2.6: gotta stay high

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Playlist: Half a Heart - One Direction


"Can we move the furniture around?" I called into the kitchen as Keith and I stood on opposite ends of the sofa. "You know how much Tristen likes to roll around on the ground when she's drunk." Allura and Shiro both laughed.

"Yeah, go ahead." Allura called out. "I don't want her hurting herself by running into anything." I motioned for Keith to help me and together we lifted the sofa and began moving it back up against the wall by the window instead of having it sit in the middle of the room.

"I've never really been to a party like this before." Keith remarks as we continue to move the coffee tables, and arm chairs to the back wall, clumping all of the furniture together. We're all going to be sleeping over here too so it's best if there's a lot of floor space.

"What do you mean? We literally had a party like this two weeks ago." Keith rolls his eyes.

"That was just us." He says, gesturing to us and then Shiro and Allura. "Not the seven of us and Tristen, Aurora, Jeremy, and Sarah. That's eleven people! That's so many." I laugh at him which only makes Keith pout.

"You never went to a high school party?" I ask him, assuming that the students at his military college didn't get lit on the weekends. Keith shakes his head no.

"I was never really invited." I laugh.

"Nobody's really invited Keith. You just show up if you know where it's at!" Keith shrugs as we finish moving furniture. The two of us drop down onto the couch together and he crosses his arms, thinking. "Hey man, it's okay. High school sucks ass anyways and so do their parties. Hanging out with your friends like this, it's more fun." Keith looks up at me with a smile.

"Yeah I can't wait for everyone else to get here." As soon as those words leave his mouth, there is an excessive amount of door belling and knocking coming from the front door. I grin as I hear Aurora and Tristen demand to be let in from the other side.

"Guess the fun starts now." I said, hitting Keith's shoulder lightly. He laughs as I move to open the door.


Two hours later, everyone is sitting in the living room getting drunk off their asses. "I can't believe we've never done this before!" Tristen shouted. "How dare y'all not invite us over sooner." She says accusingly, turning to Shiro and Allura. Both of them shrug, laughing as Tristen takes another shot of tequila.

"Hey, save some for everybody else." I say, taking the bottle from her before taking a drink from it. Tristen sticks her tongue out at me. "Hey Keith!" I call out to him. He's sitting next to Jeremy and Hunk, the three of them talking about something but he looks up when I call him. "Want some?" I ask jokingly, holding up the bottle. He flips me off. Hunk laughs and I hear Jeremy ask what's wrong with tequila but Keith just shakes his head.

"Wanna get high?" Aurora asks, plopping down next to me, a bag of edibles in her lap. "Jeremy doesn't want to tonight." She rolls her eyes a little.

"I'll get high with you." Matt offers.

"Nice." They fist bump and Matt grabs two sugar coated gummies from her bag. There has to be at least twenty in there. Aurora usually takes them when she's stressed out, which is often. Aurora turns back to me and shakes the bag. I laugh.

"Tempting but I'll pass. I think I'll just stick to alcohol this time around."

"Puh-lease." Sarah said, reaching into Aurora's bag. "We've been here two hours and you've barely had anything to drink McClain." She says accusingly.

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