0.2: orientation

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Playlist: Beside You - 5 Seconds of Summer


Hunk's alarm is what woke me up in the morning and I'm surprised that it did, not because I'm a heavy sleeper or anything but because I had set my own alarm to go off an hour earlier and it never did. I practically jumped out of bed the second I checked the time.

"What's the rush? Orientation doesn't start for another hour or so." Hunk said, rubbing at his eyes as he watched me run around the room.

"I have to look my best Hunk! There's gonna be a lot of really good looking college kids out there. I need to dress to impress." Hunk yawned and looked like he was about to keel back over and go to sleep.

"Yeah, yeah dress to impress." He flopped back down and closed his eyes while I headed for the shower. I had to look nice, smell nice and dress nice if I was going to capture anybody's heart. I had no doubt in my mind that I would find my soulmate here at Acadia and first impressions are really important.

I completed my morning routine in under thirty minutes, which is a record time for me and exited the bathroom just in time to see Hunk pull a shirt down over his broad chest. "Oh good, I thought I would have to wake you." I said, dropping all of my bathroom stuff down on my bed. Hunk turned a little red, he was adorable when he was embarrassed I realized.

"I like sleep. Sleep likes me but I know we have to go to this. It's mandatory."

"We could skip. What would they do? Track us down?" I joked. Hunk pursed his lips.

"Maybe." I snickered. "I think the mess hall is a bit of a walk from our dorm." Hunk commented. "We should leave now." I ran a hand through my hair with a smile.

"Relax Hunk. We have plenty of time."

"You were the one who was rushing earlier." He pointed out.

"True." I replied touching the side of my head and making sure that not a single hair was out of place. "But that was so I could get ready. Now we can relax." I said, pushing my arm out and around like I was brushing away his worries. "It's just orientation."

"Yeah well, I want to get a good seat, somewhere where I'll be able to hear and see people clearly and.." I cut him off before he could rattle on.

"No worries my friend!" I grabbed up my jacket, shrugging it on. "Let's get going."


Orientation was long, boring and kind of useless. Hunk and I stayed together through its entirety and the only thing that remotely entertained me throughout the entire process was scoping out the other incoming freshman and transfer students. There were so many gorgeous people that I became almost giddy with the thought that I could finally find someone that would become my whole world. I had dreamed about such a moment before but I'd never had such strong feelings for anyone before. I was almost worried that it might never happen.

Hunk was nervous about talking to people but I simply told him, "Let me do the talking. People love me!" Hunk didn't seem to believe me but I quickly showed him that I could charm just about anyone. Girls laughed at my cheesy pick up lines, some of them even decided to converse with us instead of simply dismissing me and it was fairly easy to talk to guys because I had grown up with older brothers so Hunk really didn't have anything to worry about.

I actually managed to get a girls number, I hadn't been able to do that in a while. She had short dark hair with faded blue dye clinging to her blonde ends. I think it was the hair that drew me to her. I've always liked the color blue. She was one of the girls that actually talked to me instead of thinking I was some big annoyance for flirting with her. My pickup line for her was supposed to go like,

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