4.6: kiss, kiss fall in love!

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Playlist: iT's YoU - ZAYN


I woke up, groggy, my head pounding fiercely. My chest felt like it was on fire and my throat itched like crazy, trying to get me to cough up another flower. No. I wouldn't do it. I would rather die than throw up more flowers. I tried to ignore the feeling, balling my hands into fists at my sides and keeping my eyes shut tight until I could see stars. I didn't want to cough. I didn't want to cough. If I didn't I was going to fucking loose it though.

I finally sat up and pulled my shirt up over my mouth to muffle the sound of my coughing. I didn't want to wake Hunk up. I coughed down into my chest until the itchy feeling went away. I thought I might feel blood run down my chest or the soft caress of petals, maybe the scratchy feeling of leaves and stems forcing their way out of my mouth but... There was nothing. My chest still aches, my throat still hurt but.. I didn't cough up any flowers.

I opened my eyes.

The room was a lot brighter than I expected. Probably because I wasn't in my dorm room. Instead, I found myself sitting up in a hospital bed. I was wearing a thin hospital gown instead of one of the shirts I normally wear to bed. There was an IV in my left arm and a heart monitor beeping softly in the corner. I rubbed my tired eyes, hearing someone snoring lightly nearby.

Keith was curled up in an uncomfortable looking hospital chair. He wasn't wearing his jacket, it was laid out across the back of the chair. He looked agitated even in his sleep. It kind of looked like he was having a nightmare. I tentatively began to reach out to wake him, ask him what was happening before it all hit me like a speeding train.

"I love you Lance! I'm in love with you!"

Keith loves me.

The door to the room opens. Allura walks in, looking just as tired and worn out as Keith does. She looks like she has a speech prepared, probably for Keith. She might want to tell him to wake up, to get some proper food in his system and drink some coffee maybe. Maybe he's been here all night, all day. I don't know what time it is or what day anymore. But when she sees that I'm awake, reaching for Keith, she can't help but shout my name in surprise. "Lance!" Her sudden declaration startles Keith awake. His jacket falls to the floor as he sits up properly. He sees my hand reaching for him and blushes red.

"Lance!" Another voice cries out. Pidge, Hunk, Matt and Shiro appear in the doorway and before Allura can stop them, because I'm sure only 1 or 2 people are supposed to be in my room at a time, Pidge and Hunk rush toward me, both of them beginning to cry.

"Lance!" Pidge shouts, practically launching herself onto my bed. I groan a little as she kneels on my legs for a second and crashes into my chest.

"Katie!" Matt shouts, everyone looks afraid that my friends are going to crush me to death. Pidge throws her arms around me, crying into my shoulder as Hunk wraps the two of us up in his arms.

"I hate you." Pidge cries into my chest as I hug her back with one arm, stroking her hair. "Don't you dare do something like that again McClain!"

"I'm literally going to bring you back to life just so I can kill you again Lance. I told you you had to go to the hospital!" Hunk says. I know neither of them mean it. They're just happy that I'm not dead and I'm happy too. I manage to wrap my other arm around Hunk and feel myself begin to cry into Pidge's hair.

"I know. I'm sorry. I thought I could handle it. I thought I could I figure this out." We embrace like that for a minute or so longer before Matt comes over and tells Pidge that she probably shouldn't sit on me. Pidge climbs off the bed with Hunk and Matt's help and then it gets a little awkward as the three of us wipe at our tears and try to regain our composure.

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