1.6: god of the sea

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Playlist: Harbor Lights -- A Silent Film


My heart was stuck in my throat. My eyes burned with the notion of tears and my ears were ringing like I had water in them. What the fuck was happening? What the fuck was happening? "We don't want you changing with us." The words echoed inside my head. That could only mean one thing. That could only mean one thing. That could only mean one fucking thing. My swim mates were looking at me like I was fucking psycho. Like I didn't belong. Like I shouldn't even be there in the first place.

"But where will.." I didn't even want to finish the sentence. I couldn't even get it out. Where was Danny? Captain Danny wouldn't allow this right? He was a nice guy he wouldn't just kick me out of the locker room because I was bisexual right? I didn't even look at these guys that way. They weren't even my type and we were teammates first before anything else. I just.. I couldn't fathom it.

"We don't care. Just not here With us Lance."

"But I.. I'm part of the team." Tony scoffed and some of the other boys laughed.

"Not for long. You're not as good a swimmer as you think you are Lance and if we have any say about it, we'll make sure you're not allowed to swim with us anymore." The only reason I was at Acadia was because of this stupid swim scholarship. If I lost that.. then I wouldn't be able to come back here.

"Guys please don't.."

"Oh is he gonna cry." Someone started to taunt. "Little baby Lance gonna cry?" Everybody started to laugh. My blood was boiling, the ringing was louder. I needed to get out of that fucking room. I turned to run. It was the only thing I knew to do but instead, I ran smack dab into somebody's chest. I looked up slowly at Danny. He was frowning and his bright green eyes were narrowed. I thought he was and at me for a second, because he was looking at me but he turned his gaze outward.

"What's wrong Lance?" He asks in his deep, almost booming voice.

"N-nothing Danny." I stammered out, rubbing at my cheeks. A tear had slipped out. I couldn't let him see I was crying so I look at the ground. He places his hand on my shoulder and steps forward, preparing to address the team.

"Does someone have a problem with Lance?" He demands. Everyone is deathly silent, nobody daring to speak up. "Nobody? Really?" He asks. "Because, I'm pretty sure I heard you correctly Tony, Randy. You want to kick Lance off the team? You want to kick him out of the locker room? Why?"

"D-Danny it's fine. I- I'm just new. They were making fun of me that's all." I said, trying to step in and avert this whole situation. He might only make it worse. I know bullies and when bullies are confronted by someone with higher authority, they only lash out harder.

"No Lance it's really not." He insists, glancing back at me over his shoulder. "I am not going to tolerate homophobic comments or jeers or talk of any kind."

"We were just meeting with him Dan. We weren't really going to.."

"You can Shut you dam mouth right now Tony. I don't like you. I've never liked you and if you think that I can't get coach to kick you off the team then you're sorely mistaken."

"Danny." I whispered, not wanting him to take it too far. The rest of the team was standing around anxiously, nobody wanting to look at either of us.

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