bonus: a much needed talk

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Playlist: The Weight - Shawn Mendez


"Now you listen here Keith Kogane." Aurora said in her I mean business voice. "You like Lance." I shake my head no vigorously. I shake my head so hard that it might just roll off my neck and onto the floor. I don't like Lance. I can't like Lance. He's soooooo stupid. Stupidly pretty. But still stupid. Besides, I still can't get over the fact that he's bisexual, like actually bisexual. I've never seen him flirt with boys before. Okay, that's a lie. He flirts with me, Shiro, Hunk, Matt and Jeremy on occasion but I thought that was just because he's a flirt, not that he's actually attracted to any of us. Besides, he's always using dumb pick-up lines. It's like his thing.

"Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope."

"No matter how many times you say no, my boy, it's not going to make me any less right." She says with a slight smirk. The two of us are currently FaceTiming in our rooms. My roommate Mark isn't here so I can express my feelings openly. I never told him about my sexual orientation, not that I should have to. I just didn't want to freak him out. For some reason the type of people I'm into can freak people out. I didn't want him to start thinking I might like him. He's not even my type anyways. He's like so far from my type that it's laughable. And I'd rather not have to deal with someone who could potentially be homophobic and, let's face it, Mark seems like he would be that kind of an asshole.

Aurora is laying on her bed, soft music coming from an unknown source, probably her laptop or maybe Tristen's. She has her hair pulled back out of her face for once so I can see her pretty brown eyes and freckles. She says she doesn't like having it up because it makes her look more like her younger brothers but I think she looks adorable. Her skin is remarkably clear and her cheeks are always slightly pink because of her pale complexion. Granted, she is darker than me still. We're different shades of Asian as she likes to remark.

"Keith, are you listening to me?"

"Say that again?" I ask. Aurora rolls here eyes, she does that a lot for me.

"I said, why do you keep denying it? You always get so flustered when he flirts with you and then you complain to me about what a "jerk" he is." She says, throwing up air quotes at me. "Or how he "drives you insane" and  "makes you uncomfortable". You're lying out of your ass my pretty boy." I smile a little.

"I'm not lying and I complain to you because you've known him longer and because if I complain to Hunk or Pidge or even Allura, Matt, and my brother, they'll bring it up with him."

"What makes you think I won't?" She asks, wiggling her eyebrows up and down. Sometimes her personality lines up so well with Lance and Jeremy's that it amazes me.

"Because you love me more than him." She ponders this for a moment.

"I mean you're right but..." She shrugs and I laugh. "Honestly, if you don't admit to yourself and to him about your feelings, I might just expose your gay ass to the world." I smirk.

"Most people know about my gay ass." I say.

"Maybe." She tucks a loser strand of her short hair behind her ear. "Come on, at least admit you think he's cute."

"He is, we've discussed this before. You would leave your boyfriend for him if you weren't madly in love with Jeremy." Aurora grins. I know she would never actually leave Jeremy. She told me once about the fight her and Jeremy got in and how devastated she was about it. She explained that she never wants to fight with him like that ever again.

"I plan on marrying that boy Keith. He's the only one for me." She had said it with such a dreamy look in her eyes and I was so jealous honestly, not only because Jeremy is also a pretty good looking guy but because I've always wanted something like that. A relationship I can put my all into. Instead of something half assed like what I had with my Ex.

"But just because I think he's cute, doesn't mean I'm into it."

"I call bullshit!" Tristen calls out from Aurora's end of the phone, making her laugh. "I can see that pining look in your eyes."

"I'm not pining. Nobody's pining." I argue. I expect Tristen to pop up onto the screen but she stays on her side of the room. Maybe she's busy with homework and we're interrupting her.

"Come on, I'm sure once you tell Lance you like him that he'll say it back." Aurora says.

"Why? Has he talked about me like that before." Aurora says nothing and I can tell she's trying to come up with something to say but it doesn't come to her. I shake my head. "Honestly guys, please stop encouraging me to fall for him. I don't want to actually catch feelings and then be disappointed later when I find out he's really not into me."

"But we don't know that Keith." Aurora says pleadingly. She seems to think Lance and I would make a good couple. I don't know how, seeing as how we fought constantly those first couple of weeks we knew each other.

"I do. Lance doesn't like me. He's more straightforward than that. If he liked me, he would say something."

"Except he isn't straight." Aurora grumbles, making me smile. "Well, anyways I'm going to hang up and text him and complain about how you always complain to me about him."

"I don't complain!" I shout. "Don't you dare text him that Aurora. It'll confuse him."

"Psh, no it won't. Lance is oblivious my boy. He probably won't think anything of it. Byeeeee Keithyyyyy." She starts to wave goodbye and Tristen shouts her goodbyes too. With a sigh and a smile, I wave back.

"See you guys tomorrow." Aurora blows me a kiss and we hang up, just in time for Mark to get home. Thank god I've already taken a shower because now I can just go to sleep and not be bothered by him. He does some weird ass shit to prepare for bed.

"Want me to turn off the light?" Mark asks as he prepares to head for the shower.

"Yeah, thank you." Mark nods and shuts off the light as I bury my head in the covers. Lance is oblivious Aurora said. He must be, if he really can't tell what his flirtatious comments do to me.

I think what Keith lacks in communication, he makes up for in observation. Which is why there's a lot of description in this bonus chapter. That's just kind of my opinion though. I also really love the idea of Aurora and Keith being really close friends 😭😭

Anywayssssss!!! Hellloooo alll I just had this random idea for a bonus chapters from Keith's point of view and I just ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ threw it in here because why notttttt. I was going to wait to post it next week but since it correlates with the chapter above it I thought why not just post it nowwwwwww. Hope y'all enjoyed it! Let me know if y'all think I should do other bonus chapters in alternate points of view!!

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