3.9: should i be worried?

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Playlist: Parallel - Heffron Drive


I tried to hum a small tune as I made my way to film class. I had a blanket in my backpack and some of mine and Keith's favorite candy as well. We started to switch off days on who would bring snacks. It was a nice setup we had going.

Walking into the classroom today, I smiled upon seeing Keith already in our usual spot. He was engrossed in his phone though and didn't notice me. As I walked over, I ruffled his long hair, messing it up and making him swat my hands away as I laughed. "Hey buddy, what's up?"

"Why do you always do that?" Keith grumbled, raking his fingers through his hair to fix the mess I made of it.

"Because I like seeing the look on your face." I grinned. "You always look so frazzled." Keith rolls his eyes and goes back to his phone as I rummage through my backpack to get his sour gummy worms. When I got him just regular gummy worms last time, he pouted and made a big fuss about it so I made sure to get him his favorite kind this time.

I was getting ready to make fun of him for being a big pouty baby last week but at that same moment, I felt the velvety touch of petals against my throat and I started to cough. Fuck. Not again. I had already had to spit out a flower into a trash can on the way over here. I continued to cough, trying to force the flower to remain in my lungs. I didn't care if it was chocking me, I couldn't let Keith see what was happening to me. He frowned slightly, eyes filled with concern.

"You really need to check out that cough Lance." I smiled.

"I'm fine Keith. Nothing to worry about." I said with a shrug, holding out the bag of gummy worms to him. "And don't worry, I made sure to get your dumb sour gummy worms."

"They're not dumb and they're better than regular gummy worms."

"Sure they are, because they're just so much more different than the ones I brought two weeks ago." Keith frowned.

"Those suck Lance." He whined. "These ones taste better." I pulled out my own bag of licorice and shook my head at him.

"Remember how Aurora got you high off your ass last year?" Keith grinned a little.

"Yeah, that was fun."

"You were so weird though. I've never seen you smile so much before then."

"I smile. You're just not always looking at me." Keith said dismissively, tearing open the package in his hands.

"Oh I'm not sure about that. I'm always trying to make you laugh with my dumb jokes." Keith snorts.

"And I don't laugh because they're dumb."

"Bite me Kogane. I'm hilarious and you're too stubborn to admit that." He bites a gummy worm in half, staring at me the whole time.

"Maybe." He grinned. The two of us turned towards our teacher as class started up and he began to explain what movie we were watching today and why. And because I'm an idiot and because I really wanted to watch this movie with Keith, I ended up having to run out of the room halfway through. I went straight for the bathroom where I threw up two perfect looking flowers and a mouthful of blood.

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