bonus: the past is the past

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Dedicated to @SamSnow16 !!! Thanks for reading ☺️💕

A/N: *Slight Trigger Warning* Lance and Aurora talk about suicide and self harm

Playlist: Million Reasons- Lady Gaga


When my cellphone rang, I picked it up immediately. "Aurora?" There was a laugh.

"Dude, did you check your Caller ID?" Matt asked. I sighed and flopped onto my back on my bed again. "Is she talking to you again? Last I heard from Pidge, she was still pissed."

"Jeremy said she would call me today and she hasn't done it yet."

"I'm sure she'll get around to it." I waited for him to keep talking, wondering what he called me for but when he didn't say anything, I reminded Matt that he called me. "Oh shit right. Shiro told me to call y'all to make sure if we were still on for this Friday?"

"Pizza night? Duh dude, I look forward to the third Friday of every month." The six of us had started having monthly pizza nights in Shiro and Matt's room. It was a way to get us all together to hang out and relax and just not think about school.

"Alright, see you and Hunk there then. Now I gotta call my gremlin of a sister." I laughed before saying goodbye and hanging up. I sighed before placing my phone on my stomach and staring at the ceiling of the room. I had talked to Jeremy over four hours ago. Had they been talking for that long? Did Aurora decide not to call me after all? Should I try calling her? No... She hasn't answered before now. I should just.. There was a knock at the door. Sighing, I stood up. If it was Hunk, he wouldn't have knocked. Pidge would have shouted at me through the wood so it was probably somebody that was lost or on the wrong floor and needed directions or something.

"I would have excepted more joy on your face upon opening the door." Comes a slightly sarcastic voice. I stare at Aurora and Jeremy in surprise.

"Aurora!" I shout. She's smiling, looking a little happier as she squeezes Jeremy's hand tightly. "And Jeremy. Hey, I-I can't.. Wow! I thought you would call." I exclaim, beginning to smile.

"I told her it was better you two talk in person." Jeremy leans in and kisses his girlfriends cheek and she gives him a worried glance as he begins to let go of her hand. "You." He says, poking me in the chest. "Be a gentleman, don't ask too many questions. Just let her tell you whatever the hell she wants and you, beautiful." Jeremy says to Aurora, kissing her forehead this time. "He's one of your best friends, don't freak out okay."

"Jeremy..." She murmurs, blushing a little.

"Everything's going to be fine. You can come over to my room after if you want okay?" Aurora smiles a little.

"Okay, I really miss Aaron." Jeremy scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure he'll be super happy to see you too." Jeremy touches her cheek lightly before shooting me another glare and walking down the hallway, towards the stairs. Aurora and I stare at each other for a couple of seconds.

"Aurora I.." I begin at the same time she says,

"Lance I.." the two of us laugh a little.

"Whose Aaron?" I ask, trying to get rid of some of the awkwardness.

"His roommate. They met when they were freshman, they were roommates back then too. He's really nice. Kind of reminds me of my younger brothers except.. Well, you know he's older." She says with a shrug. I nod my head. I think I'd heard Jeremy talk about his roommate before.

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