1.9: The infamous

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Playlist: Give Me Love -- Ed Sheeran


"I'm so excited Hunk! I didn't think I was going to be this excited but I am." Hunk smiled a little as he watched me get ready for dinner tonight. "Why are we going to such a fancy restaurant? Nothing special is really happening. I mean, this is the first time we'll all be together in a really long time but it's not that special."

"I feel like I'm forgetting something." Hunk murmured, staring at the ground.

"It'll come to you big guy." I encouraged. Hunk scratched his head as I continued to ramble on. "So how is everyone? Allura, Matt, Shiro?" They're the ones I hadn't seen in a while. Pidge and Hunk actually came down to see me at work one day just a week ago. I nearly cried when I laid eyes on them.

"Everyone's good. They're excited to finally graduate this year." I paused as I tugged at the hem of my shirt. I had completely forgotten that they were older than us.

"Oh, yeah. Right." My good mood lessened a little when I remembered that our three oldest friends would be leaving school and joining the work force soon. "Well, at least we all get to spend one more awesome year together. And since Matt, Allura and Shiro have that apartment, we can hang out more outside of school." Hunk smiled.

"Yeah it'll be really cool. Ready to go? Matt is texting me that we have to get our asses downstairs." I grabbed my black jacket off the chair and pulled it on.

"Hell yeah I'm ready and looking hot enough to steal Shiro right out of Allura's hands." Hunk started laughing as I fixed the collar of my button up. "Let's go!" Hunk and I headed downstairs, talking the entire time. We met Matt and Pidge out on the steps that lead to the dorms and they both smiled upon seeing us. Pidge was wearing a dress with sleeves that went to her elbows and sneakers. I laughed a little before hugging her. "Look at you, looking all cute in a dress." She punched my arm lightly.

"I told you I own them. I just don't wear them to school."

"Yeah, I'm kind of surprised. I half expected you to be wearing your green hoodie." Pidge stuck her tongue out at Hunk as we all began to walk to the car. Matt's hair had grown out, it was a little past his ears now and he looked pretty good in the white button up he was wearing.

"So, you guys excited to meet Shiro's brother?" Matt asked as he pulled out his car keys.

"We're what?" I questioned. Matt rolled his eyes and looked towards Hunk.

"You told him right?" Hunk scratched the back of his head thoughtfully.

"I knew I forgot something." Pidge laughed as Matt sighed.

"Keith is going to be at dinner with us. He's going to Acadia now and since he's Shiro's brother, you're going to be seeing a lot of him." I hadn't heard much about Keith, just that he was supposed to be really smart and at some military college.

"Oh cool. That's not a big deal." I said with a shrug. "So long as his brother isn't a dick." They laughed as we got into Matt's car.

"Keith is a lot like Shiro. Not easily amused.." Pidge began.

"Half Asian." Matt butted in. Pidge hit her brother from the passenger seat as he started up the car.

"But Keith is also, according to Shiro, a bit hot headed so try not to.. Tease him. We're all used to your jokes Lance but Keith isn't." I snorted.

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