2.2: heartbreaker 101

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Playlist: Amnesia -5 Seconds of Summer


Keith was talking to Jason. Jason was talking to Keith. Keith was blushing. Jason had that signature smirk on his face that fooled me into thinking he was interested. There was no fucking way I was going to let Keith fall for him too.

"Hey, Keith! I've been looking everywhere for you!" I shouted, running up and throwing my arm around him. Keith jumped slightly at the sound of my voice and whipped his head around to look at me in surprise.

"You were?" He asked with genuine surprise. Wow, he hadn't shaken my arm off him yet. That must be a record.

"Yeah of course." I smiled at him brightly and Keith looked away, his cheeks still red with embarrassment. What the fuck was Jason saying to him? I turned towards the tall, tanned wonder slowly, making sure to glare. "Jason." I said disdainfully.

"Hey Lance. How've you been?" He asked nonchalantly.

"You two know each other?" Keith asked a bit nervously.

"Barely." I said before Jason could say otherwise. "Come on Keith. I want to show you something." I took my arm off his shoulders and grabbed his hand.

"H-Hey. Lance!" He stammered out as I dragged him away.

"See ya around Keith, Lance!" Jason called after us. I scowled and continued to pull Keith away until I was certain we were out of Jason's sight.

"What the hell was that for?" Keith demands, pulling his hand away from me and crossing his arms anxiously as he tried to act more angry than embarrassed. "I was talking to him." He grumbled.

"You were flirting with him Keith and trust me that's not good idea." I said sternly, looking off into the distance where I could still see Jason walking away. "Jason is bad fuckin news. He's not a good guy."

"I wasn't flirting with him." Keith muttered. "He walked up and started talking to me. What's so bad about him?"

"My friend talked to him for months, went on a date with him and he never called her back." Why was I lying? Why didn't I tell him I was talking about myself? Was it because I was embarrassed? Why didn't I just tell him I was bisexual? Maybe I was nervous. I don't know. I could tell him later. Keith's eyebrows raised a little.

"He's bisexual?" I nodded at least that was a true statement.

"My friend may have been talking to him for months but he had a boyfriend the entire time. Jason just tried to make him jealous by talking to other people. I guess their relationship is doing poorly again." I muttered. Which again, this was all true. I found this our from Tristen who had done some digging on Jason after learning he was the prick that broke my heart. Staring off into the distance, I could no longer see Jason but I could still feel his presence. "He's not a nice guy Keith. I can't tell you what to do but if I were you... I wouldn't go for a dick like that." I almost winced but managed to keep a stern expression on my face. Keith takes a deep breath and sighs heavily.

"No, I believe you Lance. Thanks for getting me out of that." He scratches the back of his head sheepishly. "I know you weren't at the table that night I mentioned my Ex so I'm assuming one of the others mentioned it." I shrugged.

"Hunk and Pidge commented on it like two weeks ago."

"I wasn't trying to hide it from you or anything if that's what you're thinking. You're just... Not that serious. We've never really talked before without you teasing me or making some dumb joke." I grin at his grumpy expression.

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