bonus: denial

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Playlist: Fool' Gold - One Direction


I stared at Lance's serene features as he laid on his bed. He had just fallen asleep a couple of minutes ago. He doesn't get much sleep now-a-days because he's always waking up to have to cough up flowers. He probably thinks I didn't hear him cough up ond when he was in the shower. I feel so attuned to his cough now though, that he could probably be a mile away and I'd still be able to pinpoint his location just from hearing him cough.

Running my hands through my hair raggedly, I try to will myself to fall asleep as Lance has done but there's too many things running through my mind. This isn't working. The list isn't helping. I'm slowly beginning to realize that Lance isn't actually in love with anyone. I should know, I'm his goddamn roommate and not only that, I'm his best friend. He would tell me if he was in love with someone. He'd be shouting it from the rooftops and he definitely wouldn't keep it to himself if it was killing him. He's not that dumb.

So how is it that he's still dying?

I grab my phone off the dresser and pull up the web searches I've bookmarked. I read through at least one of them before I go to sleep every night. It doesn't necessarily make me feel better but it does make me sleepy. I rub at my tired eyes, beginning to reread the Wikipedia page on the Hanahaki Disease. Pidge and I have both tried relentlessly to find more lore on it but it's always the same thing.

Person A gets the Hanahaki Disease.

Person A tells Person B; the one they're in love with.

Person B doesn't love them back and Person A dies.
Person B does love them back and Person A is cured.

Cured how, I'm not sure because if it was just as simple as Person B admitting to Person A that they love them, then hell I was ready to grab every single person on that list and make them confess their love to Lance, just to see if something would happen. Maybe just hearing the confession is enough. Maybe Person B doesn't actually have to be in love with Lance. How is the stupid disease going to know the difference? I squeeze my eyes shut, and rub my temple. This disease isn't even supposed to be real so why is it messing up our lives?

My eyes snap open when Lance starts to cough. He merely turns over in his bed though and faces the wall. I hear him murmur something under his breath. I think it's Spanish but he's so quite I can't tell. He warned me when we first became roommates that he talks in his sleep sometimes. I told him I didn't care because I snored. Lance just laughed. "Oh please, that won't be a big deal. I slept in the same room with two brothers who snore like thunder. It'll be fine."

Lance doesn't smile like he did back then. I really do think that Jason messed with his head somehow. He got under his skin. I've never really liked people before or been in love but Lance falls hard and getting crushed by the first guy you go on a date with couldn't have felt nice. I knew I shouldn't have pushed him to go see Jason. I swear, if I ever see him for myself I'm going to punch him in the face. Not just for hurting Lance our freshman year but for hurting him tonight, making him cough up flowers. Jason can rot in hell for all I care.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
Hey, you still awake?

The Hunkster
Yeah, what's up?

PidgeyPoo 🐦
How's Lance doing? He texted me earlier saying to cross Jason off the list and then he didn't explain anything.

I sigh a little and give Pidge a summary of what happened. She had probably been doing homework when Lance texted her and then gotten too distracted to grill him properly about what happened. And Lance, being Lance, didn't explain himself probably because he just doesn't want to talk about it.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
He did not !!!

The Hunkster
Oh but he did. He threw the flowers in Jason's face.
I told him it was a bad idea, Jason could tell someone but Lance doesn't care.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
We have to figure out who he's in love with.

The Hunkster
The list isn't working Pidge.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
It has to Hunk! We don't have a Plan B!

The Hunkster
I know but it's getting us nowhere.

PidgeyPoo 🐦
Well what else should we do?

The Hunkster
I don't know if there is anything we can do.

Pidge and I said goodnight after that. We don't like discussing the Hanahaki Disease for too long because it stresses both of us out. I close out of the Wikipedia page and take a deep breath, finally feeling tired enough to fall asleep. I turn over, the same feeling of dread and hopelessness watching over me. I don't know what else to do. Lance isn't in love with anyone, that much I know, so why does he have the Hanahaki Disease?

Hey y'all! I don't know if anyone knows but I do write Klance one shots. It's all in a book called Shades on my profile. Also!!! I do have an About published for an Altean!Lance AU called Princely but idk if I'll follow through with that becauseeeeeee I HAVE A DIFFERENT IDEA FOR A GARRISON AU. Basically, if Voltron didn't exist and Zarkon never turned evil. I also have an entirely different College AU in mind for our Voltron Paladins that I kind of want to write.

Does any of this sound interesting for anyone?? All stories will be Klance btw and I just wanted to see if anyone would want to read any of those stories if I wrote them! Let me know 😊😊😊

Oh, and idk if anyones pieced it together yet but what does everyone think of the fact that Hunk thinks Lance isn't in love with someone??? 😏😏 *hint hint*

The Hanahaki Disease// Voltron AUWhere stories live. Discover now