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Playlist: Need You Now- Lady Antebellum


I woke up with a burning, itching feeling at the back of my throat. My throat felt incredibly dry, like I needed water. Groggily, I got up out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom, switching on the light before I started to cough, feeling like I was about to hack up a lung. Eventually, something did come up and out of my throat and I spit it out into the sink. I expected to see something gross. Maybe I was getting a little sick, but when I opened my eyes, I found something in the sink that I least expected.

Sitting in a small pool of blood was a purple flower petal. Mesmerized, I rubbed at my tired eyes but the petal remained in the sink. What? A flower petal? How could I cough up a flower petal? I didn't eat a flower... Right? What the hell was happening. I slowly reached down into the sink and picked it up. I rubbed the petal between my fingers. It felt smooth and velvety. It felt real.

But that's insane. This wasn't a flower petal. This wasn't real. Shaking my head, I threw the petal into the trash, washed the blood off the sink and then splashed some water on my face. I was dreaming. I had to be dreaming. I just had to go back to sleep. I stumbled back into my room and collapsed onto my bed. As I did though, I caught sight of my digital clock. It was 2:14. Hadn't I read somewhere that you supposedly can't tell time in dreams? The clock always changes? I close my eyes, squeeze them shut. When I open them though, the time remains at 2:14. This is not a dream.


"¡Feliz año nuevo!" My family shouted as the ball dropped in New York City and confetti rained down on the screen. I watched as my family members kissed their significant others. My younger cousins teasingly licked each other's face, making each other scream. People were throwing confetti and blowing on noise makers and it was making me laugh as everyone brought their champagne glasses, plastic cups, and ceramic mugs to their lips. We didn't have enough of the same cups to toast with but it didn't really matter, every cup was filled with either alcohol or apple cider. Everyone of age was slightly drunk  but, that's to be excepted. It is New Years after all. Jocelyne came over and kissed my cheek.

"Happy New Year baby brother." She told me. I nodded and finished off my apple cider as Felix and Sergio came my way.

"Hey little bro!" They shouted in unison.

"Don't tell Mom." Felix said with a grin and a wink, switching out my plastic cup for another one. I could smell the alcohol in it and grinned.

"Tell Mom what?" Sergio clapped me on the back and I laughed, watching my twin brothers push off into the crowd to get to our nephews and nieces. I felt someone put their arm around me.

"Hey Lancey how are you?" A drunk Dante asks. I shake him off and he laughs. "Ah don't be like that. It's New Years! I bet you wish you were with your boyfriend Keithhhh." He slurs out. I snort.

"Keith's not my boyfriend."

"Then why do you talk about him so fondly." He's grinning like mad and I punched him in the shoulder.

"I don't talk about him fondly." I argue but now I feel like I've been caught. I wanted to FaceTime my friends again, like I did on Christmas, and Keith was first on my list. "You're drunk."

"Maybe!" He shouts. "But you're the one in loooove." He shoves my shoulder lightly and I roll my eyes as he walks away. I don't know what he's talking about. I chug the alcohol down. It's not that much. Sergio and Felix weren't feeling that generous but after not eating for a while, the alcohol went straight to my head and bladder. After kissing the cheeks of a few of my cousins and my mom and dad, I head to my room to call my friends. I need to call Keith first though before I loose my nerve.

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