bonus: graduation

683 38 22

Playlist: Stay - Mayday Parade


I watched as Shiro, Allura, and Matt threw their caps in the air and felt my heart sink a little as they did. We all continued to clap and cheer for the recent graduates who all joked and laughed with one another on stage. It was a bitter sweet moment seeing the three of them up there.

"Come on!" Pidge cried out excitedly, slipping into the crowd easily as the graduates began to descend the stairs.

"Wait! Pidge!" Mrs. Holt called after her daughter before shaking her head.

"We'll get her Mrs. Holt! Don't worry!" Hunk said as he disappeared into the throng after her. I glanced over at Keith who had his arms crossed over his chest, eyeing the crowd in slight annoyance.

"What? Come on." I said, tugging on his hand to get him to move.

"No. I'm not going in there. I'll just wait until Shiro comes over here." Keith said with a frown.

"Well that's no fun." I grumbled, kicking at the wooden floor.

"Hanī, anata no kyōdai o mitsukeru." His mom spoke, nudging him a little. Keith groaned.

"Mama..." he mumbled.

"Anata wa watashi ni Lance to hanashi o shite moraemasu ka?" I arched my eyebrow at the mention of my name and Keith immediately blushed red. His mom smiled pleasantly and turned to me. "Lance What is it you..."

"We'll be back mom." Keith said loudly, drowning out the rest of her sentence and grabbing my hand before pulling us into the throng of people.

"Well that was rude of you." I said, squeezing his hand and moving closer to him as he pushed through people to get to his brother who wasn't that far ahead of us. "What did she want to ask me?"

"Nothing. She just wanted to annoy me." Keith said with a slight roll of his eyes.

"Keith Francis Kogane, your mother is not annoying. She is s gift from the universe."

"I keep telling you that Francis isn't my middle name." Keith said, brushing me off.

"Well you won't tell me your actual middle name so I'm going to keep assuming it's Francis until you say otherwise." He shook his head at me as we emerged into the small gathering of our friends together.

"There's the lovebirds!" Matt exclaimed, making Keith blush. Matt's favorite nickname for us is lovebirds and Keith kind of hates it. I on the on there hand think it's sweet.

"Nice valedictorian speech Matthew." I said, punching his arm in congratulations.

"Of course it was good." Matt boasted. "I've been working on it for months now."

"Yeah, he was telling us how he finally bumped the salutatorian down from her number 1 spot by completing that extra credit assignment and getting the highest grade." Hunk said with a smile.

"Yeah! Take that Becky Sue!" Matt shouted, fist bumping the air. Allura hushed him as several people looked our way.

"Yes Matthew, you're a genius now hush up." We all laughed.

"It's going to be weird not having you guys around next year." I said a bit sadly, staring off into the distance. "Who am I gonna hit on now that you two aren't going to be here anymore." I said gesturing to Shiro and Allura. Keith punched me in the chest but I just laughed along with Shiro and Allura.

"You can call us and give us your best pick up lines." Allura encouraged.

"Or just text them to us." Shiro agreed.

"You're not gonna miss me Lance?" Matt asked, pretending to be offended.

"Naw, Pidge is here. You two are so similar it's scary." I said, shoving her shoulder a little.

"Maybe, But I'm the prettier one." Pidge said with a cute smile that launched her and her brother into an argument about who is prettier than who.

"He's right though." Hunk said, ignoring the siblings. "I hate to admit it but you two did act like our parents a lot. It's going to suck not having you two.."

"Ahem." Matt said, fake clearing his throat and interrupting Hunk.

"You three." Hunk corrected. "Around as much. These three losers aren't that much fun." He said gesturing to Keith, Pidge, and I. Pidge stuck her tongue out at him and Hunk laughed.

"Yeah, what are we going to do if Lance starts dying again?" Pidge asked. I flipped her off and everyone chuckled.

"It was a one time thing guys." I said, putting my arm around Keith's shoulders. "Keith admitted he loves me so we should be good." Keith glared at me and shrugged off my arm, cheeks bright pink again.

"I still can't believe you three decided to room together." Pidge said with a shake of her head. "How are you going to deal with them Hunk?" She asked, gesturing to Keith and I.

"It was Shiro's idea for us to ask for a three person dorm." Keith argued. "You know my roommate was a little homophobic. I didn't want to keep living with him."

"Well you could've asked to room with Jeremy and is roommate. You like Jeremy." Pidge argued. I flicked her in the forehead and she yelped, rubbing the spot in surprise

"Aurora, Jeremy, Tristen, Sarah, and Aaron are getting an apartment together, remember?"

"Oh yeah..." Pidge said, the realization hitting her again.

"See! You four can just hang out with all of them at their place like we used to. After a while, you won't even miss us anymore." Allura said with bright smile. We were quiet for a bit.

"Nobody could replace you guys." Keith said with a small smile. Matt started fake sniffling and crying, causing Pidge to giggle.

"Aw! Bring it in you guys!" He exclaimed, opening his arms wide so we could all hug. "I'm gonna miss you crazy kids." He said once we were all in one of our famous huddles. "Except you Pidge. I see you all the time." Pidge hit her brother in the stomach and we all laughed as he groaned in pain.

Credit for the art goes to @pieces-of-a-rose on instagram!!
She draws some really cute things 😊😊

Rough translation:
M: "honey, go find your brother"
"Would you rather have me talk to Lance?"

This is a pretty short bonus chapter but I just wanted to basically let you all know that they graduated! And that the children are very sad to see them go. Whose going to buy them alcohol now? What are they going to do without a car? Haha. I also just wanted to mention the fact that Hunk, Keith and Lance will be dorming together as juniors and oh boy, hunks going to find out awfully fast that this was a bad idea because he's constantly catching them making out or fighting in the middle of the room and he's not sure which ones he's more uncomfortable with lol

Anyways, two more bonus chapters to go and then FIN.

See you all next week!

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