2.5: friends?

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Playlist: The Heart What's What It Wants -Selena Gomez


Keith was pissed off. But what was new? That boy always has a scowl on his face it seems. "Rough day dude?" Shiro asks him as Keith tosses his keys onto the kitchen counter angrily.

"Some idiot nearly ran me over right now! And that's on top of all the other bullshit I've gone through today."

"Ah poor baby. What's wrong?" I asked from my position on the couch. Keith flipped me off and I laughed a little as he began to rant to Shiro about the bad grade he got on a test, the girl in the cafeteria who spilled coffee down the front of his shirt and.... Jason. "Wait, you've been talking to that asshole?" I demanded, standing up to look at him.

"Lance." Hunk said softly to my right.

"Why? I told you to stay away from him." I continued, ignoring Hunk. Keith rolled his eyes at me.

"He didn't seem like a bad guy. I thought you were over exaggerating but he is sort of a dick and now that I want nothing to do with him... He's all over me."

"I told you dude. Jason's not a nice guy. He could just be trying to mess with you because he knows it'll piss me off." I said, moving closer to Shiro and Kieth.

"What like a guy can't like me on their own?" Shiro put his hand on his brothers arm, probably to stop him from getting in my face but Keith just shook him away.

"I didn't say that. I'm just saying Jason is using you, like he did me." Keith scoffed.

"Yeah, well maybe he just used you." What. The. Fuck. I know I didn't really give Keith any background on Jason and I, but he shouldn't have said something like that. Jason really messed with my head and I didn't want Keith to fall victim to him as well. I was just trying to look out for him.

"Hey fuck off Mullet. I was just trying to help."

"I don't need your fuckin help Lance. I didn't ask for it."

"Hey, stop it." Allura commanded as she rushed into the living room but Keith and I didn't pay attention to her or to any of our other friends as they asked us to calm down.

"Well then maybe you deserve to get your heart played with you dick."

"I'm a dick? You're one of the single most annoying people I've ever met Lance. You never know when to shut up or when to stop teasing me and it's aggravating. Why can't you just back the hell off of me and leave me the hell alone!"

"We're supposed to be friends Keith! Would it kill you to laugh at one of my stupid jokes?"

"Yes because they're always about my hair or the way I dress or do something. I already feel self-conscious enough as it is without your relentless fucking teasing! You are probably the biggest asshole I've ever met." I laughed sarcastically.

"Even above your Ex Mullet?" I asked.

"Yes! Even above him and I fuckin hate him!" My shoulders slumped a little as I stared at Keith's angry expression. I don't know why that sentence hit me so hard. I never thought Keith hated me but I guess it makes sense... And here I thought we were beginning to get along. "You're such an asshole Lance." There was so much venom behind his words that I cringed and took a step away from him.

"Okay." I said slowly, feeling everyone's eyes on us. "I uhhh.. Sorry. I should learn to just shut up." I glanced over at Hunk who was looking at me with concern and Pidge who was clinging to his arm, steps from jumping in between Keith and I. She probably thought we were going to get physical. I slowly glanced back at Keith who seemed completely surprised that I was backing down. "I'm just gonna.." I grabbed my jacket off the back of the couch and put it on.

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