0.6: family matters

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Playlist: Truthfully -- DNCE


At the end of our first month at Acadia University, Hunk ran into our room, breathing heavily and sweating, as if he had seen a ghost. I had laughed a little, asking him about it but not completely intrigued by my roommates current state. If anything, Hunk had probably embarrassed himself and ran into someone. He did that quite often.

"Pidge has a brother." I sat up immediately, discarding my book on my bed as I swung my legs onto the ground.

"Repeat that?" Hunk takes a deep breath and walks farther into our room, slumping down into his desk chair.

"Pidge has a brother." I just stared at him, confused. In the month that we had known Pidge, she hadn't talked much about her family. We knew she had one but that was about it. She was more fascinated with my family situation. It astounded her that I had so many siblings that were so much older than me.

"You can't be an Uncle! You're not even old enough to take care of yourself!" She exclaimed. I wrinkled my nose at her as Hunk laughed.

"Uh.. Yes I can take care of myself." Pidge rolled her eyes.

"You asked me how to turn on the laundry machine when it was a dryer."

"I got confused!" I complained. "They both look very similar." Hunk and shook his head at me, smiling a little. I admit, my mom always did do my laundry so I wasn't exactly keen on working either of those machines but at least I had enough sense of where to put the soap and stuff. It was just the knobs and buttons I wasn't sure of.

Hunk and I had always sort of assumed Pidge was an only child. Hunk and I rave about our siblings but she had never piped in with any stories about an older brother or annoying little siblings so we jut assumed she didn't have any. "Start from the beginning." I instructed Hunk as he wiped his forehead.

"Okay well, I was coming up here from class but I basically ran into someone on the staircase, spilling all of his books and papers and stuff and I mean like, papers were fluttering in the air, people passing by were slipping on them, it was a mess." I smiled a little, picturing the scene. "Anyways, I'm apologizing, my face is redder than tomatoes and the guy starts talking, saying it's cool and he doesn't mind. His voice sounds a bit familiar but I didn't know why until I looked at him and said, Pidge?"

"And what did he say? What the fuck is a Pidge?" Hunk laughs a little.

"No, he smiled. You know my sister? He asked and me, being a little confused that Pidge looks nearly identical to the guy standing in front of me said something unintelligent like 'yeah-huh'." I sigh.

"Oh Hunk."

"I was confused!" He exclaims. "I only managed to get out, I didn't know Pidge had a brother until he shrugged, gathered up the rest of his papers and said, 'Ask Pidge about it. She has a pretty good explanation. See you around big guy!' Then he waves and.." Hunk motions out. "Gone."

"Well I'm texting that little lady right now." I said, pulling out my phone.

Science Bro
Pidge you gots some 'splaining to do.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
Lance, English please

Science Bro
You have a brother?

PidgeyPoo 🐦
I can explain..

"She'll come over after she finishes class tonight." I told Hunk, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I had already finished my last class for the day. Hunk, Jeremy and I had all planned to meet up for dinner after their shared class which meant that Jeremy would be able to witness our shouting match with Pidge since he had finally agreed to come play video games with us. "How could she not tell us about her brother?"

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