1.3: white christmas

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Playlist: Stone Cold -- Demo Lovato


Finals were over, I was all packed up, and any minute now my parents would arrive to take me home. I had already said a slightly tearful goodbye to Matt and Pidge the day before. Matt had a car so they were leaving as soon as Pidge got out of her last final. Shiro was gone by then as well. He had to go pick up his brother from whatever military college he's at. And Hunk had just left a couple of hours ago so I was bored out of my mind and texting Aurora who was going to be stuck at Acadia over the weekend while she waited for her sister to finish up the work she had to do for campus job.

Sleeping Beauty
You suckkkkkk.
You could've stayed a day longer and hung out with me but noooooo

I know! I'm sorry.
I just really miss my family. ☹️

Sleeping Beauty
Ugh. Me too surprisingly.
I'll just be bored out of my mind here alone.

You'll have your sister!!

Sleeping Beauty

Yeahhhhh Sorry.

Sleeping Beauty
It's whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️

A knock at my door got my attention and I shot up, excited. I could hear familiar voices on the other side of it. When I threw open the door, my parents stood there and I was so happy, I could have cried. My mom did end up crying as I hugged her and I let her before we gathered up all my stuff and headed down to the car.

"We're so glad you're coming home son." My dad said, putting his hand on my shoulder as we finished loading my duffle stuff into the trunk.

"I'm glad too."


"Hey Connor!" I couldn't believe it, my old best friend. I hadn't seen him in over a year. I waved, quickly making my way towards him across the crowded mall, my brother in tow who started to complain immensely.

"You can talk to your friends later Lance." Dante said.

"I haven't seen them in forever. Connor! Austin!" He was with out other friends. All of them were here. Wow I couldn't believe it! It had been so long.

"Oh, hey Lance." Austin said. Connor turned to look at him and Austin dropped his smile. I couldn't see Connor's face but I could tell that something was wrong.

"Sorry were uh busy Lance. We can catch up later yeah?" Connor said before I could even ask how they were doing.

"But we haven't seen each other in over a year."

"Yeah, we know." Connor replied bluntly. I swallowed hard, trying not to look upset. I knew my friends cut me off but I never understood why. They never said anything. I never got an explanation.

"Well uhh can't we just talk, for a little bit." Austin opened his mouth but Connor quickly but in.

"Look, we have to go." Connor started to march away but I grabbed his arm. Connor and I have known each other since we were in third grade why was he acting like this?

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