bonus: a day at the beach

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Playlist: Right Now - One Direction


"We're finally here!" I shouted, throwing my arms in the air and glancing back at Keith with a smile on my face. He arched an eyebrow at me, blowing a bubble with the gum in his mouth.

"You're acting like you've never been to the beach before." I rolled my eyes at him. Although he looked completely adorable in his snapback I hated that his hair was covered. I'd grown to really love that stupid mullet of his.

"Well I've never been to the beach with you." I said with a smile, turning the bill of his hat to the back Ash Ketchum style. Keith rolled his eyes at me as I cupped his face in my hands.

"You're a loser." He said with a grin.

"And yet, you decided to date me." I retorted. Keith opened his mouth to reply when someone tackled me to the ground, pulling me away from Keith.

"Stop flirting! I swear to god!" Aurora said as she tossed sand onto my face. She laughed as I pushed her off of me and spit out some sand that had gotten into my mouth. Keith and Jeremy were doubled over with laughter above us.

"Jeremy?" I complained as Aurora threw sand into my lap as we sat on the ground. "Why didn't you stop her?" Jeremy shrugged.

"She's a fast runner." He said.

"I've had practice." Aurora said with a shrug. I gave her a confused look. Aurora doesn't run. She's not athletic at all. "I've had practice... Running from my problems!" She shouted before getting up and rushing away, catching up to Matt, Sarah, Pidge, and Tristen who were heading down the beach together.

"I better go after her before she tackles Hunk or someone else." Jeremy said, clapping Kieth on the back before holding out his hand to me and helping me up. "It's great seeing you all again so soon." I smiled. My birthday had only been a week or so ago and we had actually planned this beach trip at my party because as Allura brought up,

"The anniversary of our first beach day is coming up. We should all get together again!" Everyone had been to the first get together except Keith and he felt a little awkward as we reminisced about last years hangout and how the whole weekend had gone.

"Hey, imagine if you had just come with me like I suggested." Shiro said, nudging his brother as the conversation wrapped up. "You would've met everyone sooner, fallen in love with Lance faster and nobody would have nearly..." he glanced around at my hoards of family members before lowering his voice. "Nearly died this past year because of love." Keith flipped Shiro off.

"You know how uncomfortable I am in social situations." Keith argued. "I would've said absolutely nothing to nobody."

"I would've broken you out of your shell." Aurora had said, grabbing Keith's hand. "Look what I did for Sarah and Pidge! I got them to interact with us crazy people and go to parties and underage drink!"

"I don't think you should be promoting that illegal shit." Sarah begins. "But cheers." Grinning, she raised her glass to all of us.

"Cheers!" Everyone shouted, clinking their glasses together. Keith had simply rolled his eyes though and I kissed his temple.

"Your gay ass would've flipped seeing me with my shirt off if you had stayed out here that weekend." Keith blushed red all he way to his ears.

"Yeah, I probably would have." He said with a smile. I had kissed him when he said that and I kissed him now remembering it.

"Are you excited to get in the water?" I asked, gesturing out to the glittering waves.

"Not really. It's always so salty and seaweed always randomly brushes up against you and freaks you out." I shook my head at him, laughing.

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