripping water everywhere.

"Yeah." Keith said trying not to ogle my bare chest. It had finally dawned on me after we started dating, that that night of that fateful party where I collapsed, Keith couldn't look me in the eye back in Hunk and I's dorm because I had my shirt off. He thought I looked hot. Which only made me that much more excited for my swim meets this year.

"How do I look out there?"

"G-good." Keith stammered out. "Not that I know a damn thing about swimming or anything." He said with a smile.

"Not much to it. There's just diving, laps, backstrokes." I shrug. "The real fun comes when you're racing people." I explain, wiggling my eyebrows up and down. Keith nods, shifting his weight around nervously. "Cat got your tongue?" I asked. He groaned as I smirked.

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