0.9 swing batter batter

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Playlist: Unconditionally -- Katy Perry


I paced the room nervously, Hunk watching me, just as nervous though I'm not sure why. I was the one with the potentially threatening information. "You're making me nervous Lance." Hunk finally admitted. "What do you want to tell me?"  I stopped pacing and clasped my hands together before pointing at him. We've been roommates for two nearly three months now. I had to tell him. I had to get this off my chest. I

"Hunk.. I'm gonna tell it to you straight okay?" I almost wanted to laugh because I wasn't straight. I sat down at my desk chair.

"Yeah, sure Lance." I nodded and stood back up again. I wasn't sure if I should tell him this bit of information standing up or sitting down but did it really matter? Maybe.

"Well.." I paused. "I bat for both teams." Hunk frowned, confused.

"You're in two baseball teams?" Shit. I shouldn't use analogies. Just tell him outright. He wouldn't hate me.

"No! I mean.. yes. But not like that, not actual teams Hunk."

"Okay then.. What?" I bounced from one foot to the other nervously.

"I'm trying to tell you that I'm into both girls and guys. You know I.. swing both ways?"

"Ohh.. You're bisexual." I nodded my head anxiously, hoping he wouldn't become embarrassed or hate me and not want to be my roommate anymore. "Yeah I knew that."

"What?" I questioned, the tension dropping from my shoulders.

"It's kind of noticeable.." Hunk said, his voice laced with his own confusion. "You're kind of, pretty obvious about it. I think I've seen you stare at more guys asses than girls." My mouth hung open in shock and my cheeks became red.

"How did you.. What do you mean I'm.. Obvious?" I demanded loudly.

"Either that or I'm an observant guy." Hunk amended. "I don't think Pidge knows or Matt if that makes you feel more comfortable." He shrugged. "I really was only able to confirm it when we met Shiro last week. Man, you looked like you fell in love." I blushed red.

"He's a good looking guy!" I argue, throwing my arms out. Hunk laughs a little. "What tipped you off? Aside from the ass staring?" Hunk thought on it, tapping his chin.

"Well, I think it might have been when you met Jeremy. I've seen you hit on girls before, I've heard your tone of voice. You were using that same voice on him when you two first met."

"There's a tone in my voice?" I demanded. Hunk laughed and shrugged.

"Yeah man. Doesn't every one use a certain voice when they're talking to someone they like?" I throw my hands up bewildered. I have no fucking idea. "Well, I wasn't exactly convinced then. And I knew I should jut ask you, that's kind of rude. I figured if you wanted, you'd tell me."

"So you don't want to.. Like move out or something?" I asked meekly. "You're not uncomfortable?"

"No. Why would I be?" He asked, giving me a questioning look. I sighed and collapsed onto my bed.

"I don't know Hunk. I didn't think you weren't going to.. I don't know, not accept me but I was still really scared. You're the first person I've told so far and.."

"Woah, woah, woah." Hunk said, holding up his hands so I would pause. "I'm the first person you told?" He looked a little emotional. I blushed red.

"Yeah." I sigh. "I love my family but.. High school is tough man. I didn't want to come out then because it was scary. If word got out... Well, I was the class clown. If I suddenly became a laughing stock to the school." I shook my head. "I wouldn't be able to handle it." Hunk stood up, his eyes were watery.

"Stop it. You're gonna make me cry." I stood up with a laugh.

"Hey big guy! It's fine. I'm fine." He hugged me and I patted his back lightly as I laughed. I kind of expected me to be the one crying, trying to explain to Hunk that nothing had changed, that I wasn't in love with him. He was an attractive guy but I didn't see him like that.

"I'm so glad you told me!" He cried out, holding me at arms length. "Accept yourself Lance. We need to tell the whole damn world." I started to laugh, shaking my head at him.

"I don't think I'm ready for the whole world just yet. Maybe just my family." I shrugged. "Thanksgiving is coming up soon. Think that's a god enough time to let it slip that I put the Bi in bitter?" Hunk laughed.

"Maybe don't use analogies or puns. They might get confused." He said, clipping my shoulder before we sat back down on our respective beds. "Did you have something else to tell me? Aside from being bi of course because I kind of have a feeling there's more to this than just that."

"Man.. You are perceptive." I said with a grin. Hunk shrugged. "Well, you're right. I wanted to talk to you about this guy I met."

"Okay shoot. What's his name?" I immediately launched into a discussion about Jason.

"I met him over a month ago and yeah, I know, I should have told you sooner because now I have a lot to talk Bantu and I say too much to begin with so you better not ask any questions until I'm finished maybe."

"Noted, it's never good to interrupt you anyways. You always go off on a tangent." Hunk and I laughed.

"Well, Jason is this cute, almost Greek God type guy. I actually met him the night Pidge told us about her brother." Hunk nodded his head thoughtfully. "Anyways, I used a pickup line, got his number and we've been talking ever since. I've seen him a couple of times. We got coffee together once, met up for dinner twice now I think and we text each other consistently but I can't tell if he likes me as more than a friend. He's a junior, like Matt and Shiro. Maybe he thinks I'm too childish or something. I don't know how to convince him otherwise but that's kind of my dilemma. Should I ask him out or should I just wait for him to make a move?" I waited and Hunk seemed to be pausing too, to see if I had more to say. I gestured for him to talk.

"Okay, well have you ever gone out with a guy before?" He asked.


"We'll shoot, neither have I." I laughed as Hunk ran a hand through his dark hair. "I mean, you like him?" I nodded. "You think you want to be more than friends wit him?" I nodded again. "Then I say go for it. Just als him out. It's going to be scary regardless. Maybe he's scared too, you don't know."

"True but.. I've only ever gone out with girls before. What if I mess up?"

"Mess up how? It's a date Lance."

"A lot of things can go wrong on a date."

"True but, you won't know unless you ask him out." I sat for a minute, thinking about what he said.

"Or I could just wait and save myself the embarrassment. If he doesn't like me like that, I hope he would tell me." Despite being a guy, I didn't know how their minds really worked in relationships. I only knew how mine worked and I definitely wasn't your everyday average Joe.

"Well, I can't tell you what to do. You have to make up your mind." Hunk finished off as he began to rummage around in his backpack for some homework. "I'm sure you'll make good choices." I sigh.

"You must not know me very well Hunk. I never make good choices." The two of us laughed.

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