3.8: the return

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Playlist: Reverse - SomeKindaWonderful


If it would get them to shut up about him... I was going to text Jason and ask him to meet. Just because I liked him last year doesn't mean a damn thing. I was over him. I hated him. I didn't ever want to see his face again. But Pidge was insistent. I had to talk to everyone I liked, everyone I flirted with. I had to figure out who was killing me.

Hey, it's Lance. Can we meet up Jason?

Giant Fucking Asshole
Sure.... But Why?

The water fountain outside the C dorms.
I'll see you in ten minutes.

Giant Fucking Asshole
Okay I guess... See you there

It was sixty degrees outside but I wasn't wearing a jacket. It was too fucking warm. This fever was only getting worse. No matter how much water I drank, or how many cold showers I took, my temperature held at 99 degrees. So far it was just uncomfortable. But Matt said if I continued to stay this warm it wouldn't be good. "Jesus Lance it's freezing out here. Shouldn't you have a jacket on?" I looked up as Jason walked towards me.

"I don't need a jacket." I said staring at him long and hard. He still had really nice hair. It looked even better than the last time I saw him I think. His skin was still flawless. He was still impossibly tall. Yeah, he was hot but I didn't like him. I wasn't in love with this dick. If he was the one killing me, I think I'd rather just die.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jason asked, arching an eyebrow at me.

"You don't like me right?" I asked, though I wasn't sure why. But there was no way in hell I was going to pull what I did with Aurora and ask him what he would do if I was in love it him. I didn't need to fuel his ego anymore than I was right now by meeting up with him at nine o'clock at night. Jason huffed, shrugging his shoulders.

"Why are we talking about this Lance. It was almost two years ago. I was surprised you still had my number."

"I just wanted to make sure if you ever texted me, I would know who the fuck you were and..." I stop and shake my head. I don't have to explain jackshit to him. "Just answer the question Jason. It's simple. You don't like me right?" He sighed.

"No. I don't Lance. What's this about?" Instead of answering, I started to cough into the crook of my arm. God please don't let another flower come up. Not right now. Not when I'm trying to get answers. "Are you okay Lance? You look sick." Jason asked, arching an eyebrow at me. He didn't look concerned though, just bored.

"I'm fine." I snapped at him, discreetly spitting flower petals into my hand and shoving them into my pocket. "That's all I wanted to ask. I just had to make sure of something." I started to walk away.

"Make sure of what Lance?" Jason demanded. "You're not still hung up on me are you?" I started to laugh which nearly made me choke on another flower.

"Of course!" I shouted. "Of course you're so arrogant that you would think that. No Jason. I fucking hate you but my friends seem to think that I'm not over you because..." I stopped. I didn't have to explain myself to this asshole. I didn't have to tell him anything. I couldn't tell him anything anyways. He'd think I was crazy. "Because nothing. It's not important and you wouldn't care anyways."

"It was obviously important enough if you came out here to talk to me!" Jason said to my back as I continued to walk away. "Are you dating Keith?" That question made me turn around to glare at him.

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